
All in One

I was always a light sleeper, even a little sound out of place and I would wake up, that made me kinda a party pooper in parties as no one could play pranks on me because as soon they got close to me I would wake up, my mother would tell me that I even sleep with opened eyes and I joked back that this is because I could see if assassins are coming to kill me. It seems that this habit followed me even here as I woke up from the door opening and servants one after another rushed in with Aldric at the front who was dressed in his black uniform.

''Good morning, Your Royal Highnesses, His Majesty the King is waiting for you at the breakfast table.''

The one who said was the ever-vigilant butler Aldric his grey hair was neatly combed back and with a smile, he bowed greeting me.

''Good morning.''

I said to him as I stretched lightly and got out of the bed with servants immediately swarming around me helping me change into something more presentable before meeting the king.

With all the commotion happening Marie awoken too, her once beautiful hair was now a disheveled mess, she now looked like the famous Albert Einstein.

''Good Morning, Marie''

I said to her.


She replied with a still sleeping voice as she yawned and lazily got up and let the servants to do their thing, she didn't even bother to move and by the looks of it nearly fallen to sleep again while standing.

Well, I can safely say that she wasn't a morning person, but that sleepy look looks really cute on her!

Soon the servants were done dressing me up and one of them brought a mirror, satisfied with my appearance we waited for Marie as she had to have her hair combed, makeup applied, and corset with clothes put on.

Finally, ready Aldric escorted us to the dining room.

Soon we at the double brown wooden door with two Swiss mercenaries (Swiss Guard) standing guard on both sides of the door.

''Before we enter, your royal highnesses I would ask you to keep quiet.''

Aldric said and confused I asked him why in which he answered with a simple word.


Ahh, the bane of all after party days… I see they went all-in on celebrating MY wedding, it's not like I'm mad, it's not like I enjoyed a drink in my time, well whatever let's just stop with the fake tsundere act and go in see what the Kings wants, eat and leave as I have an appointment with Duc de La Vauguyon later and we will have a council meeting after that around 11 pm and for the first time I'm invited as I officially entered adulthood.

So with the red coats of the Swiss mercenaries quietly and gently opening the door, we went in the room and I could already see my siblings eating and the King in his red robes sitting at the table seemingly playing with the soup he got under him.

Let me tell you, he got it bad… He is totally wasted and I could see it by the way he looks with heavy bags under his eyes, his eyes are a bit red and he slightly(really) smells(stinks) of alcohol let's not forget that he is just drawing circles with his spoon in the soup and he has one of his arms on the table as he uses it for support, which is clear disregard to the table rules and manners, my teacher Duc de La Vauguyon would be disappointed and even mad at this sight if it was me I would be already shouted it and my entire hand would be slapped off the table.

''Your Majesty''

I and Marie greeted the King and he just nodded without saying much and so we went to sit next to my 4 siblings.

''Good morning, please meet Marie, my wife. Marie these are my brothers Charles, Louis, and my sisters Marie Clotilde, and Elisabeth.''

''Hello, I'm Louis''

''Glad to make your acquaintances"

Well as always Louis my younger brother was cheerful and carefree while Charles was too serious.

''Nice to meet you.''

''H-Hi, are you really are our new sister?''

Marie Clotilde simply answered while Elisabeth was being her cute shy self.

��'I'm glad to meet you and yes from now on I will be your sister.''

My wife said with a beautiful smile of her own.

Then the servants brought us some soup and bread and we began to eat…well that would be ideal, but so it happens that my siblings started questioning Marie about everything. How is Austria? Does she have brothers or sisters? What's her favored color and such, well let them enjoy while they're still children because later they will enter politics and there won't be any time enjoying childhood, there will only be bootlickers, snakes, and intrigue.

So I and Marie changed places so she could sit closer to the siblings of mine, while the King asked, well more like demanded to keep quiet.

"By the way, did you consume your marriage?"

The King asked while glancing at me still playing with his soup.

''Of course"

I answered him with the same face, while I could feel Marie slightly tense up at the question, but by the looks, the king didn't see or just thought that she is a bit shy.

The King then glanced at the servant and he nodded confirming my words.

