
Revived Necromancer

Damians life was never positive. He had an abusive mother and a mostly absent father. All of that changes when he dies and a mystery system seems to activate backing up his memories and reviving him in another world where swords and magic rules. What will Damian do now that he has this mystery system and access to magic? How will his close ties to death effect his new state of being? Is this all a fantasy he has while he's unconscious? I do not own the Cover rights art Cover: Necromancer Hyun Lee If you like Revived Necromancer feel free to Join my Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3698683 Or you can expedite my next chapter by donating $10 to my Paypal: paypal.me/JKachinosky

Lothos_Carpathia · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Chapter 8 Make Your Peace

Chapter 8 Make Your Peace

As he opened the door his shadow fell into the hall. As if on cue a cold wind blew through the hall causing most people to shiver. There were thirty people in the entrance hall, most people stopped talking to stare at him. His steps were slow and deliberate as he took in the surrounding. The hall had high ceilings making his steps echo as if it was completely quiet inside, The walls were made of wood that gave off an immense amount of earth, water, and life particles. "I assume that's probably a magic type of wood." Damian thought to himself as his steps made a loud *CLONK* sound, echoing off the high ceiling and walls. "I need to join the guild." Damian remarked his voice flat.

One of the people in the entrance scoffed when Damian said that. "Ha, someone who isn't even with the guild has the gall to try to seem so intimidating." The voice was deep and gruff, the man could be called a monster in his own right standing over 6'7 with a short buzzcut and bulging muscles. He didn't have a shirt on, his brown pants seemed to have seen better days. His face was chiseled and sculpted. He gave off a feeling of danger, however, the copper tag on his necklace made it clear he was not a real danger to Damian, who was at the peak of human physical capability. He slowly turned his head towards the man, a blank look on his face. "How about I give an introduction to how dangerous this job can be?" the man said with a sinister chuckle.

Damian turns his head back to the receptionist, "Is fighting allowed or would I get in trouble for getting in an altercation with him." Damian asked with the same even tone as before.

"Um, yes it is allowed. It's inevitable that some adventurers would have discrepancies with one another so it is allowed, as long no one is permenantly wounded, or maimed that is." answered the lady behind the counter.

"Cool." Damian replied, "Whenever you're ready, Jumbo." Damian said turning towards the man who laughed and charged him. Damian's image flickered briefly before disappearing from the man's view altogether. The man's vision went black as the floor came rushing to meet his face.

Everyone saw what just happened but very few understood what happened. As the man initiated the charge Damian activated Wind Step sending his evasion above human possibility, allowing him to move so fast he seemed to teleport behind and above the man. With a single chopping motion to the temple, the man was knocked out and Damian landed easily on his feet as if nothing occurred he simply walked back to the desk. "I'd like to join the guild, unless anyone else has any issues with that." Damian said turning to face the people the man was talking to his violet eyes seeming to glow under his white hair making for a very eerie sight.

"Y...Yes of course. Here is the paperwork you'll need to fill out. It'll take a few hours to make you your copper placard." she replies shyly "You must complete one quest a week unless there are medical reasons that you cannot, After one hundred confirmed quests you will be upgraded to Silver rank granting you five hundred gold a month and lowering the minimum required quests to once a month. Five hundred silver rank quests upgrades to gold granting a salary of 700 gold a month and removing the minimum required quests. One thousand gold quests upgrade you to platnium which nets you a salary of 1000 gold a month. Those are the base ranks in addition to that there is also the Diamond rank of which only exceptional people can be a member, they are granted nearly unlimited funds and given special treatment in nearly every kingdom. They are generally strong enough to be considered a kingdom in and of themselves, currently, there are only four Diamond Ranks who generally reside in their home kingdoms they are part of the reason they are considered the four main kingdoms because each one has the backing of such a powerful being." she finishes as if she has spoken this dialogue thousands of times. "Do you have any questions?"

"A few, how are quests ranked? Will I be able to clear monster dens as a copper rank? Other than going up in rank is there anything you get by completing quests? Do I have to have a party or can I go alone?" Damian said asking the questions rapidly.

