
Revenge of the hybrid witch

In a world filled with magic, very little is deemed impossible. One should be willing to read the white between the black. For it is there, that the deadliest of secrets lay. More often than not events of the past tend to intertwine with those of present and future. Morgan is your average teenager. She had loving parents, good grades, a best friend anyone would kill for and a sure entry into the university of her dreams. Life was at its finest until the arrival of someone she barely remembered turned her world topsy turvy. Overnight she is plunged into the world that was only supposed to exist in fairytale and Lore. And as if that wasn't enough a storm is coming as buried secrets are uncovered and blood feuds as old as time are rekindled.

BabY_MikealsoN · Fantaisie
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15 Chs


Below are some of the terms used in this book.

Vampires: These are creatures of night that sustain themselves on human life force in the form of blood. They live in covens led by an Onkii and his or her mate. All vampires live under a central monarch who's king or queen are called Omkiron/Onkire.

Werewolves: These are creatures of night to have the ability to transform into wolves at will. They live on a human diet unless on a new and full moon during which they have to consume human internal organs. They live in packs led by an alpha and his or her mate. All wolves also live under a central monarch controlled by the Alpha king and Luna Queen.

Ghouls: These creatures of night are flesh eaters. They feed on human skin, flesh and bone. They have the ability to take on any human face. They too live in covens led by a Denzai and their mate. They live under a central monarch who's King and Queen are called Ghaldin/Ghaldia.

Cubi: These are night creatures that prey on men and women by using lust to lure victims in a dreamlike trance and feed on their soul energy. They do not live in groups but are under a central monarch who's King and Queen are called Incasso and Sorcala.

Males are called incubus and females succubus.

Witches: These are beings of magic. They live as humans do. There are three types of witches; Caldin which only control the four elements (water, earth, fire and air). Melach which draw their power from blood and human sacrifice and lastly Vetsmati, witches not bound to the laws of nature and control all forms of magic.