''Good, but you now one time wouldn't be enough, so get to it and produce an heir, we could downplay it for a max 2 years by some lies and cover-ups, but after that, there will be a large scandal you understand?"

The King said sternly. I could see my siblings shifting uncomfortably, probably that they already know that their fate is the same, to produce an heir.

"I understand."

Maybe I made a mistake by not doing the deed yesterday, I feel like I have too many attachments to my previous life and I'm reluctant to throw or change them because they are what make me…well me, and I definitely don't feel bad about what I did because for me it was wrong and what I did was right. But now I understand that I will need to adapt and change my way of thinking because I don't know if I can return back to my times or not and I definitely don't want to end up like the original Louis XVI with his head severed from his body.

I glanced at Marie as she just sits there with her head down, it wasn't her fault that she is here, she is here because of the ambitions of others, we are just pawns in this game of nations, but in the future, I will become a king and she a queen, so I have 2 years to fall in love with her and make her fall for me, even if nothing works out I will just be a good husband to her.

There were a lot of theories why Louis and Marie took 7 years to produce a child. One of the theories suggests that Louis suffered from phimosis, which I can say it isn't true because I'm him now and little Louis is perfectly functional, another was Louis and Marie just weren't interested in bedly (A/N: Is that even a word?) manners, as stated by Joshep II Holy Roman Emperor and Marie Antoinette's older brother in one of his letters to one of his brothers where he described the couple as "complete fumblers", you can say that Marie got pregnant only because Joseph intertwined between them and gave both of them some advice.

In those 7 years that Marie and Louis failed to produce a child placed a strain on their marriage, as they fell in the eyes of the public and they were exacerbated by the publications of obscene pamphlets mocking their infertility. People have begun to question, "Can the King do it? Can't the King do it?"

So 2 years, 2 years, and no more, I definitely don't want to suffer from the repercussion of any sort and I need to show that I'm a capable ruler in every turn I have.

After all, the golden sun era of France ended with the life of the Sun King (Louis XIV) and France need a strong ruler who will guide her through these ever-darkening times. I need to be that King! But as the people say everything has to start somewhere and my job as a future King is to have an exemplary family life as it shows my duty to my family and my country by giving them a future in the shape of my child as he will be the next ruler after me.

Then I talked a bit with my siblings and Marie as the King was first to get up from the table and reminding me that at 11 pm my presence is required at the King's chamber as the council will be held there.

Then I stood up said my goodbyes and left.

I calmly walked in the halls of Versailles Palace, paintings, sculptures, flowers; everything was neatly arranged in the corridors as servants went by, cleaning the rooms or doing their other tasks, while Swiss Guard groups monitored the halls.

I gently then knocked on one of the doors and it was opened by my teacher Duc de La Vauguyon.

He was currently dressed in a light blue full-skirted knee-length coat, knee breeches, and waistcoat with sleeves, while his stockings were white paired with black shoes.

''Come in"

He said and went to his desk at the end of the room and I followed him in the room while closing the door behind me.

Both of us sat down while he looked at me.

''Congratulations, Your Royal Highness on your marriage."

''Thank you, your Grace���

He nodded satisfied, after all, proper greetings are important in feudal society, as it can cause some grievous offense if you call for example an Emperor, your grace instead of your Imperial Majesty, or even a duke calling him sir instead of your grace.

"You will attend your first meeting today, right?"

I nodded and he shifted in his chair.

''Good then let's start the lesson on how you should behave and how everything works."

Then he explained that there are councils that the king is ever-present (The king's council), those are:

Conseil d'en haut (High Council) that discussed all the important matters of national and foreign policy and met at least three times a week.

Conseil des dépêches (Dispatch Council) this was a council of high-level administration that met every two weeks.

Conseil de Conscience (The Council of Conscience) this council was in charge of the distribution of ecclesiastical funding. The meetings were not open to the Court, only to the king and a few trusted persons in key positions.

Conseil royal des finances (Royal Council of Finances) it met twice a week and the main topic was finances.

They're other councils, but King almost never was present in them as they were unnecessary or unimportant, like Privy Council. Louis XIV came occasionally at the start of this reign, but Louis XV only attended two meetings (in 1762 and 1766). The king's empty armchair symbolized his presence. The council was presided by the chancellor seated to the right of the royal chair.

