
Reverend Insanity: The One and Only Great Love

RI fanfiction. …. Fang Yuan’s legacy as the Great Love Venerable faces unseen threats. As mysterious powers challenge his place in history. Who is Fang Yuan? Will he forget his goal and surrender? What will happen to the one and only Great Love venerable. … Advanced chapters at: patreon.com/false_truth

false_truth · Anime et bandes dessinées
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23 Chs

The Peak of Wonders

The aura of another Immortal Gu leaked out uncontrollably, spreading across the battlefield. 

Everyone was stunned.

Just witnessing an Immortal Gu was a one-in-a-million chance, yet now they not only witnessed the refinement of one, but they could feel the aura of another being refined. What kind of chance could this be?

One moment, they were watching the completion of an Immortal Gu refinement, and in the blink of an eye, another one was being refined. 

What they still couldn't accept was that the same person refining the second Immortal Gu was the one who had just completed refining the first. 

And that person was a mortal.

A mortal who refined an Immortal Gu—then, without waiting, refining another.

The minds of those present swirled with disbelief.

"Who am I?" 

"Where am I?"

"Why am I even alive?"

"With mortal body..."

"Mortal my ass! If he's a mortal, then what am I?"

The impossibility of the situation left everyone frozen in place, their brains unable to process what was unfolding before them.

Maybe only a Rank 9 Wisdom Gu could restore their minds to normal, allowing them to think clearly once more.

Fang Yuan sensed the Immortal Gu refining itself within his aperture.

Earlier, he had meticulously prepared by consuming the four top-quality wines, knowing that according to the Legends of Ren Zu, this was essential for obtaining the Divine Travel Immortal Gu.

Immortal Gu are the complete fragments of the Great Dao, ranking from 6 to 9, and their rarity, power, and value increase with their rank. They are also unique—only one of each can exist in the world at a time.

When refining the Fixed Immortal Travel Gu, the Divine Travel Gu had been used as a material, meaning there was no longer any Divine Travel Immortal Gu in existence.

Fang Yuan had carefully crafted his plans to extract every possible benefit he could from the situation.

[Warning. Warning. The host must leave now. It is almost 5:45 p.m.]

The A.I. Chip's alert filled his mind.

Without hesitation, Fang Yuan commanded, "Ba Gui, activate the Fixed Immortal Travel Gu using your immortal essence."

Ba Gui sighed: "Using Fixed Immortal Travel Gu will let you escape, but without immortal essence, the blessed land will collapse. Death isn't a problem for me—I'm certain you'll refine the Second Aperture Gu in the future. Goodbye, young man. You are the most remarkable person I have ever known."

Immortal essence flowed into the Fixed Immortal Travel Gu, and in an instant, a flash of jade light enveloped Fang Yuan, causing him to vanish from the air.

Only his clothes remained, gently drifting down.

{5:44 p.m.}

Central Continent, Tian Ti Mountain.

In Hu Immortal blessed land, on Dang Hun Mountain, the battle for control was nearing its end.

"Fang Zheng, hold on! Victory is within reach!" Lord Sky Crane encouraged.

Fang Zheng's arms and legs were torn, blood flowing down as he surpassed Ying Sheng Ji and Xiao Qi Xing. His body had gone numb from pain, his mind unable to focus on anything but Dang Hun Mountain.

He was the first to ascend and about to win. Only one thought remained: Just a little more.

"I am the great Feng Jin Huang. How could I lose here? I've never lost since I was born, and this time will be no different! Come out, Dream Wings!"

In the next moment, a beautiful pair of wings sprouted from Feng Jin Huang's shoulders.

These wings were ethereal, elegant, and radiant with dazzling light. With a single flap, she effortlessly accelerated upwards.

"This is…"

"The legendary Immortal Gu — Dream Wings!" The Gu Immortals gasped in unison.

Most Immortal Gu required immortal essence, but Dream Wings was different. It consumed the Gu Master's spirit and soul instead.

Though still mortal, Feng Jin Huang forcefully activated Dream Wings, risking severe damage to her soul—amnesia at best, insanity at worst.

(Author's thought: Was insanity really a bad thing?)

Under Fang Zheng's shocked gaze, she overtook him, reclaiming the lead.

As she folded her dream wings back, she stood near the cliff's edge, gasping for breath. A deep dizziness overwhelmed her, nearly causing her to faint. She had pushed herself to the limit.

Forcefully using an Immortal Gu had taken everything from her.

"I... lost again!" Fang Zheng muttered, wide-eyed in disbelief and disappointment.

Feng Jin Huang clung to the edge of the peak, just one step away!

"I... I'm about to win!" she thought, her heart pounding as she summoned the last of her strength.

Her amber eyes glowed, her beautiful figure bathed in the pink light of the blessed land, making her look like a young phoenix, spreading its wings for the first time—brilliant and magnificent!

Even the Gu Immortals were amazed by the sight.

Fang Zheng looked up at her in awe, and Hu Immortal land spirit stared at her as though in a trance. Everyone awaited her triumph.

She didn't disappoint anyone. Gritting her teeth, Feng Jin Huang was about to take the last step

But just then—


A light flashed, and a man appeared at the mountain peak.

He stood completely naked, his youthful, muscular body radiating the aura of a battle-hardened veteran, but with an undeniable grace and beauty.

"Brother?!" Fang Zheng gasped, startled enough to slip and fall from the cliff.

The ten Gu Immortals were equally shocked. "Who... who is this naked mortal?!"

Feng Jin Huang, wide-eyed and frozen like a statue, stared at the man that appeared suddenly.

Her gaze inevitably landed on the large "monster" between his legs.

Fang Yuan scanned his surroundings, checking his aperture to make sure everything was intact.

"Eh? Isn't that... Feng Jin Huang?" he muttered, spotting her below.

"Why is she looking at me like that? And her face is so red," he thought, noticing her gaze.

He followed her line of sight. "Wait... I'm naked? I was cool a moment ago, and now I'm facing social death." Fang Yuan felt a wave of shame.

Seeing Feng Jin Huang still staring, his face darkened. "Does it look good?"

"Umm..." Feng Jin Huang mumbled, her face flushed as she quickly closed her eyes.

"Then scram." Fang Yuan gave the dazed Feng Jin Huang a push, kicking her down the peak.

Already drained of strength, she could not resist and fell.

Fang Yuan turned to face the land spirit.

"Little Hu Immortal."

"Ma… Master…" The little girl's eyes widened in shock.

She hurriedly covered her large, crystal-clear eyes with her small hands, blushing deeply.

Lowering her head, she stomped her foot shyly. "Master, aren't you ashamed? You're so old already, quickly put on some clothes!"


"Expel everyone from the blessed land and close it," Fang Yuan ordered coldly.

The land spirit began executing his command

At this moment Fang Yuan's thoughts filled with insanity.

"How do I kill a land spirit?"


