

Oprah....Hahaha...so serious, huh? Lets wait and see how you will male it to that birthday party. 

Riya....Now get out.

Oprah left, Riya wore the dress Fabio bought for her and looked at herself in the mirror.

Riya.....Its gorgeous, i wish i can try this on my real body.He will be disappointed to make a birthday without its owner, what a pity! I really love him seriously and i wont give up on him.

On saturday, Riya started cleaning the house as she was told and finished before evening.

Riya.....Mum, can i go now?

Mum.....No Oprah, your still serving your punishment so your grounded.

Riya....But...someone is waiting for me.

As she was still telling her, Oprah came out in a dress Fabio for her.

Oprah.....How do i look mum?

Mum.....Oh dear, you look pretty.Who got you that nice dress?

Riya.....Take it off right now!

Oprah....But its mine, my boyfriend got it for me.

Mum.....Are guys going somewhere?

Oprah....Yes mum, am going to meet him at a birthday party.

Mum....Ohhh...i almost forgot that its your birthday today Oprah.

Oprah....I will let you celebrate it together, someone is waiting for me.

Riya.....Stop right there and take off my dress, he gave it to me, not you.

Oprah.....You know very well that it was meant for me because the real one here.

She went outside and Riya started crying.Oprah found a car parked outside, a pretty girl camw out from it.

Oprah.....How may i help you?

Claire.....Hi, am Claire and am here for Oprah.

Oprah....And who may you be?

Claire....Can i go and see her? Excuse me.

She walked past her and went to the door, she knocked.

Mum.....Oprah, come annd see who it is.It might be the deliveryman with your cake.

She went and opened the door.

Riya....Hi, how may i help you?

Claire....Oprah, its a pleasure to meet you in person.

Riya....Do you know me? Come inside first.


Mum.....Who is she?

Riya....She is my friend, excuse us.

They sat down to talk.

Claire....Sorry that Fabio didnt tell you about me, but am his sister, Claire.

Riya....His sister? Oh, am happy to meet you Claire.

Claire....The pleasure is mine, your pretty though.Did you cry?

Riya.....No..yes...i usually cry on my birthdays.

Claire....Thats sweet, anyway, he sent me here to get you because his busy with your event.

Riya....So, things are this serious?

Claire....Ofcourse! When my brother is serious about something, he can do whatever it takes to keep it.

Riya.....But...the dress he bought for me is...damaged somehow.

Claire.....Dont worry, i have an extra dress in my car, its a girl thing, you know.

Riya....Hahaha...thanks and sorry to bother you.

Claire....Its all good, if you make him happy, then i will make you happy too.

She gave her her dress and she wore it.

Mum....Oprah, where are you going? 

Riya....Claire here, she is taking me out to celebrate my birthday together.

Mum.....But your grounded, remember? I've even ordered a cake for you.

Claire.....Sorry to interrupt, but she will be back home safely, excuse us ma'am.

They walked away.Oprah arrived at the party and Fabio saw her, he was shocked and he approached.

Oprah.....Hi Fabio.

Fabio.....Hi Riya.Did Oprah give you that dresz?

Riya.....I did, my sister tends to be desparate when she wants something, so i let her wear it instead.

Riya and Claire arrived, Oprah wasnt expecting her to show up.


Fabio....Excuse me.

Fabio walked away.

Claire.....Here we go, his now mad.

Riya.....Mad? Why?

Claire....He doesnt like it when you give away something he gave you.


Claire....Go and talk to him, i will show you his bedroom.

She went in his room.

Riya....May i come in?

Fabio....Your already inside.

Riya....Am really sorry Fabio, i didnt mean to hurt you.

Fabio....But i wanted to see you shine in that dress.

Riya.....Am sorry, i didnt take it as nothing to give it away, am sorry.

Fabio....Just like that?


He stood up and kissed her.

Fabio.....Your clueless, arent you?

Riya....I guess so.So, are we good now?

Fabio.....Its your birthday and i dont want us to fight because i love you this much Oprah.

Riya....I ...love you too Fabio.

They kissed again and went to the party, students started arriving and the party begun.Fabio went up on stage and held the microphone.

Fabio.....May i have your attention guys? Thank you all for coming to celebrate my girlfriend's birthday together.Allow me to show off my present infront of everyone.

Claire went to Riya and covered her eyes with a cloth, she took it off after.Riya's eyes widen on what she saw, it was a brand new latest car model.



Everyone was shocked, they all pulled out there phones and satrted taking pictures and recordings.Riya hugged Fabio and they kissed.As for Oprah, she left immediately and went home crying.

She went to the bathroom crying bitterly, only to see the ring she flushed on the toilet sit.