The Council was used to be open for membership to its meetings. In 1661 Louis XIV reorganized the council and henceforth, no one, not even the crown prince (currently me the dauphin) could attend the meetings without invitation, and attendance to the council meetings was given on a per-meeting basis with members needing to be reinvited to attend any subsequent meetings. The most frequent members of the council were the secretaries of state.

Almost every council met in the King's Apartment, in a room called The Council Room (such originality), and at the beginning of the session, the doors of the cabinet were closed and were guarded from outside, to prevent any interruptions or spies, as the meetings were secret. The meetings took place around an oval table with the king at one end, seated in an armchair; all other members were seated on folding stools, these folding chairs were symbolic of the council's itinerant nature, as the council was held to follow the king wherever he went. The king opened sessions by raising questions or by giving the floor to one of the members. Each member added to the discussion in the ascending order of their rank. Discussions concluded with a vote of the council's opinion, in the end, the king made the final decision.

Apparently, Louis XIV (The Sun King) only went against the advice from his council six times. At the meeting he spoke little, listened closely, and always made the final decision, he rarely even interrupted the meetings and is a sharp contrast to the current king Louis XV who frequently interrupted discussion when it seemed to be going in a direction he disagreed with, rather than choose to go against the final opinion of the council. Usually, the meeting went on for about two hours but could be shorter or longer depending on the situation.

I will attend the High Council meeting and will be sited at right from the king in an armchair, but smaller and not so decorated to mark my position as the future ruler and that I still don't have so much sway at the councils.

Duc de La Vauguyon advised me to be silent and don't say anything at the meeting just to observe and learn how everything goes, especially observe the Triumvirate (consisting of Rene de Maupeou, Abbot Terray, and Duc d'Aiguillon) as they hold the most power in France after the King.

''Well that concludes our last lesson, just remember the proper etiquette and not anyone deceives you and be open-minded and patient, always follow good counsels. Remember that only small minds want to always be right.''

Duc de La Vauguyon finished and I was about to thank him my mind caught up.

"Last lesson?''

I asked him if this is true then that is bad.

I'm definitely not ready yet to walk on my own, this life is different from my original one, so having a teacher like Duc de La Vauguyon is really helpful to better prepare myself for the future and now his tutelage has ended?

Even original Louis XVI who was under the wing of Duc de La Vauguyon for ten years, when the time came was not ready to take on the throne, well as I have his memories I can tell that he didn't attend those lesson or just ignored them, while he had 10 years to learn from him even on the surface level I had only a week at most.

''Can't you stay more? I can use my title as Dauphin of France to extend your orders''

''My orders were to teach you until you enter adulthood, your Royal Highness and as the fate have it yesterday you ended up entering said adulthood, plus I doubt that you could sway the opinion of his majesty as teaching you further would be a bad image for royalty and especially you."

He said with a smile.

Fear, doubt, and insecurity enter my head as I entered various scenarios and all of them ended badly. How frustrating it is…

''I don't know what changed in you so suddenly but I was glad, even if you have seriously taken up your studies late I still think that we did a good job during all those days even if you feel like you aren't ready, you are. I taught you everything I could in that short time everything now is in your own hands, you have a perfect place to learn, attend the counsels watch and learn, as your great-great-grandfather, his majesty, the King of France Louis XIV said "There is nothing impossible to him who will try"."

His voice was calm and full of sincerity. Yes, he was right I'm not the original Louis XVI meaning I can change everything, even if I don't have any experience in leading, especially in a country I still have time to learn. After all, I'm Dauphin of France I have a lot of resources to use and a whole library to read and learn, plus I have perfect teachers for me as now I'm an adult meaning I will attend King's council, this is the perfect environment to learn what to do and what not to do.

''Thank you.''

I said to him.

He did clear some of my doubts and encouraging me, but I still have some doubts and fears… Guess I will just to have pushed it through, if I remember correctly the current King Louis XV will die in for years in 1774 and from then I will inherit the crown of France.

2 years to work with Marie, 4 years till my coronation…

I feel like these years will be especially busy for me. So much to do, so much to learn yet so little time… Life is really unfair and it isn't even by my choice. Ah, I definitely could use a drink right about now.

