
Reverse Fantasy World (NSFW)

That time I accidentally shot myself in the dick and got reincarnated as an elf in a fantasy world of reversed gender roles.

Squishy4u · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Chapter 5 : Does size matter?

Chapter 5 : Does size matter?

Blue : "So what classes are you two majoring in?"

Jewel : "Eh? Oh, uh um yeah so I'm a business major and Luna is-".

Luna : "Magic Swordsmanship I want to be a Knight, sorry about my friend she's being weird-".

Jewel : "H-hey Luna no wait I-I'm fine wha-what are you talking about? I-i'm not being weird!"

Luna : "Jeez okay just calm down already".

Blue : "hahaha, it's fine, let's hurry up and eat before the food gets cold".

Jewel : "O-Okay!"

Hearing her friend's desperately eager response Luna could not help but cringe and sigh, unlike the nervous Jewel, Luna acted cool and composed while feeling embarrassed by her friend's sudden stuttering. Jewel pouted for a bit, feeling mad that she was just called weird in front of a boy and at her own sudden inability to speak normally. The food was nothing special, just a simple chicken dish with some veggies and a glass of water.

While we ate the two talked about the city of Timurton and of Elkwood College unlike me who was housebound for twenty years these two were allowed outside not only in the city but beyond the Great Walls of the Elven Imperium. I didn't really have to talk but I made sure to nod with a smile and give proper eye contact when they spoke, responding with things like, "ohhh, hmm, mmm, yeah, oh really", back in between my bites of the meal. In my old world I had learned the habit of pretending to be a good listener and caring to establish good relations in both my work and social life, it was something I could do for hours.

Body language, tone and eye contact were the three keys to success most people liked to talk but not many liked to listen. I myself was no exception to this but I had learned the advantages of just listening to others when I needed or wanted something. To be honest these two elves were bad at talking, they were too nervous and it felt like they were constantly trying to get my attention with fun facts, however I suspected that it was only like this because they were not used to talking to men yet.

It was a little cute to watch people play into your hands and follow your predictions. But when I finished my meal I felt like I needed to stop them otherwise they would go on like this for hours. In moments like these it was best to just be straightforward so I spoke up.

Blue : "So hey why don't we take this up to my room?"

Jewel : "Y-y-your room!?"

Blue : "Yeah why not, don't you wanna see it?"

Jewel : "Y-YES!"

Jewel : "Oh wow I-I've never been to a boys room. I-is it really o-okay?"

Blue : "Sure".

Jewel : 'Ehehe well I-if you insist, okay then ehehe".

Luna catching second hand embarrassment from Jewel leaned towards her friend and whispered quietly into her ear, "hey Jewel, relax a little". But to Jewel whose mind had already drifted into "LaLa-Land" her quiet whispers fell on deaf ears. Luna seeing herself be completely ignored felt worried that her chances would also be ruined by Jewels acting like a creep.

Luna : "If it's okay with you I'd love to see your room too".

Blue : "of course let's go".

As the trio walked towards the room following Blue, he took a quick glimpse behind him to see Luna face palming herself trying to stop Jewels constant perverted giggling and drooling. Jewel was also breathing really loud and tightly holding her chest as if her heart was about to explode. Compared to Luna who still acted like a decent normal person embarrassed by her friend's odd behavior, it was a funny contrast that made Blue chuckle.

When Blue opened the door to his room he told the girls to make themselves comfortable on the bed and sit. The small beige room itself was basically just a bed in the middle with two cabinets one on each side and a simple magic lamp and mirror by the door. The two cabinets were filled, the left-side had clothing while the right-side had alchemy equipment and books, it was nothing special.

But when the two elves entered my room they looked unnaturally happy and excited like they were walking into Candyland. I saw a sense of awe and wonder in their eyes for a room so generic and basic it was boring to look at in my eyes. When the two sat down I made sure to squeeze myself in between them.

I put my arms around both of them and asked, "so what do you think?" Nervously the two gulped and smiled, unable to respond immediately. These two were clinging to me all morning and after class in front of everybody and now they're both embarrassed? Talk about wussing out at the worst time.

Luna : "It-it's nice, I like it".

Jewel : "Y-yeah me too!"

Blue : "Then can I ask you two a question?"

Luna : "What is it?

Jewel : "S-so this is what a boys room smells like ehehe".

Luna : "Jewel!"

Jewel : "Huh?"

Blue : "Have you two ever had sex before?"

