
Revenge of the Dead

30-year old Ginger Cadette faked her death to get closer and revenge on her enemies — Charlie and Charlotte. Ginger was devasted after her fiancé, Charlie, left her during her darkest days. She was battling brain cancer she didn't know that she had for a year and was given only 4 months left to live. During her fight, the Bar & Life bar she owns goes bankrupt when her irresponsible and incompetent twin takes over, and she loses money and the friends she thought were real. Two months after Charlie left Ginger, a miracle happened and she was cancer-free. She tried to see Charlie talk to him because she still loved him but then, she found out that two months ago, Charlie married Charlotte, the heiress of her rival bar who's pregnant with Charlie's child. If things couldn't get any worse, Charlotte bought Ginger's business and lost everything.So Ginger faked her death, and her identity and put on a disguise to apply as Charlotte's Secretary so she could get closer to the two and wreck them as much as they wrecked her.

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Chapter 08: One-Night Sin


FRUSTRATED with her current situation, Ginger went to a bar to grab some alcohol in hopes that it would help her forget her frustrations for a while and just have fun.

Even though she was not going to work, she still kept her real identity hidden by still wearing her wig and contact lens.

And for tonight's outfit, she wore an off-shoulder short tight black dress, showing her curves in the right places and some cleavage as well.

The length of her skirt was above her knee, showing her flawless legs and thighs. She let her wavy hair fall up to her shoulder and wore her favorite earrings.

As she walked inside, all eyes were on her. Some guys were checking her out from head to toe, perverts bit the bottom of their lips as they scanned her legs and cleavage hungrily.

But Ginger ignored them because she was drowning in her thoughts to care about other people's looks.

Ginger walked up to the bar and sat on the stool, crossing her legs. "One Grasshopper Rock, please,"

The bartender flashed a charming smile and responded, "Coming up for a lovely lady," he started showing off his bartending skills and then handed over the Grasshopper drink to Ginger flirtatiously and winked at her.

"Thanks, handsome," Ginger said, flirtatiously biting her bottom lip.

"That's on me. You don't have to worry about it," the bartender offered. He leaned in and was about to hold Ginger's hand when another guy slid from her back and ordered a drink.

"One Margarita for me."

Ginger was a bit surprised after hearing that familiar manly voice. She looked at the man who is now sitting next to her. "Bryan? Why are you here?"

"Fancy meeting you here, Ginger," Bryan said. "Are you with someone?"

"Nah. I'm alone," Ginger responded and took a sip of her drink. She looked at him and said, "How about you? Are you with someone tonight?"

"Nope. I'm all alone,"

"Does mom even know that you're here?"

"I wouldn't be here if she knew," Bryan responded, which made Ginger chuckle and shake her head sideways.

"No offense, but I don't know what my mom sees in you,"

Bryan chuckled. "And I wonder what you see in Charlie," he said, and took a sip of his drink.

Bryan was expecting that Ginger would react harshly but to his surprise, Ginger just heaved a deep sigh and played with her drink as she looked at it. "Well, I guess the heart just wants what it wants."

"That's not a lie," Bryan agreed.

For a while, Bryan and Ginger drank silently and when the alcohol started to kick in, Ginger broke the deafening silence. "You know, what? I don't know why he did what he did," Ginger started and filled another glass with grasshopper. "I did everything for him. All I did was to love him and what did I get in return?"

Ginger was trying to stop the tears that were about to fall from her eyes. She doesn't like showing her vulnerable sides to anyone.

Ginger continued to drink her grasshopper. "Not only I have a problem with my relationship, I just recently found out that I was robbed, and that caused the downfall of my business."

She was about to pour some more, but Bryan stopped her. "You're drunk. Stop drinking."

Ginger looked at Bryan's eyes and smiled. "You're charming up close, don't you know that?" Bryan's heart pounded at her words then Ginger gently cupped his cheeks. Her touch sent tingling feelings on Bryan's body. "You know, if you're not dating my mom, I would probably hit on you."

Like Ginger, Bryan, too, was already drunk, so he flirted back. Bryan caressed her thighs teasingly and responded, "Well, I like the sound of that."

"How about we dance?" Without waiting for Bryan's answer, Ginger grabbed Bryan's hand and pulled him to the dance floor. "Come on, Bry! Show me what you've got."

