
Revenge of the Dead

30-year old Ginger Cadette faked her death to get closer and revenge on her enemies — Charlie and Charlotte. Ginger was devasted after her fiancé, Charlie, left her during her darkest days. She was battling brain cancer she didn't know that she had for a year and was given only 4 months left to live. During her fight, the Bar & Life bar she owns goes bankrupt when her irresponsible and incompetent twin takes over, and she loses money and the friends she thought were real. Two months after Charlie left Ginger, a miracle happened and she was cancer-free. She tried to see Charlie talk to him because she still loved him but then, she found out that two months ago, Charlie married Charlotte, the heiress of her rival bar who's pregnant with Charlie's child. If things couldn't get any worse, Charlotte bought Ginger's business and lost everything.So Ginger faked her death, and her identity and put on a disguise to apply as Charlotte's Secretary so she could get closer to the two and wreck them as much as they wrecked her.

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9 Chs

Chapter 09: Just A Mistake

GINGER always hated Bryan because he dated Ginger's mother, which caused her mother to leave her family. Ginger made sure that Bryan would feel that. This is why Bryan couldn't believe that he was having sexual intercourse with his girlfriend's daughter, who was riding and pounding on him faster and harder as he massaged her bouncy breasts.

Their bodies were moving in sync and when they were done, both were breathing heavily with sweat all over their naked bodies. Ginger dropped next to him and Bryan wrapped his strong arms around her bare body, pulling her closer.

Bryan smiled and muttered, "I couldn't believe that this happened,"

"So do I," she responded as she placed her hand on his cock, rubbing its tip.

"Stop that. You wouldn't want me asking for another round," Bryan warned.

Ginger looked up at him. "Can't move anymore?" she mocked. "Pathetic."

"Oh, you're challenging me, huh?" Bryan said. "Why don't we go to the place where we could continue?"

"I like the sound of that."

And with that, they dressed up and drove to Bryan's apartment where they will continue their steamy moment.

Ginger and Bryan were giggling as they talked dirty while walking towards Bryan's apartment. Bryan kept teasing Ginger by squeezing her big ass which pleased Ginger. When Bryan finally unlocked the door of his apartment, he pushed it open and pulled Ginger inside.

His place was dark, but they could still see each other, thanks to the moonlight. Ginger closed the door and locked it, then Bryan started pinning her against the wall. Bryan started placing kisses on Ginger's neck while Ginger started unbuttoning his polo shirt, revealing Bryan's abs. Her gesture made Bryan hard, so he moved closer and started rubbing his cock against her private.

Bryan stopped for a while and whispered, "You sure you want to continue?"

Ginger bit the bottom of her lip and said, "Shut up and kiss me," she pulled Bryan closer and planted him in a hungry deep kiss while Bryan started making his hands way inside her black off-shoulder dress until they reached Ginger's nipples, playing it. Ginger was pleased by his gesture and even wanted him to do her more.

So she completely removed her dress and her undergarments. Even though they barely see each other in the dark, Bryan can still get a glimpse of her sexy body.

Bryan pulled her closer by her waist and whispered, "Damn, you're sexy,"

Ginger smiled. "I know," she whispered. "Now, take off your pants," she said, almost sounding like a command.

Bryan smirked. "Dominant. I like that,"


HER head throbbed the moment she opened her eyes. She massaged her temples and groaned. "Ugh, the hell happened?" She slowly got up from the soft bed she was lying on and scratched her eyes to adjust her vision. Ginger roamed her eyes around the area, trying to familiarize the place. Her mind was still processing when the man whom she spent the night with arrived with a tray of food.

"Good morning, beautiful," he said. "Here, grab a bite first."

Ginger's eyes widened upon seeing Bryan, who was wearing nothing but boxer shorts. In her eyes, he looked like a geek god with a perfect muscular and well-built body. Ginger couldn't help but scan him from head to toe.

"Like what you see?" Bryan said and chuckled. To Bryan's surprise, Ginger let out a very loud scream and threw the nearest pillow she grabbed at him.

"Pervert! Leave me alone!" Ginger yelled, lifting the blanket covering her body. Then she realized that she wasn't wearing anything under the sheets. Upon realization, she felt her face warm in embarrassment.

"Help! There's a per —" Ginger attempted to yell, but Bryan set the tray on her bedside and covered her loud mouth. Ginger was breathing heavily and she could feel her heart pounding against her chest. It wasn't due to excitement. It was because she was anxious. After all, she had no idea what happened last night. She was wasted remembering the events from last night and kinda wishes not to remember it again.

"Shut up! You're waking others," he shushed her. "People might hear us. It's still early! Before I let you go, calm down."

Ginger calmed down and when her breathing became calmer, Bryan let her mouth go. "What happened?" Ginger asked.

"What do you think?" Bryan asked and smiled naughtily. "Didn't know you were such a beast in bed."

Feeling embarrassed, Ginger kicked him, but Bryan effortlessly caught his legs. "Let me go!" Ginger said.

"If I would, then you'd hurt me," Bryan said. "I won't let your feet go until you decide not to kick me."

"Oh no, I made a mistake, I made a mistake, I made a mistake," she repeatedly muttered while looking down. "Oh my gosh, I slept with my mom's boyfriend! This was a mistake, no. This was a mistake," she continued.

Hearing Ginger say that what happened to them was nothing but just a mistake made Bryan hurt because for Bryan, it meant something special. Bryan didn't show the disappointment and pain on his face and just said, "Don't worry, your mom will never find out about us."

Ginger looked up and shot at a glare. "Us? There is no 'us'! There is nothing special between us! You hear me?" she yelled and then stood up. "Go out! I am going to dress up!" Ginger added and pointed to the door. When Bryan didn't move, she repeated, "OUT!"

He raised his hand midair and said, "Fine, fine. I'll go if that's what you want."

As soon as he left, Ginger looked up at the digital clock on the table beside the bed and saw that it was 4:00 AM. It made her wonder why Ryan was up at that time. It was too early. Suddenly, she remembered that today was her first day at work as Charlotte's Secretary. And so, she rushed and prepared herself for her new work.
