
Revenge of the Dead

30-year old Ginger Cadette faked her death to get closer and revenge on her enemies — Charlie and Charlotte. Ginger was devasted after her fiancé, Charlie, left her during her darkest days. She was battling brain cancer she didn't know that she had for a year and was given only 4 months left to live. During her fight, the Bar & Life bar she owns goes bankrupt when her irresponsible and incompetent twin takes over, and she loses money and the friends she thought were real. Two months after Charlie left Ginger, a miracle happened and she was cancer-free. She tried to see Charlie talk to him because she still loved him but then, she found out that two months ago, Charlie married Charlotte, the heiress of her rival bar who's pregnant with Charlie's child. If things couldn't get any worse, Charlotte bought Ginger's business and lost everything.So Ginger faked her death, and her identity and put on a disguise to apply as Charlotte's Secretary so she could get closer to the two and wreck them as much as they wrecked her.

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Chapter 04: Don't Fight, Just Buy

"I can help you if you want," Bryan continued with a grin on his face. Ginger turned her body around to face him and folded her arms together under her chest. 

"Why would you want to help me?" Ginger asked then stepped closer. "What's the catch?"

Shrugging, Bryan responded, "Well, I'm going to be your future stepdad and it is my responsibility to help my stepdaughter, right?" Ginger didn't buy Bryan's words but she was too tired to argue so she dropped it. 

"I don't need your help, alright? I can handle this on my own," Ginger said and turned her back against him before walking off. Even though Ginger already shut Bryan off, he was still persistent. He followed her as she walked inside while trying to convince her.

"I didn't say you can't, but wouldn't things become easier and faster if I help you out?" Bryan said, but Ginger only remained silent until she stepped inside their mansion.

Returning to the mansion felt nostalgic to her. Even though their family fell apart, they still made happy memories there. But the mansion she used to call 'home' was gone. The mansion where she's standing right now is nothing but an empty house.

She used to feel very lonely and homesick everytime she reminisced about her childhood life but overtime, she learned how to accept things the way they were. 

She accepted that her parents got divorced and she also accepted that her mother chose a younger man than to fight for her family.

She scanned around and noticed that nothing had changed since she last lived there. 'This place hasn't changed a bit.' 

Ginger snapped out from her deep thoughts when she felt Bryan's hands around her arm. She looked over her shoulder and glared at him. "Remove your filthy hands off me," — she grabbed him by his arm tightly — "unless you want to get a black eye, hm?"

"It's cute when you're trying to be scary," Bryan mocked and laughed. This made Ginger pissed off and without hesitation, she kicked his balls that made Bryan let go of her and dropped on his knees. "Oh, f*ck!"

"Who's trying to be scary again?" Ginger smirked in satisfaction as she looked down on Bryan with her hands on her hips.

"What'd you do that for?!" Bryan growled at her. 

"I already told you to let go of me but you did not," Ginger said. "You should have let go of me when I told you. If you did, you wouldn't get hurt like that."

"I just want to help, you know!" Slowly, Bryan got on his knees, with his hands still on his pants. "You were given another chance to live and this is how you treat other people in your second life?"

"I already told you, I can handle this myself! Why don't you get a life and mind your own business?" Ginger turned her back around against him and walked to their soft couch and plopped there. "Now, this is what you call a couch."

She saw their flat screen TV's remote control and opened it. The moment she opened it, she started to choose channels. "Ugh, nothing interesting." Just as when she was about to turn it off, a newsflash appeared that caught her interest.

Marcus Becham announced the merging of the Bar & Life and the Slottery Hotel Casino that will now be called, "Slottery Bar & Life Casino". 

After months of careful planning and with the right timing, the Slottery Bar & Life Casino officially started its operation. 

Marcus Becham: We're aiming to give people a more fun and exciting casino hotel experience by merging with the Bar & Life.

Marcus Becham: We wouldn't make it without the support of our customers, family and friends. This opportunity wouldn't happen if it weren't for the help of Ms. Charlotte Holly—Richardson and Mr. Charlie Richardson.

Ginger's eyes widened upon hearing Marcus' interview on the TV. "Charlie and Charlotte? What did he mean by their help?"

"Charlotte and Charlie were the investors of Marcus Becham," Bryan answered her question. "And Carter didn't know about that 'til it was sold," he added. "Carter didn't tell you about that, didn't he?"

"What? That doesn't make any sense! Charlotte is the heiress of Vines Winery the rival of Bar & Life," Ginger started. "Why would my competitor want to invest in other bars?"

"I can answer that question if you agree to let me help you with your situation," Bryan said. "Drop your pride and let me help."

Ginger heaved a sigh. Defeated, she said, "Fine. You can help me out. So, can you answer my question now? Why did they invest in another bar that's not theirs?"


While Ginger was struggling, Charlotte, Marcus and Charlie made a toast while watching the news in Charlotte's mansion.

"Cheers to Slottery Bar & Life Casino!" Marcus said as he stood up, raising his glass of wine for a toast.

"For the success of our business!" Charlotte followed, raising a glass of juice since she was pregnant and wasn't allowed to drink.

"To our win!" Charlie ended.

"My hotel was losing against my biggest competitor so I had to upgrade it. But I didn't expect that you're going to give me an idea on how to save my hotel," Marcus said, really grateful. 

Marcus had no idea that Charlotte had an ulterior motive for investing in his business. "But honestly, I was hesitant at first when you told me to buy Bar & Life and merge it with my hotel." He admitted.

Charlotte giggled. "I know. Bar & Life was already on the verge of collapsing so why would you want to buy that, right?"

"Exactly. Plus, it's your rival too so why would you want to invest in your rival business?" Marcus pointed out.

"Exactly. That business was our family's long-time rival and sometimes, you don't fight your opponent," Charlotte started. "Sometimes, you need to make them yours to completely take them down."

Marcus laughed, amused. "You sounded like an evil villain when you state it like that," Marcus sighed and remembered that Ginger, the owner of the bar, was battling cancer. "I'm just feeling a little bit guilty because we had to buy a dying girl's business instead of saving it."

"Oh, but we did save her business. If it weren't for us, they wouldn't be able to pay the $30,000,000 they owed at the bank, right?" Charlotte pointed out. 

"I guess you're right. But still, it doesn't feel right."

"Plus, that girl is dying, anyway," Charlotte held her baby bump and smiled. "We need to focus on what's about to live. Like the baby growing in my tummy."

Charlie was so quiet that it caught Charlotte's attention. "Love, why are you so quiet? Is everything okay?"

Charlie forced a smile. "Yes, I'm fine. Just thinking of something."

Charlotte's eyes furrowed. "You were worried about that girl, weren't you?"

"What? Of course, not!" Charlie answered immediately then wrapped his arms around Charlotte's shoulder, his other hand on her baby bump. "I am not worried about anyone else other than you and our baby."

"Good, then. I am pregnant with your child and we got married. You should keep your focus on us, alright?" Charlotte said seriously. "And forget that girl."