
Revenge of love in life

A young woman marries a rich man, yet the young woman does not know who her husband is.Age 23 years onset many strange things happened to her. So much so that she felt she was insane.

merleydia1998 · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Revenge of love in life-1

Mrs. Diana, Alhamdulillah, our son's wedding day is over today. said Mrs. Elley with a happy smile.

""Yes, Mrs. Elley, I am very happy. I just hope that your son can take care of my daughter, yes. I hope they will always be happy. said Mrs. Diana hopefully.

""Yes, Mrs. Diana. I also hope so, moreover, our descendants need to be taken care of until they die. It is our children who continue our struggle. after all, our husbands are gone, only us and our children are left.

""I will give this blue pearl as a gift to my beloved child Diah Mrs. Diana touched her chest, a ray of blue light came out, then pulled out the pearl in her heart. Mrs. Diana's yellow hair color continued to turn black.

""what a you doing Mrs.Diana?. we have to wait for the big two to give us our pearls. Mrs. Elley was shocked by her best friend's actions.

""No . no. I think now we need to give it to our son. for any time our enemies will hunt us down. said Mrs. Diana. she heart was really sad but her just held it in her heart.

""Diah is 9 years old while Ikmal is 10 years old .. they just watch their mothers with happy faces. both still do not understand what they are doing and talking about.

""just as Mrs. Elley was attaching a green pearl with a red pearl on Ikmal's chest suddenly a very loud shout appeared in the direction of their backs. the sound may be within 4 meters of their place. Mrs. Elley quickly inserted the pearl in her son's chest and prepared to protect Ikmal from the enemy's threat. so is Mrs. Diana getting ready.""

the light of fire appeared in front of Mrs. Diana and Elley as fast as lightning, Mrs. Elley shot the fire creature with a green sword, but the fire creature managed to dodge.

Why are you hunting us ?! Mrs. Diana shouted in a harsh voice. the long iron was in his hand, the iron looked very cold if it hit the victim's body it could freeze and die. Mrs. Diana's power is frozen iron, while Mrs. Elley has the power of a sharp sword.

Diah and Ikmal are in the world of the earth due to the effect of the pearl in their chests. their place continues to change in the world of the earth. even though they were in the world of ice and sand. really stunned the atmosphere in their world .Diah and Ikmal separate places.

""Where is our son? said Mrs. Diana. she eyes were looking for Diah. I do not know. replied Mrs. Elley. Mrs. Elley frowned because she wasn't happy at the time. she so worry.

""sorts that were playing in Mrs.Diana mind at the time. Mrs. Diana had just lifted her frozen iron when suddenly a flaming sword stabbed her in the stomach. Blood flowed continuously in her mouth as well as in her stomach.

""Mrs.Diana are you okay said Mrs. Elley, worried and confused at the time. The fire creature took the opportunity to shoot the fire sword at Mrs. Elley's head until Mrs. Elley's head broke. so frightening is the occurrence of war between the family of pearls and the family of fire swords.

""wait for our descendants to avenge your cruelty, O sword of fire! cried Mrs. Diana, Mrs. Diana saw that the ice she stepped on was already covered in blood. his head already feels heavy.

""How weak your descendants are! Please take revenge. I will be there forever and will rule this place and another one I will wipe out your weak descendants. once again the fire sword creature laughed out loud. how cruel that lineage is.

The departure of Diah's mother and Ikmal was recorded at that time. they both don't know it. their memory is covered by pearls, time is in the earth their memory is like nothing happened just their distance apart and they don't know what place it is.