
Revived Necromancer

Damians life was never positive. He had an abusive mother and a mostly absent father. All of that changes when he dies and a mystery system seems to activate backing up his memories and reviving him in another world where swords and magic rules. What will Damian do now that he has this mystery system and access to magic? How will his close ties to death effect his new state of being? Is this all a fantasy he has while he's unconscious? I do not own the Cover rights art Cover: Necromancer Hyun Lee If you like Revived Necromancer feel free to Join my Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3698683 Or you can expedite my next chapter by donating $10 to my Paypal: paypal.me/JKachinosky

Lothos_Carpathia · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Chapter 20 Close Call with Death

Chapter 20 Close Call with Death

"DAMN, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" As Damian opened his eyes he could see Ben clenching his fist, grinding his teeth so hard that the muscles in his jaw were visibly pulsing. "And you," he said turning to his sister with a glare, "really all you can say is what a curious encounter? The danger to all of us and that's all you say."

"You better calm down Benny," Marrisa replied with a sneer her voice getting deeper, "Don't say something you'll regret. Besides the person left afterwards, I don't think there was any real threat to us."

"NO THREAT! DID YOU SEE THE GAPING HOLE IN HIS CHEST?" Raising his voice ben's eyes started to flash red in the darkness. "IS HE NOT A MEMBER OF OUR PARTY, CAN YOU REALLY JUST SIT BY AND WATCH HIM DIE MARRISSA?" Raising his fist he punched out towards her even though he was too far away to hit her, there was enough force from the punch to cause her hair to flutter.

"Seriously dude, you need to calm down." This time Sam spoke up "You're starting to lose control again," he said laying his hand on his shoulder. "Lisa was on the move faster than any of us, she was healing him before any of us could make a move." He said glancing at his childhood friend.

"I don't agree with just letting him die," Ben said his voice dropped a few octaves, walking closer to Marrissa "I'm done being Marcus's dog, if you plan to go through with his plan I wont help you Marri, I love you, but I can't keep doing that, It goes against everything Mom and Dad taught us." he said looking her straight in the eyes, "I hope you care more about us than what he says."

"You still don't get it, you never have, I've always been the one to kill them none of you ever had to lift a hand against any of those people, I did it because it was the only we could live in this goddamn town." her hand was shaking, her voice quivered for a moment, as a tear slid down her cheek. "Do you think I enjoyed doing that? Do you think I liked killing those people?"

"Guys I think he's starting to wake up," Lisa said seeing him open his eyes in shock, "You didn't hear that last part." she whispered as she started helping him up.

"We will continue this later." Marrissa mumbled glaring at Ben.

"Whatever, I said my part." Ben answered returning her glare.

"How are you feeling?" Sam asked his face crestfallen and pale.

"I'm ok a little drained but other than that I'm fine. Her healing magic works wonders." Damian replied while checking his status. "I just need a moment to gather my energy after that." He decided to stop hoarding his attribute points he was going to go on a spending spree.



level 11/ exp 1,023,000/ 1,024,000

Hp 36

Manna 31


Strength 20

Dexterity 20

Stamina 26

Intelligence 21

Wisdom 15

charisma 15


bonus 5

Attribute 50

Skills 853

Tribute 10

Creation 20



Scythe Style (beginner) 3

----spells (Death)----

Raise Skeleton 2

Bone Weapon 3

Shadow Dance 2

Corpse Explosion 1

Undead Fortitude 1

Skeletal Restructuring 1

----Spells (Basic)----

Fire Bolt 1

Wind Step 3

Earth Gaunlet 1

Water Whip 1

Healing Light 1

----Spells (Particle)----

Particle Manipulation 5

Particle Absorption 5

Arcane Eye 5

----Spells (Ice)----

Ice Blade 3

Blizzard 3

Cascade 3

Ice Sliver 3


Find Familiar


Bone Scythe (bone weapon)- Basic bone made by you it's not the best weapon but it gets you by

Ring of dark betrothal- This ring is the symbol of dedication to a lord of the dead it gave the original wearer two abilities one was the ability to open a shadow dimension the other was the ability to absorb the souls and knowledge of those she killed

After a few minutes, Boosting his physical stats to 30 as well his Intelligence. He also bought two skills that he was going to wait until he was gold rank to pick up, but with what he had overheard, He decided to push his plans forwards.