"No problem, your Royal Highness, now go and prepare for the council."

He is right I need to go and prepare myself.

''Then, your Grace, if you would aloud I must go.''

With a nod, I stood up and left. I will need a lot of paper and something to write on, there is a lot of planning to do.

"Oh, if you want you can come to see me out about an hour after the High Council would end at the front of the palace.''

And with that, I left and went to my room.

"So you want to tell me that the parlements are constantly refusing to obey the King's intends or to accept new taxes? Some of them even rebelled view years ago?"

I asked Aldric who hold a mirror in front of me as I overlooked my clothes. A coat with a collar, waistcoat, and breeches of deep blue trimmed in gold braid and white stockings with black shoes.

I knew that the political situation in France wasn't good in these times, but I didn't think that it was that bad.

"Yes, your Royal Highness, the Parlements are unruly almost constantly refusing to render justice or approve the King's decrees, they are almost on an open rebellion.''

"And what of the King? What are his actions?"

I asked him as he put away the mirror.

''His Majesty is taking…some actions but so far they are ineffective, His Majesty is scared that by more direct approach it would plunge the entire state in confusion and anarchy."

The Parlements under Ancien Regime were provincial appeals court, they were the court of final appeal of the judicial system, and typically wielded much power over a wide range of subjects, particularly taxation. Laws and edicts issued by the Crown were not official in their respective jurisdictions until the parlements gave their assent by publishing them.

And I can see how that can be a problem as they have a lot of power and parlements members are made of nobility which itself is bad, so if the King's new law would hurt them in any way they just don't implement them and because they have a lot of power over like taxation, judicial proceedings, and law enforcement, so you need to proceed with caution with them if you suddenly try to oppress them it can end in anarchy and most likely in noble rebellion and there's a chance that it could evolve into full-blown revolution as these are dark times for France and any political maneuver can bring the downfall of the monarchy.

I now know that when I become the King I will need to somehow deal with the parlements quickly as they will be a thorn in my side at every turn when I will want to change anything or add taxes, especially on the upper echelons of the society who are now tax-free.

But the problem is their power over their regions, so I need to quickly move by removing parlements and replacing them with another loyal to the crown and who has less power, maybe even divide them into a few different organizations that would be responsible for different jurisdictions. The main problem is how to do it as you need the transition from one organization to another to be smooth and without any trouble which could lead the state to political turmoil and lawlessness. This would require a lot of planning and a lot of manpower, definitely not something I could do from the get-go.

I will have some more thought at this later as now I need to attend the High Council meeting.

Without any further ado, I went out of my room and arrived at the Council room was adjacent to the King's Chamber and opens onto the Hall of Mirrors. Two guards already stood at the door and seeing me they opened the golden decorated door I could already see some people present.

The room had white walls with various golden symbols raging from the sun to the royal symbol the Fleur-de-lis. To the right and left sides of the door we had two giant oval mirrors on the walls probably 2metres high (6.56ft) on the right, in the middle of the room, there was an oval table draped in a light blue sheet with golden markings starting from the sheet drops down to the floor. And closer to the wall where the heart was, on which stood golden clock and other golden ornaments, stood a wooden armchair and like the sheet of the table it too was of light blue like table albeit not the wooden part who were dark brown on to the right I could see another armchair which was smaller. That's probably my chair.

I sat down and started observing the room. Four chandeliers hung from the walls around the table, in front of the King's armchair three big windows were with red curtains which currently were folded allowing sunlight to get into the room.

The room was highly decorated with paintings hanging on the walls depicting subjects such as war and justice.

''Good afternoon, Your Royal Highness, congratulations on your marriage.''

The main member of The Triumvirate Rene Nicolas de Maupeou greeted me who was sitting right in front of me on the King's left. He was dressed just like me, but with a white wig on his head and his clothes were of a dark red colour.

After I greeted him other people present here greeted me and I gave them my thanks.

Soon the table was full only with the King's armchair still vacant.

I could see Rene de Maupeou who was First Minister of State, Chancellor of France and the Keeper of the Seal sitting in front next to him was Joseph Marie Terray who was Controller-General of Finances, and then Duc d'Aiguillon who was The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, who formed the Triumvirate and were the most popular group in the political scene of France.