"No sadly you cannot clear the monster dens at copper you can however follow a group as clean up and gather the "Loot" left behind." using air quotes to emphasize loot, each quest has monetary compensation as well as points earned within the guild which can be exchanged for gear some spells or martial skills which you can then train. Finally, you can not officially make a solo party until you are at least gold rank. However, it is possible to hire members temporarily and have them stay behind. It is frowned upon but generally speaking it is a workaround, people generally ask for less if you warn them that this is the plan from the beginning these people are referred to as cleaners as their job is to stay behind gather loot which we spoke about earlier. The exception to this is quests that require you to escort people from point A to point B." she answered with a smile on her face. "Of course, all of this can be circumvented by being accepted into a party with members of a higher level as each quest above your level counts as ten quests completed per level above your own."

"Ah, so if I do fifty-five gold quests I will be considered gold? At what level can I start clearing Dens myself?" Damian asks.

"Yes after fifty-five quests you will be considered Gold, at silver, you will be allowed to fight in Dens without violating any rules." She answered with a smile she could tell Damian was deep in thought.

after a while replied, "Thank You, I will bring back these papers when I am done with them."

Damian sat down in an area that looked to a dining room and started filling out the papers. After a while, a waitress approached him, she had pink hair pulled back into a ponytail, a pair of glasses, and a small build. "Hello sir what can I get for you?" she said in a high-pitched and chipper voice.

"Hmph." Damian snorted "Unless you know a Gold rank adventurer who is willing to take me along on den clearing quests, I will have nothing." Damian replied shortly.

"Hmm, but you aren't even a copper rank?" the waitress replied.

"Yeah, that's the issue." Damian replied dejectedly.

"Oh, I know." She replied snapping her fingers "You can go with my party. I saw how you dealt with Marcus earlier, so I am sure I can convince the others." She said with a smile. "You're a fighter right?"

"Actually I'm a mage." Damian replied, "With a focus on Ice spells the spell I used against is my only wind spell." Damian said mentally checking the store and purchasing as many ice spells ice he could, and spending 25 skill points to make them all level three, and adding two more levels to wind step after seeing its usefulness.

Ice Blade cost 5 tribute manna 3 (plus 1 every second)

Creating a blade of ice over your hand you now gain a very dangerous and formidable weapon

Blizzard cost 20 tribute manna 10

Creating a zone of intense all of your ice spells deal more damage along with dealing damage over time

Cascade cost 3 tribute manna 3

Creates a spiked carpet of ice making movement difficult while also capable of damaging opponents

Ice Sliver Cost 3 tribute Manna 5 plus one for every additional sliver

Creates ice spike that rains down upon your enemies this spell is flexible in that the more manna you willing to put into it the more spikes it creates

*DING* Hidden quest complete Over Half Way There: due to you meeting the minimum required spells a new skill has become available for purchase Skeleton Mages can now be purchased in the tribute store

"Oh, y- youre a mage? Well, after that display I expected a fighter type for sure." she said surprised.

"Just because I focus on magic doesnt mean I should neglect my body." Damian answered flatly.

"Right well once you get your placard I'll introduce you to the party." she said still smiling.

"right, you kept your end of the deal so I'll keep mine some food and drink here's twenty gold just bring the most for the price." Damian said with a smile of his starting to do his paperwork again."Right, I'm Marrissa Lithranq."

"Damian De'Cantour." He says with a smile offering his hand for a shake

After finishing his paperwork he hands it to the receptionist. "Thank you, it will take about five hours to finish your placard. Thank You for joining the Adventurers Guild." The receptionist says with a friendly but practiced smile. Turning around to head back to his table just in time to see his food being put down, as Marrissa walks away he sees a short blonde female sneaking over to the table. She then starts eating his food right off his plate.

"HEY THATS MY FOOD I PAID FOR THAT!" Damian states loudly approaching rapidly. The girl's head spins around looking him in the face he sees she has two green stripes of hair on either side of her face.

"EEK, shit!" the girl says sounding worried pointing at him he feels something encasing him as he lifted off the ground in a light yellow sphere that seemed to be made of hardened light. The young girl stuffs some more food in her face, before grabbing a few more rolls off his plate and scurrying away quickly. He loses track of her as she flees around a corner before the sphere drops him dissolving into golden dust that dissipates quickly.

Thsi chapter was the first to be released early on my ******* page, if you are enjoying Revived Necromancer don't forget to vote using PowerStones, or support me using ******* or Paypal Thank You for reading.

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