
Reverend Insanity: Wuqionq the Immortal

A fanfiction of Reverend Insanity. I'm a new writer and writing is clearly not innate for me so be understanding what's more english is not my mother toungue. I can't promise anything like finishing my story but at least I will try. Don't hesitate to comment, and let me now how do you find my fanfiction. Wuqionq is reincarnate in the Gu world during the Immermoriable Era with a special ability. Read to follow is journey.

lilspinn · Livres et littérature
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16 Chs

First mission

The tribe mandatory mission we were assigned is to clean up the remnants of the armoured ant nest destroy recently by an expedition of one of the Tier 5 Gu master along with four Tier 4. Most of the lower Tier armoured ants flee from the nest after the defeat of the Tier 4 ants.

We are forty Gu master selected for this mission, one Tier 3Gu master, 15 Tier 2 Gu masters and the rest are all Tier 1. More than a third of us are newly awakened.

For this mission, I brought a Tier 1 Pocket Space Gu that can store one cubic meter and fill it with the necessary for camping in the wild.

After a short introduction of everyone, we departed from the cave and descend in the underground tunnel network, it took us thirty minutes to encounter the first swarm of armoured ants, there were no Tier 3 ants, so we dispatch the swarm easily. The second one was a bit more complicated due to the large number of Tier 2 ants but with my Gus I didn't get injured by the swarm or at least nothing the passive Short Lived Time effect didn't manage to offset. With my Poisonous Spider Gu and Amplify effect I could create a 3,4-meter radius poisonous fog but I didn't use the Amplify Effect Gu every time cause the consumption of primeval essence of this Gu is extremely high.

We took a pause after the second swarm and continue without problem to the vestige of the ant nest after a twenty-day travel fighting against ant swarm, we found ourselves confronted with a Tier 3 ant, dozens of Tier 2 ants and many Tier 1 trying to restart the nest. We begin to plot on how to kill every ant without too many deaths on our side.

We decide to separate in six groups with the only Tier 3 Gu master, 3 Tiers 2 and Two Tiers 1 master as group one, a group of veterans, who took the responsibility of distracting the majority of ants and killing the Tier 3 ant. The five other teams are responsible for the five entrance of this gallery chamber and progressively killing and pushing the ants to the first group side hopping to surround them.

We start to take action by all shooting our best AOE attack at least for those who have one, mine was pretty powerful with the Tier 2 Amplify Effect Gu. My attack instantly took the lives of ten Tiers 2 and fifteen Tiers 1 ants, and the fog kill the twenty stupid ants that tried to cross it when they start charging at us. Our surprise attack took out a third of the ant army, we start walking forward following the plan, to push the ants toward group one, one of my teammates have a Tier 2 wind path Gu that push everything in his path, the other start killing ants left and right to block them from escaping. I start using my Tier 1 Poisonous Spider Gu without Amplify Effect Gu due to the rapid depletion of primeval essence, at least the surface having poisonous fog start increasing with every use of my Gu creating a mined field for the ants, the poisonous fog is strong enough to kill rapidly Tier 1 ants without healing Gu and injured Tier 2 ants, the injury varies from the Gu they have.

Unfortunately, the Tier 1 strength path Gu master of my team got instant kill by one of the Tier 2 ants with movement Gu that cross my Tier 1 fog without one of us reacting in time. Poor lad died two minutes before we regroup with the rest of the teams and start collecting the Gu materials, living Gus and corpses of our fallen teammates.

We start this mission with forty Gu master and here we are twenty-seven at the end of it, that really show the survival of the fittest in the Gu world, you can really die at any time here.

After taking my reward I start walking home and mentally recap about the gain of this mission, first the hundred and twenty primeval stones from the sale of Gu materials, secondly the Tier 2 Crystal Eye Gu an earth path investigation Gu I got before the ant nest battle even if I wasn't able to refine it before the battle, if I had I could have saved my teammate. The third is another earth path Tier 1 Gu, a movement one this time, Rock Climbing Gu.

Crystal Eye Gu: Let a Gu master magnify is vision between one and a hundred time, my Infini ability make me passively regulate my vision between normal to hundred time zoom free of cost.

Rock Climbing Gu: Let a Gu master stick to any earth surface for a high consumption of primeval essence, fortunately my special ability makes it a passive too.

A pretty good outcome for me I would say. What's more my next mandatory mission is not before three months so I may have the time to breakthrough the initial Tier 2.