Next to me sat Madame du Barry who was the King's mistress and next to her sat Louis Francois de Monteynard The Secretary of State for War and Pierre-Etienne Bourgeois de Boynes the Secretary of State for the Navy

One new present person was Louis Phelypeaux who was The Secretary of State of the Maison du Roi, who was basically, an office who oversaw the Household of the King, Building of the King, the General Affairs of the Clergy, and other religious groups like Huguenots and lastly the administration of the capital city of Paris and the provinces.

Some were engaged in some small talk while we waited for the King while I took on my surroundings, after all, one day I will be here a lot in the future as the future King.

Soon the door opened and the King went in while everybody stood up and I followed them, we only sad down once again after the King.

And so the meeting has begun by the opening statement from Joseph Terray…

''…The state debt was reduced to 68 million livres while the revenues had been increased by 24milion livres, meaning that the tax inspector school finally bore some fruits and so I would like to build another school to train more tax inspectors."

He received a nod from the King while I almost popped from my eye sockets by the news France was 68million in debt! How!? Did Seven year's war take so much? I just couldn't believe it that such a country like France was so much in debt. France who always was one of the powerhouses of Europe was ruined, how did Napoleon managed to march to Moscow now baffles me, 68million is not a small sum to pay back, with every passing second I see myself ending under the guillotine, I don't even know what reforms should be made to get France out of debt. Honestly, if my future Controller-General of Finances will not figure it out I will kill them myself.

You know what, I know a bit of history and I know that the most famous Controller-Generals of Finances were Anne Robert Jacques Turgot and Jacques Necker and I know that Necker tried to diminish Turgot's policies which later resulted in the dismissal of the previous one, what I will do is that I will lock them in one room while threatening them and make them work together and get France out of this mess.

"Well then let's move into more pressing matters, your Majesty, the parlements are dismaying our attempts at reforms. We must do something about them, I recommend to exile the members of the parlements."

Rene de Maupeou said and the King adopted a frown while this got my full attention, parlements a thorn in the government's side, now that I think about it there is no absolutism here as parlements are always competing against the Royal power.

"No we will not do this, this can bring some unseen circumstances instead I will write Lettre de cachet."

The King interrupted bringing his opinion on the matter, if I was he I would write the letter, and then I will be figuring out how to take a more direct approach because from Aldric I learned that this is not the first time the parlements ignored the royal decree.

''But, your Majesty!"

"I am the law! My decision is final!"

The King quickly shot Rene down, but both of them were unhappy.

"Let's move to another subject"

The king said and The Secretary of State for War Louis Francois de Monteynard spoke up.

"The Russo-Turkish war is still going in favor for the Russian as they fanned out trough principality of Bucharest and the Caucasian front is stable at the moment, while according to scouts Russian Navy is seen doing some maneuvers in the Mediterranean, but no clashes were reported so far apart from some skirmishes on land."

I don't have any knowledge of that war, but at least France isn't involved in it. Still having Russia win against Turkey will mean that Russia would solidify its sphere of influence in the east which is not ideal for the future, if only I could be born sooner or woke up in the body of Louis XV instead of Louis XVI I would try to do something, but with this budget, I don't think I could do anything.

"What about the Bar Confederation?"

"Ah, yes, sadly even with the ongoing Russo-Turkish war the Polish Bar Confederation is still losing and I don't think they will be able to bounce back after defeats at battles of Dobra and Blonie after all almost 3 months have passed and no progress was made so far, I advise to recall Charles Francois Dumoureiz back to France as the defeat of Bar Confederation is certain."

The king nodded and agreed, after all, if we only sent one person and some equipment there is no need to fight and involve ourselves with a losing battle, though it's still frustrating that nothing could be done to deny Russia to solidify its position as current France is in no position to do that.

Then the meeting continued with topics about religion, further finances, and ongoing building projects after which the meeting ended and everybody went out, while I stopped Joseph Terray to ask him about the debt.

And he told me that went he took office in 1769 (nice) France was 100 livres in debt and now it has 68million meaning that Joseph managed to pay back 32million, after that, I thanked him for his services and went to find my teacher Duc de La Vauguyon who was sadly leaving today.