Increasing his death and ice spells levels by five each and leveling his Particle Spells to 10 he was excited to see what he could accomplish now.

*DING* Particle Manipulation Skill Evolutions Available

(Particle Disruption) Particle allows you to use particles of an opposite type to disrupt the accumulation of particles required for spell creation.

"Holy crap, I just unlocked Counterspell." Damian thought excitedly.

(Quantum Control) Quantum Control allows the user to control Quantum Elements even if they cannot see or absorb said particles.

"This one is pretty useless for me, I can see Space Particles which is part of the quantum element anyway." Damian thought to himself.

*DING* Particle Absorption Skill Evolutions Available

(Particle Acceleration) Allows the absorption of particles faster as long as the user can see said particles.

"There are a few abilities similar to this that I can get in the store. I don't think I need this skill."

(Quantum Absorption) Quantum particles are devastating to absorb into the body since they are a mixture of many types of particles this evolution allows the user to absorb Quantum Particles bypassing the chance of damaging the body.

*DING* Arcane Eye Evolutions Available

(Quantum Observation) quantum observation allows the user to see quantum breaking down to their purest forms.

"So it would allow me to see the particles that take on the individual characteristics of particles. Can't I already do that since I saw space separately, or maybe that's just what quantum particles look like?"

(Archivists Observation) Archivists' Observation Allows the user to witness any sigils being formed and memorize them for use later, allowing them to bypass the need to learn sigils though they will still need to practice them in order to master them.

"That, that's overpowered." Damian thought remembering an anime with a certain clan of red-eyed shinobi.

Enhanced Body multiplies the users' health points by ten per level

Enhanced Mind multiplies the users' manna points by ten per level

"Considering that at the base it only adds ten to each this is a huge power boost." After choosing his evolutions his status changed dramatically.



level 11/ exp 1,023,000/ 1,024,000

Hp 360

Manna 310


Strength 30

Dexterity 30

Stamina 36

Intelligence 31

Wisdom 15

charisma 15


bonus 5

Attribute 0

Skills 140

Tribute 10

Creation 20



Scythe Style (beginner) 3

Enhanced Body 1

Enhanced Mind 1

----spells (Death)----

Raise Skeleton 7

Bone Weapon 8

Shadow Dance 7

Corpse Explosion 6

Undead Fortitude 6

Skeletal Restructuring 6

----Spells (Basic)----

Fire Bolt 1

Wind Step 3

Earth Gaunlet 1

Water Whip 1

Healing Light 1

----Spells (Particle)----

Particle Manipulation 10 (Particle Disruption)

Particle Absorption 10 (Quantum Absorption)

Arcane Eye 10 (Archivists Observation)

----Spells (Ice)----

Ice Blade 8

Blizzard 8

Cascade 8

Ice Sliver 8


Find Familiar


Bone Scythe (bone weapon)- Basic bone made by you it's not the best weapon but it gets you by

Ring of dark betrothal- This ring is the symbol of dedication to a lord of the dead it gave the original wearer two abilities one was the ability to open a shadow dimension the other was the ability to absorb the souls and knowledge of those she killed

Damian stood up with a grin looking at everyone, he decided he would give Marrissa a chance when the time came not to become his enemy after this power-up, he doubted she would even be able to keep up with him just using his ice skills but if someone tried to kill him again he wouldn't hold back. After all, he liked this group. "Though after that close call with death I can't help but wonder how much of them I know is real and how much is a cover. Well, that's a problem for future me, for now, I will enjoy my time with them, what I learned doesn't change how I feel for the rest of them too much, everyone has secrets however I'll have to watch my back with Marrissa from now on." Damian thought to himself.

Thank you all for reading, Leave telling me if the pacing is good or if I should change it up a little. Remember to vote and if you really like the story add it to your collection.

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