
Revived Necromancer

Damians life was never positive. He had an abusive mother and a mostly absent father. All of that changes when he dies and a mystery system seems to activate backing up his memories and reviving him in another world where swords and magic rules. What will Damian do now that he has this mystery system and access to magic? How will his close ties to death effect his new state of being? Is this all a fantasy he has while he's unconscious? I do not own the Cover rights art Cover: Necromancer Hyun Lee If you like Revived Necromancer feel free to Join my Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3698683 Or you can expedite my next chapter by donating $10 to my Paypal: paypal.me/JKachinosky

Lothos_Carpathia · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Chapter 22 The sound of success

Chapter 22 The sound of success

"The main idea is to set a trap since they're scavengers, like you said, if we set things up correctly we could lure them here." Sam replied without looking anyone in the face while blushing. "So I was thinking of digging a hole and using it to trap them as they exit the corridor."

"Pffft, that's great and all but the ground is Arcanastone and none of us have a pickaxe," Marrissa stated, rolling her eyes and putting her hands on her hips. "Besides even if we did do that how are we supposed to hide the hole from them? I know they're beasts but even they aren't dumb enough to fall into a gaping hole in the ground," she stated pulling her lips over the front of her teeth and narrowing her eyes at the young man.

"I have one," Sam stated defiantly as he pulled a steel pickaxe from his dimensional storage "It's from Marthas' group, and I never said we'd just leave it open. We can cover it with just about anything then put the dead ones on this side of the hole and let them come and try to get the food. We only need it to be deep enough that they can't climb out then we can use some of the spears in my storage to pick them off safely." He stated not looking up from the ground.

"It's still too hard to break through," she responded, Her eyes shooting open when Martha was mentioned "What else do you have in that storage that we don't know about?" she asked her voice dropping lower while she leaned forward.

"Leave that to me," Damian responded watching the interaction, how had he not noticed the way the rest of the group was with her, apart from Benny everyone seemed scared of Marrissa. "I can also cast a spell to cover the hole and then release the spell when they get to the right spot." with that Damian took the pickaxe and started breaking holes in the floor. Pieces of stone were flung everywhere as he slammed the tool into the ground again and again. Damian noticed that the lower he dug the more the stone released Death and Earth particles. Taking some of the Arcanastone to study he soon had a ten-foot by twelve-foot opening revealed afterward, Damian used fake sigils to clear out the dirt and harden the interior of the hole. Lastly, he made spikes rise up from the bottom at odd angles. Jumping out of the hole he created a fake sigil that made a bridge of the dirt he removed from the hole solidifying it there was simply a brown spot amongst the gray stone floor.

After piling up all the dead bodies they waited. Damian on the right of the entry and Ben on the left while the others hid behind some of the pillars. It didn't take long for them to hear the sound of claws scraping against the stone getting louder, sure enough soon they could see a group of Cadaver Dogs making their way down the tunnel. when the group of five were all over the hole Damian released his spell dropping them into the pit. Their wounds were terrible legs, bodies, tails, and even one of their skulls was pierced. The spears made quick work of the rest. Sam took all their bodies into his space before dropping them onto the ground and gathering their cores before tossing them onto the pile with the rest.

This was repeated a few times before Damian came up with an idea, taking one of the bodies, he created his first real sigil. He knew that the sigil was a tool used to help picture the effects of the spell. The sigil had eight lines that almost touched the center but not quite, around the exterior were four arrows pointing outward, in the center was an upside-down triangle connected to a normal triangle with a line through the top, thinking of it as the alchemical symbol of Ice seeing as it was wind and waters together. Finally, he added three crescent moons coming from a singular focal point with a circle connecting them, remembering it as the symbol for contagion.

The idea behind the sigil is that the spell would absorb Wind and Water particles before turning them into Ice particles. When they reached a certain point it would create an explosion similar to his corpse explosion spell, It would create a chain reaction setting of the spell as more Ice particles were in the area the explosions would occur faster, theoretically, this spell would also keep the cores intact unlike corpse explosion usually did.

After he finished the sigil he put the body in front of the pit allowing it to be taken back where he hoped it would detonate where the rest of them were at. Eventually, a few more of the beasts came through one of them started dragging the body away. They repeated the previous process of how they killed the ones before.







"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" Marrissas' voice called out as she dove to the ground.

"Heh heh heh ha ha," Damians' laughter sounded bouncing around the cave after the silence fell. "Success my dear friends, that was the sound of success." His smile was brighter than it had ever been, Damian had succeeded in creating his first real spell in this world without the systems' assistance. Damian felt he finally had the ability to make his dreams come true with his own power. "I need to go see the results of my labor."

As the group approached the corridor they made their way to the next room. The silence was deafening after hearing the explosions they were worried about what they would witness expecting a blood bath. They were nothing short of astounded by what lay before their vision as they approached the room.

Thank you all for reading, Leave a comment telling me what you think about the story. If you are enjoying vote and add it to your library, Thank you again.

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