I quickly found him as he oversaw servants who were putting his things to the wagon while a decorated brown carriage stood in front, which probably belongs to Duc de La Vauguyon.

''Your Grace.''

I greeted him.

"Ah, your Royal Highness, so the meeting has ended? How did it go?"

He asked me while greeting me back.

''It went alright, though I don't like the debt we have"

I had a lot of insight on how governing works and how it's essential to surround yourself with competent people and listen to them and not like Louis XV who constantly interrupts them.

"Yes, the debt, it's quite troubling indeed, that debt doesn't allow for France to meddle in Europe thus losing our influence in the region, just like we lost our influence in Poland-Lithuania."

He then mentioned me to follow him and we climbed him in his carriage which another present was present.

He wore a white wig that ended at his upper back and was curly while he wore an olive waistcoat which was buttoned up olive briefs and grey stockings with black shoes.

I stared at the person's blue eyes and then eyed my teacher.

"Your Highness, meet Jean-Frederic Phelypeux Maurepas, the Count of Maurepas and former Secretary of State of the Navy and The Secretary of State of the Maison du Roi"

"Your grace."

Maurepas greeted me with his gentle voice and I greeted him back.

"So why all the secrecy?"

I asked as if Duc de La Vauguyon wanted me to meet him he would just invite Maurepas to the palace instead of carriage, so this does raise some questions in my head.

"He was exiled from Versailles and Paris in 1749 by Duke of Richelieu for an epigram against Madame de Pompadour"

Duc de La Vauguyon answered me and Maurepas gave me a small smile.

"Well, I guess I know why, because who would like a woman who spreads her legs for King and gains power by doing so."

I replied and Maurepas laughed while Duc de La Vauguyon frowned at me as those words are unbecoming for a Prince.

"Yes it's how you say, your Royal Highness, and I'm here to meet you and be at service for you."

I guess what he wants, he wants to get back to his former power at the office, after all, once you taste power you don't want to go back, he probably thinks I will accept it as I'm not so versed in politics or that I will be sold by having allies. It is a good thing that I know that politicians almost always lie, they are the master of saying many words to say nothing at all.

"Well then, your Grace, tell me what can you give me in exchange for lifting your exile and giving you an office?"

I asked him back, I don't need power-hungry people in my office as because of people like that I will end on the chopping block, what I need is masters of their craft and loyal people who will help me bring prosperity to France.

"You thought him well… Well, Your Royal Highness, I can give you my loyalty to you and my experiences as the former and former Secretary of State of the Navy and The Secretary of State of the Maison du Roi, I don't want to boast, but I enabled our Navy to regain previously lost prestige and had France once again recognized as a maritime power, plus my intelligence agencies were most efficient in Europe, if you don't, believe me, your teacher can vouch for me"

He tempting me I need people like him, he has experience and expertise plus he managed to bring back the French navy back to its shape, while it couldn't compete with Britain it surely made them wary of the French and he has the trust of Duc de La Vauguyon…

''I see what I could do."

I said, I will have to think this over, if no other candidate pops up I will make him The Secretary of State of the Navy or maybe even my Prime minister, being Secretary of the Navy he has economical and managing skills to be in that position.

Duc de La Vauguyon and I then stepped out of the Carriage.

''You did well, your Royal Highness as I said you have nothing to fear you will do great, I have now seen it with my two eyes, you didn't jump on his bait and didn't give him an actual answer meaning that if a better candidate appears you can invite him instead of Maurepas"

He said with a smile and patted my back, which was quite weird as he has never done that and he is strict with rules of etiquette.

''What don't believe in your own friend, your Grace?"

I joked to him.

"Hardly, I don't know any man better than Maurepas his defensive strategies were second to none and his intelligence agencies were good that he had a list of what ships were coming to America and detailed memoirs of ship construction."

He smiled and then after a few quiet moments were we stared at the front watching as the servants moved around the carriage and the wagon.

"Well, then I guess this is a farewell, your Royal Highness."

"Just wait till I'm the King I will make an order for you to teach my children."

"I look forward to that."

And with that, he boarded his carriage and slowly disappeared in the horizon.

A/N: Merry Christmas, here is a chapter for you guys.

I will try to write another one by New Year's Eve.

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