"Bry?" Bryan was surprised to hear Ginger giving him a nickname, but he just shrugged it off. If anything, he appreciated that because he felt special.

Ginger was too drunk to even walk so the moment she stood up, she fell on her knees, unconscious. With Bryan's pair of strong arms, he was able to catch her just in time.

"Look at you, drinking when you couldn't handle it," Bryan said. He carried him in bridal style. "Let me take you home."

"Uggh.. I don't want to go to that stupid sad house," she groggily said, tears swelling on her eyes. "Take me somewhere else. Maybe your old place."

"I thought you were unconscious," he said and started walking out of the bar. "You're safe with me. I brought my car."


WHEN Bryan settled Ginger down in the backseat of his car, he was surprised when Ginger wrapped her arms around him and pulled Bryan closer, making Bryan land on her top. "Are you going to leave me alone too?" Ginger said with her eyes closed.

"What? Of course not," Bryan said and placed the strand of her hair behind her ears so he could see her face. "I will never leave you, I promise."

Both could feel their heartbeat pounding against their chests as Ginger opened her eyes and looked at each other intently. Bryan suddenly felt Ginger's hand reaching his shirt, unbuttoning it. But Bryan stopped her.

"Don't," Bryan said. "You're drunk. You don't know what you are doing and you are just sad,"

"I know what I am doing," Ginger said. "And I want this. Are you going to reject me too?" she looked at him with her puppy eyes and started tracing his bare chest, making Bryan turn on even more.

"I thought you hated me?" Bryan asked and lifted Ginger's chin.

"Well, yeah. You're the reason why our family fell apart, in case you forgot," Ginger said, but quickly changed the topic. "Now, stop interrupting me and close that damn door behind you."

When the door was closed and locked the door, Ginger continued to unbutton his shirt, revealing his bare chest. As she stared at his abs hungrily, Bryan pressed his lips against her soft lips.

Ginger closed her eyes and started moving her lips with his, both in sync. Bryan slipped his hands inside her short skirt, tracing her private until he felt that Ginger started to get wet. Ginger wrapped her arms around Bryan's neck, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss. He smiled at her gesture, wanting to see more of her dominant side. Bryan slid two fingers inside her private part and began playing with her clit. Ginger moaned with pleasure which Bryan took as a compliment.

"You like that?" Bryan asked and started to thrust her. Ginger bit the bottom of her lip in pleasure.

"Y-Yes," she responded. "Do it harder and faster"

Bryan grinned and decided to tease her. "I didn't hear you. Say it louder."

"I said, do it harder and faster,"

"You forgot to add, 'please'"

"Do it harder and faster, please," she said in between moans. "Just do it!"

"As you wish," Bryan responded with a smile, thrusting her harder and faster. Ginger moaned loudly, with her thighs and legs already shaking. Bryan pressed his lips against her and when Ginger opened her mouth, Bryan's tongue made its way inside her mouth, playing with Ginger's tongue.

Ginger's off-shoulder was not hard to remove, so Bryan managed to remove it, including her bra, revealing her huge bare chest. Bryan pulled away to stare at her chest as he continued to thrust her with his fingers. He started sucking her breast, making her moan and feel pleased.

Ginger found herself moving her hips and moaning louder. "H-Have your way inside me." Ginger managed to say while breathing heavily.

Bryan smirked and stopped thrusting her using his fingers and decided to slow down. "What do you want me to do to you again?"

"I want you inside me, Bryan," Ginger said in almost a whisper.

"I couldn't hear you. Say it louder like you mean it," Bryan teased and started playing with her, clit which made Ginger moan and massage her breasts with so much pleasure. The sight of Ginger massaging her breasts turned Bryan on.

"I want you inside me, Bryan!" Ginger repeated. "Fvck me hard and fast!"

Smirking in satisfaction, Bryan responded, "As you wish, my lady," Bryan removed his pants and undergarments and Ginger completely undressed too. To Bryan's surprise, Ginger pushed him, pinning him on the seat, and sat on his cock, trying to fit its size inside her.

As she felt his hardness inside her, she groaned and moaned in pleasure. Bryan held her waist as Ginger started riding him fast and hard. As she did her thing, Bryan reached out for her bouncy breasts and started massaging them. Their naked bodies moved in sync like they were only dancing until they cummed.

That night, Ginger started a forbidden affair with her mother's boyfriend and became the exact person she hated the most — a mistress.
