

Riya got a case and she started working on it though the client was a man.Sheworedharderand got ready to go court and face the judge on her clients behalf.

The morning of the case to be heard in court arrived, she got ready.

Fabio....Are you still pushing through with this?

Riya....Honey, we've talked about this for a whole week now.So am not supposed to defend him just because his a man? Just because you said so?

Fabio....No need to fight over this becausei already told Anne to take over your case, your free from that man.

Riya....What?? What did you just say?

Fabio....Dont even bother going there because am sure Anne is handling everything right.

Riya....Areyou fuckin serious Fabio? You gave away my case that i worked hard to get?

Fabio....You dont get it, do you? You vowed to be my wife, so, you will do as i say.

Riya....You know what, fuck you!

She went outside angrily and drove her car away, she almost ran over another car since she was overspeeding.

Riya....Oh my goddd....what do i do? Should...i run away? No, i should go and see if they are fine.

She got out from her car to check on the person in the car she almost hit.

Riya....Helo...are you fine? Am sorry...

The man got out from the car, it was Dano.

Riya....Am really sorry sir.

Dano....its you again, clumsy woman.

Riya....Clumsy?? Do you know me?

Dano....So easily forgot about me, that day at the restaurant? My shirt.

Riya....Ooohh....so its you agin, am really sorry.Are you fine?

Dano....I should be the one asking you that because your head is bleeding.


She fainted after seeing her blood.She woke up in a hospital laying in a hospital bed with Dano besides her in a doctor's uniform.

Dano....Hi there! Feeling better?

Riya....You brought me here? But...wait...are you a doctor?

Dano....Iam a doctor.

Riya....Sorry for causing you all this mess everytime we meet, am Riya by the way.

Dano....I know, Riya the lawyer.


Fabio....Get up, we are leaving now.

Fabio arrived out of the blue and pulled Riya out of bed.

Riya....Fabio?? How did you...

Dano....Excuse me but she is still not well.

Fabio....Dude, you should mind your own business and stay away from my wife.

Riya....Fabio?? Enough already! Your causing a scene, he just helped me.

Fabio....I dont care, lets go now.

He dragged her outside by force and drove herhome quietly, they arrived home and he pulled her hand inside the house.

Riya....Let go of my hand, your hurting me.

Fabio....What did i tell you, huh? Didnt i tell you to sty away from all men?

Riya....You cant control my life by following my every move.

Fabio....Guess what, i can track your phone and find you wherever you are.

Riya....What? Why...did you do that?

Fabio....Because your life is all mine.

Riya....Are you crazy? Am not sleeping in this house with you.

As she was walking away from him, he grabbed her hair.

Fabio....Where do you think your going? Your going nowhere.

Riya....Your hurting me.

He let go of her and he slapped her hard in the face, she stood up to run and he caught her hand, he started beating her mercilessly.

Her wound on the head strted bleeding again and she fainted.Fabio carried her to their bed and bought a first aid kit, he treated her head and the bruises he gave her.

In the morning, Riya gained consciousness, Fabio had prepared for her breakfast in bed.

Fabio....Good morning angel.

Riya....Stay away from me you monster.

Fabio....Am sorry honey, am just insecure and its all because i love you Riya.

Riya....This is not love, its brutality.

Fabio....Am really sorry honey, i was out of control and i hurt you but please forgive me.


Fabio....if you dont forgive me, i will take my life.

Riya....I dont care....

Fbio stood up and left, Riya went after him, he went and stood in the middle of a highway road.Riya was shocked, she ran and pulled him away.

Riya....Are you crazy?

Fabio....Riya, i cant live without you.

Riya....But...you hurt me.

Fabio....It wont happen again, i promise.All i need is your love.

Riya....Fine, but it will all depend on your ways.

Fabio....I promise to change, just please dont leave me.

They reconciled and she easily forgave him because she sincerely loved him.It was two months already but Riya got a male client again.

Riya....We are not going to fight over this again.

Fabio....Ofcourse not, but lets have dinner at home together.

Riya....Someone is gonna cook tonight, huh?

Fabio....We shall find out about that.

He left her office but forgot his phone on her table, he recieved a text.

Riya....Oh, he left his phone here.Wait...what?? "Hi babe, lets meet again at the club.I miss you so much that it driving me crazy."

She read the text, tears started flowing from her eyes.

Riya....He is cheating on me after putting me through hell? That monster...i cant endure this shit anymore...its tiring yet i love him this much.

She didnt tell him anything and they went home after work.

Fabio....Guess am the chef for tonight.

Riya....Who is Chloe?

Fabio....Chloe? Did you go through my phone?

Riya....I did, youve been having an affair with that woman yet i was busy dedicating my life to you, cheater!

Fabio....What did you expect me to do after seeing you flirting with those male clients.

Riya....Thats bullshit! It has nothing to do with me, stop pinning the blame on me.

Fabio....Dont think about leaving me.

Riya....Am not thinking about it, am doing it right now.

Fabio....Your going nowhere Riya.

He held hot pan and hit her on the head as she was walking away, she fell down unconsciously.