

~23 wives -Yes!! | ~Harem - You bet!! | ~Fan service - Yes!!| ~Revenge-Yes!!! *This book contains matured content!!* What happens when you are forced to start all over? Will you pick yourself up like in the case of Taro? Will you force your way from undesired to undenied?! What happens when everything you've longed to achieve is right in front of you but slips your grasp? Taro, one of the strongest warriors of Kahani, ranked as a Mykon is killed in battle by the hands of a trusted colleague, a fellow Mykon. However, in an odd stroke of luck, something absurd happens. Taro finds second chance in the most unlikeliest way. Taro is reborn by taking the place of his unborn child that his wife was carrying. Sadly, his wife dies, leaving him all alone in the world with no family whatsoever. How does Taro live his life knowing he ended one? How does Taro find his missing brother? How does Taro rise to become the fearsome warrior he once was? All this and many more to be answered. Join Taro on this adventure as he rises from zero to hero. From ashes to grace. Warning!!! This book Will have debauchery, gore, highly censored words and lots more. ADVICE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC, IF THIS IS NOT YOUR CUP OF TEA, AVOID IT. *Kindly support this book with powerstones, golden tickets and gifts if you may. *THIS IS MY FIRST BOOK SO THERE MAY BE SOME ASPECTS I'M STILL SHAKY AT. DISCORD LINK: https://discord.gg/SSCP6Yce

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Fixing Silon?

Silon's face contorted with anxiety, his brow furrowing and his eyes darting around the almost empty ward. His fingers drummed nervously on the edge of the bed as he awaited the arrival of Healer Niskha.

Yet, as the sound of approaching footsteps reached his ears, a transformation overcame him. His features lit up, his eyes widened with anticipation, and a radiant smile spread across his face.

Eagerly, he straightened his posture and held his breath, ready to behold her beauty once more, his heart racing with joyful anticipation.

"I'm quite interested in why you're keen that only I will treat you," Niskha remarked as she entered the room, her voice a melodious symphony that seemed to dance through the air. Her words, delivered with a hint of curiosity, hung in the room like a fragrant bouquet.

Silon's expressions underwent a dramatic transformation, as if a switch had been flipped. His previously composed demeanor dissolved into a mixture of surprise and delight.

His eyes, fixed on the silver haired Niskha, widened with wonder, their luster intensifying. His brows, which had once carried the weight of anxiety, now lifted, revealing a sense of joyous astonishment.

As Niskha's radiant presence flooded the room with light, Silon's face seemed to bask in its glow. His lips, which had been poised to respond, parted in awe, forming a silent 'O' of admiration. It was as if her very presence had taken his breath away, rendering him momentarily speechless.

The room, once quiet and filled with anticipation, now seemed to hum with a newfound energy. Silon's heartbeat quickened, the rhythm of his excitement matching the tempo of his racing thoughts. He couldn't help but feel a surge of enthusiasm, as if the universe had conspired to grant him this extraordinary moment.

Niskha's question hung in the air, a mystery yet to be unraveled. But in that moment, Silon's mind raced with a whirlwind of thoughts as he watched Niskha with unbridled enthusiasm.

His gaze remained fixed upon her, and his heart pounded in his chest like a drumbeat of anticipation. He couldn't help but marvel at her, his thoughts a chaotic symphony of admiration and wonder.

"Is she more radiant today than she was the other day, or is it because she's closer today?" Silon pondered, his mind consumed by the enigma of her beauty. It was as if a newfound energy coursed through his veins, fueling his curiosity and enthusiasm.

Niskha's presence seemed to cast a spell on him, and he was completely lost in thought, oblivious to her question. He was like a starstruck admirer, captivated by her allure and entranced by the aura of grace and elegance that surrounded her.

As he continued to lose himself in the depths of his thoughts, Silon couldn't help but feel that this encounter was something extraordinary, a serendipitous meeting that had ignited a spark of enthusiasm within him, one that would continue to burn brightly long after Niskha had left the room.

As Niskha gracefully moved closer to Silon, her presence seemed to envelop him like a warm, radiant embrace. Her eyes, luminous and filled with compassion, locked onto his with an intensity that was almost magnetic.

Her fine, smooth, glowing skin seemed to emit a gentle radiance that illuminated the room, casting a soft, ethereal glow upon everything it touched.

With a tender and delicate touch, she reached out and held Silon's fractured hands in her own. Her fingers, soft and nimble, explored the contours of his injuries with a healing caress that sent shivers down his spine. Her touch was a balm to his wounded soul, soothing the pain and anxiety that had plagued him.

Silon, however, remained entranced, his gaze fixed upon her with an intensity that bordered on passion. His eyes, once filled with wonder and admiration, now seemed to trace the pretty contours of her body, drawn by an irresistible magnetic force. He couldn't help but be captivated by the graceful curves and the elegance of her form.

As Niskha continued her examination, her eyes met Silon's once more, and in that electric gaze, Silon couldn't help but feel that he had found something extraordinary, something that went far beyond the realm of physical healing.

"How did you got injured?" Niskha's question, delivered with a gentle curiosity, hung in the air like a delicate melody. Her examination of Silon's injured hands had been thorough, her touch both healing and soothing, and now she sought to understand the source of his injuries.

Silon, however, responded with a playful smile that held a hint of flirtation. His words, delivered with a mischievous glint in his eyes, carried a touch of humor and boldness. "I actually fell for you," he quipped, his tone playful and filled with a hint of passion.

Niskha, her gaze fixed upon Silon, seemed to pause for a moment, her radiant eyes locking onto his. With a subtle shift in her posture, Niskha replied, "I guess it wasn't such a hard fall, I guess." Her response held a subtle hint of intrigue, a acknowledgment of the connection that had formed between them, even if it was born from a playful remark.

Silon, emboldened by her response, continued with a broader smile and a more daring comment. "The only thing hard at that time was my dick." His words trailed off as he ventured into more risqué territory, his tone suggestive and filled with passion.

Niskha's reaction was swift and measured. She jerked back slightly, her expression taking on a hint of surprise. With a nonchalant shrug, she showed no interest in pursuing the risqué conversation any further.

Her demeanor remained professional, and it was as if she had gracefully deflected the comment with a touch of indifference.

"Do you wonder why only my left hand got injured?"Silon's question, now directed at the specific injury to his left hand, hung in the air, charged with a hint of intrigue. As he asked this question, a sly grin crept across his face indicating a sense of knowing.

Niskha unsure however asked..."why?"

Hearing her answer delighted Silon as he felt everything was falling in place.