
Revolutionizing a new world

Thank you for reading! this book has finally taken off and we’re officially releasing actual chapters now! this fanfic will be about our MC, who will be thrown into a world, with simply one goal. improving his and his people’s life style and possibly even conquering the stars, ah and of course we can’t forget video games. how can you conquer universes without Fallout? enjoy reading dear readers, your feedback will be greatly appreciated alongside the occasional stone.

MeepsNewGroove · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: Huh, what a boar

After looking through my system tabs, a notification appeared saying:


[Starter Quest complete]

One-Time Quest-

Objective: Explore the system functions


Reward: [Starter Package], Stone tipped weapon of your choice, Stone Age Knowledge package.


Due to the system's wish to prevent the host from perishing, it has generated a one-time quest.

Enjoy, host, and may your adventures be boundless.


After immediately claiming my rewards, a sudden influx of various designs and their functions appeared in my mind. Things such as how to make fire, hide tanning and its usage in building shelters and clothing, domesticating animals, fishing techniques, nets, and hooks flooded my thoughts. But what seemed to truly pique my interest was the atlatl—a device used to increase the velocity and distance of spear throws, something that would be invaluable in case of an emergency.

Before I could further delve into the various building techniques and weapons available, I felt a barely noticeable bump. Instinctively, my body reacted faster than my mind could comprehend. With lightning-fast speed and surprising strength, I kicked whoever or whatever it was that bumped into me.

The loud crack of bones shattering sounded like thousands of sticks being crushed. After walking forward towards what seemed to be the remains of a boar, I paused before returning to my system to claim my random weapon.


[Starter Quest complete]

One-Time Quest-

Objective: Explore the system functions


Reward: [Starter Package], S̶t̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶t̶i̶p̶p̶e̶d̶ ̶w̶e̶a̶p̶o̶n̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶c̶h̶o̶i̶c̶e̶, S̶t̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶A̶g̶e̶ ̶K̶n̶o̶w̶l̶e̶d̶g̶e̶ ̶p̶a̶c̶k̶a̶g̶e̶.


Before my given knowledge of the Stone Age, my first choice would've been a Stone tipped spear, but now I've decided to pick the Atlatl Dart. It could be used as a projectile or simply as a makeshift spear, and considering my strength, I'm sure I could possibly even take down a dragon with extra training.

With my new weapon in hand, I approach the mess of an animal that somehow seems to still be breathing. The urge to clean and tan its hide due to sheer curiosity was too high, yet before I could, a deep growl mixed with a grunt was heard.

Out of the clearing comes three fully grown boars and two young ones hiding behind a few trees.

"Seems today will be the day I get clothes," I think to myself, looking down at my bare body.

As the largest boar and the bot next to it roars once again and rushes me I get into a cowering position as they both seem to be getting closer and closer to its prey that seems to be scared.

As they both get ready to head butt me, I take two darts from my inventory into each hand and feel a bone rattling force as both darts impale both boars, directly to their brain, leaving them sprawling the floor.

'I'd put them out of their misery, but I have 1 other boar to take care of.' I think looking from my prey to the one boar standing their.

I ready my Atatl with a dart as I am at the boar, sensing it's imminent death it turns around and try's to run off, and yet before it could get two trees away.

The dart shoots, with seemingly supersonic speed as it impales the boar from the back all the way to the front.

Hearing the scattering of the leaves due to the last two baby boars, I decide to let them go. Hopefully they run back to sounder…then I can put my tracking skills to use.

Collecting the 3 corpses, hoping to salvage whatever I can from the first corpse. I start to explore in hopes of finding a River and maybe a cave.

60 minute timeskip..

After jogging through this dense forest and stepping on the occasional rock or stick, I've finally found it, a lake seemingly big enough to be considered it's own mini ocean.

Not knowing the possible dangers lurking in this lake, I simply note this river down in my mind mentally in case I ever need to come back. And follow up stream in hood of finding either a cave of sort.

Trailing alongside the River, staying close to the forest line I couldn't help but notice the beauty of such a place untouched by man's technology…knowing eventually I'll introduce such nature destroying inventions..


'Maybe I can cut out a largest section of this forest to preserve one I get the technology for it." I think with a slight amused smirk.

Collecting the occasional flint rock, flat rock, and drywood that'd make good usage and storing them in my inventory.

I hear a rustle of leaves to my left and immediately ready my Atatl and dart..only for what seemed to be a tortoise? To pop out, yet it size doesn't match..it's atleast up to my hip.

As the tortoise seemingly ignores me all together and heads to the river for a drink, I think to myself 'it's shell would make a good pot..'

47 minute timeskip

Seems like my search for a cave has yielded zero results. It appears my protagonist luck isn't at its highest...

Acknowledging that my needing for a cave won't progress today, I shift my focus to gathering sticks and finding a suitable tree high enough for my temporary shelter.

Carving with my dart into the ends of each stick I pick up, I slowly accumulate a stockpile.

After carving a decent amount, I set out to find a tree large enough with enough branches for my needs.

After a few minutes of searching, I find the perfect tree. Scaling it carefully, I locate a group of sturdy branches close enough together. Slowly, I place the carved sticks in a puzzle-like arrangement, ensuring their stability.

Hopefully, it won't rain today...

Nestling into my makeshift bird's nest, weapon at the ready, I decide to check my system.



[Time- 10:39]

[Owner](MC name)

[SC] 110

Body - [ Level 1]

-Capable of lifting 140lb in one hand with ease

- Speed of 19mph/30kph

- Enhanced endurance giving the user the ability to prefer strainous task for longer than usual

- ????


Mind - [ Level 1]

- 1.1x Thinking power of the average human

- 1.2x processing power of the average human

- Enhanced memory

- ?????

- ?????


Seems like I've earned some SC, presumably from my successful hunt of those boars. I'll need to conduct further experiments to determine exactly how much each boar contributes and whether certain factors influence my rate of earning SC.

These issues can wait for tomorrow, I'll check the shop out as well.


1,08k words

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, and feedback would be loved alongside stones 🙇‍♂️ have a good day dear readers