Luna/Jewel : "Eh?"

Luna : "Wait!?"

Jewel : "What?!"

Blue : "Are you two still virgins?"

Luna : "Well umm…"

Luna : (*Cough) "I uhh…"

Jewel : "N-NO!"

Luna : "Hey wait I! Um I-"


While Luna was having a hard time answering, Jewel decided to go all in with a blatant lie wanting to impress Blue with her supposed many experiences. Unlike Luna who couldn't lie and say yes but at the same time did not want to say no either and come off as pitiful. Jewel believed that this was her golden opportunity to get a boyfriend and maybe even have sex!

As a man of his former world he could understand the thought process of these two virgin elves, especially someone who lacked self control like Jewel. Like the men of his old world the inexperienced women of this world would have a desire for conquest and that desire would be especially great if the male in question was viewed as innocent or difficult to achieve. After all what man in his old world did not ever want to be the first man a woman had in at least one point or another in his life?

This desire to be first was often only temporary though and would later become irrelevant as the man would gain more experiences in life. But for virgins and amateurs this desire would usually still be obvious. Although I couldn't relate to them I understood why it was like that normally wouldn't you want your first time to be with another virgin to?

Blue : "Oh wow, well you see I was wondering if maybe one of you could teach me about sex?"

Jewel looked away trying to catch her breath for a moment to speak properly while feeling her panties get wet and her heart racing as she clutched her chest with a wild smile and crazy eyes on her face.

Jewel : "O-oh!!

Jewel : " T-then I-I gu-guess-".


Jewel : "L-Luna? H-hey, why are you lying!"

Luna : "W-who are you calling a liar? Liar, you've never even kissed a guy before!"

Jewel : "W-What'd you say!"

I put my hands on each of their shoulders before this could escalate into a fist fight by distracting them with the easiest way I knew how to shut a guy up from my world. I took off my tank top in front of them. The two stopped blushing as they looked at my bare chest with open mouths Jewel was drooling again and Luna stood stiff gulping loudly.

I wondered if it was their first time seeing a man's bare chest before? Porn did not exist in this world or at the very least I couldn't find it yet. But I heard them both say "woah" as they lowered their fists not wanting to blow their chances to score.

Blue : "So which one of you is willing to teach me first?"

Jewel : "M-ME!"

Luna : "Wait, are you really okay with doing it with girls like us?"

At this moment the usually perversely cheerful Jewel turned her head back and snapped at Luna with a loud "Shut up dumbass!" This caught me off guard although I had heard them argue at each other just now this was the first time I heard them use abusive language. It felt like a strange over reaction from Jewel and I had the gut feeling that I was missing something here?

Blue : "What do you mean by girls like us?"

Jewel : "Nothing! It's Nothing don't listen to her Blue, Luna!".

Jewel had the face of someone who looked like they lost their country. Her face twisted into anger and despair like seeing someone with freshly crushed dreams. I was genuinely curious now by what she meant so I asked again.

Blue : "Luna?"

Luna : "Well you know… We have small breast".

Jewel : "Luna! Why did you have to bring that up now! You idiot!"

At her answer Blue frowned and wondered what she was talking about by his old worlds standards these two had fairly normal breast sizes. Why would he care or think they were too small? Although Blue knew they were definitely guys who would care too much about those kinds of things in his old world, however how many of them would turn down sex with hotties over that?

Blue : "I don't really care about that, I think you two have beautiful bodies".

Luna/Jewel : "..."

There was a strange pause for a moment as the two looked at me directly in the eyes with an expression of disbelief and doubt. I wasn't really sure what was going on so I didn't have to pretend to act confused, I was genuinely just confused by their behavior. The first to speak up bewildered was surprisingly not Jewel like I expected but Luna.

Luna : "REALLY!"

Blue : "Umm yes? Why do you sound so surprised?"


Blue : "Yeah that's what I just said".

Luna : "DO YOU MEAN IT!?"

Jewel : "Luna shut up already!"

Blue : "I'm sorry but could one of you explain what's going on here?"

The mood had been ruined but the night was still young and I was now determined to figure out what the fuck was going on so I could avoid something like this in the future. I sat down by the bed again with my shirt still off and they explained while looking at my chest the entire time. At one point I even had to tell them, "that my eyes were up here", because it felt like they were having a conversation with just my chest instead of me….

I do not know when or if chapter 6 will be released please keep that in mind.

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