
Revolutionizing a new world

Thank you for reading! this book has finally taken off and we’re officially releasing actual chapters now! this fanfic will be about our MC, who will be thrown into a world, with simply one goal. improving his and his people’s life style and possibly even conquering the stars, ah and of course we can’t forget video games. how can you conquer universes without Fallout? enjoy reading dear readers, your feedback will be greatly appreciated alongside the occasional stone.

MeepsNewGroove · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: New base and Bricks!

After waking up due to the suns beaming lights leaking through the trees canopy.

A sudden hiss interrupts my drowsiness as a snake whizzes past my head, narrowly missing me. With a muttered curse, I grab my bolt and swiftly slice upwards towards the creature, cutting clean through its upper body.

"Well, shit. What a wonderful morning," I groan, collecting my belongings and the carved sticks into my inventory.

Slowly descending from my rather luxurious tree, a loud grumble from my stomach reminds me of my hunger. "I guess it's time to start cooking," I mutter, gathering dry wood and leaves from nearby.

Forming a campfire with the gathered materials, I set up a makeshift roaster above it, hoping it will do the job.

Venturing towards the riverside in search of fools gold to aid in starting the fire, I collect a handful of pieces before returning to my camp.

Striking the flint and fools gold together near the kindling, sparks slowly appear, eventually igniting the fire. Blowing gently to keep it burning, I watch as the flames grow.

Deciding to test if I can store the lit campfire in my inventory, I summon it back into its original spot, fire still blazing. "Haha! It works!" I exclaim in excitement.

Fueled by curiosity, I attempt to will only the hide of my recent prey into my hands, successfully obtaining two medium-sized pieces alongside a smaller one. Continuing my dissection, I separate the meat from the skeleton, successfully storing it in my inventory before cooking three large pieces over the fire.

Realizing my meal will take a while to cook, I head back to the riverside in search of clay. Scooping up some clay, I store it in my inventory, accumulating an impressive amount of [2,937 Clay].

Heading back to my campfire, I notice a few critters attempting to snack on my meal. With careful steps, I approach another boar sniffing around my campsite, killing it swiftly with my atlatl and bolt.

"Meat's back on the menu, boy," I say with a smirk, storing the boar in my inventory.

As my meal cooks, I decide to check my skill tab.



[Time- 10:39]

[Owner](MC name)

[SC] 230

Body - [ Level 1]

-Capable of lifting 140lb in one hand with ease

- Speed of 19mph/30kph

- Enhanced endurance giving the user the ability to prefer strainous task for longer than usual

- ????


Mind - [ Level 1]

- 1.1x Thinking power of the average human

- 1.2x processing power of the average human

- Enhanced memory

- ?????

- ?????




[Time- 6:39:00]

[Owner](MC name)

[SC] 230

Skill List

- Gatherer [3]

0.2% gathering speed per level

0.6% Gathering amount per 2 level

- Azetec Throwing [2]

• When using Azetec weaponry

damage and attack speed


• 0.2% attack speed when using

Azetec weaponry per level

• +5 meter throw range each level


[ Titles]


[Proficient hunter]

• Passive sense of tracking.

•increased animal handling.

• Better understanding of weaponry usage while hunting.

• Increased proficiency in trap building."


What a rather unexpected haul…

Welp, time to eat..

57 minute timeskip

Finally..after killing the 5th curious little snake, the foods finally ready to be ready enough for consumption..

After a rather relaxing few moments of eating and drinking river water. I decide to continue in search of a cave.

'Let's hope I'm not the first homeless isekai victim.', I mutter.


Thank you for reading the chapter 🙇‍♂️

MC will be able to obtain skills through certain task, kind of like the Gamer system, but not exactly like it. MC wont suddenly gain the ability to breathe atomic beams from his mouth simply be being exposed to radiation.

And nor will he gain skills simply by pooping and breathing.

It'll take "certain" things to gain the skills and certain actions. Like how he gained the gathering skill by gathering needed materials.

Azetec throwing skill by the usage of his atlatl and successfully hitting a perceived target.

I've also decided to include the usage of titles, since I have plans for certain titles to have…a rather key feature in mcs future development.

Also would you guys like a timeskip to where MC has a already built base with the standard equipment, housing, and inventions and resources?

Or do you guys like how the story is?

Also to shed further light on how SC is gained, MC gained 50 SC from the killing of the adult boars, 10 SC from the baby, and 70 from the snakes.

So that means MC currently has exactly 580 SC.

And yes, MC will be able to gain SC from gathering/selling resources, but I've decided to lock that function behind a title since I don't exactly want him selling entire forests for 100s of thousands of SC at the start.

Thank you for enjoying and reading the chapter 🙇‍♂️

Feedback is highly appreciated as well. Have a good day!