
Revenge of Iron Blooded Sword Hound

Player_Undead · Romance
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129 Chs

Episode 410 End game (2)

Level Nine. The prisoners imprisoned in the abyss of the 9th floor underground have been released.

When the BDSM restraints, the only means of controlling Lv.9 beasts, lost their power, they too ascended to the upper levels of Nouvelle Vague.

Dangerous elements who were imprisoned here after each and every one of them was sentenced to more than 1,000 consecutive life sentences while on the ground.

They are monsters whose very existence can have a significant negative impact on the security of the empire.

Not only did they possess powerful weapons, but they also had devilish brains.

When Level Nine's prisoners joined the riot, the tide turned in an instant.

"Hey, these kids are too strong!"

"Even other prisoners are affected!"

"Shit! "Those scum are in formation!?"

"Don't be pushed! "If you get pushed back even once, it's over!"

"Kill mainly summoners and warlocks!"

The guards gritted their teeth and fought, but it was impossible to even stay in place.

Aside from being strong, there were many people in Level Nine who were skilled in mercenary skills and military strategy, so the guards' siege was breaking down in real time.

Colonel Bastille shouted.

"Orca! "Where is Orca?"

"You haven't returned yet!"

Upon hearing his subordinate's report, Colonel Bastille bit his lip so hard that it bled.

The only hope at this point were the two wardens, Colonel Dordium and Colonel Soiret.


Dordium, who killed a prisoner in front of him with an ax blade, advanced without hesitation, tearing up the battlefield.

"Don't be intimidated! Anyway, they are just chaff that has become weak and stale... … !?"

But Dordium's words did not continue until the end.

… chin!

The ax blade that was slaughtering and crushing everything around stopped rotating.

The face of the prisoner was seen holding out the hot blade with his bare hands.

Dordium, seeing that face, also groaned softly.

"… … Megidio. "Are you a level 9 beast?"

This red-haired female prisoner grinned, red flames emanating from her eyes.

As if he had a debt to repay Dordium.


Dordium's face, hit by a fist, turned sideways and blood sprayed out.

"Damn it. Those troubled bastards escaped from prison. What on earth happened to BDSM? … !"

Dordium took a few steps back and growled, spitting out blood and broken teeth.

Suware, who was watching it from the side, clicked his tongue.

"You go around getting beaten up by prisoners. "It sucks."

But she was also in no position to laugh at Dordium.

A girl with snow-white skin raised her fingernails and scratched her cheek fiercely.

Behind her, seven large wolf shadows flickered.

"Oh my, you're Snow White from the world of murderers. Yeah, I thought your bitch would pop out first. Of course, he will come to me first."

Suware lifted his blood-covered face and smiled slowly.

The large cigar in his mouth burns to a crisp and puffs out thick smoke.

The prisoners of Level Nine were gathering one by one around the two wardens.

Each one of them is a villain who had a fearsome notoriety during their time on earth.

Monsters that could have destroyed a small country on their own if it were the Warring States Period.

The expressions on Dordium and Soiret's faces as they looked at these aspects were becoming more and more complicated.

The two stood with their backs to each other in the middle of the siege and opened their mouths.

"… … "This is where I will die."

"It's not that bad. the weather is good too. It would be perfect as long as the corpse could be left in good shape. "I also shaved today."

"Still, I will die later than four years later. "I must die to see that disgusting face crushed."

"Hohoho- he's a moodless man. "Is this the last comment between two people who have been fighting each other for almost 30 years since their days as low-level guards in their youth?"

"Hung, then you thought I was going to confess?"

"Maybe you expected it a little bit?"

"… … ?"

"Hohoho- joke~dam~"

After finishing their conversation, Dordium and Suware raised all their strength.

Crack! Crack! Wow!

Dordium's entire body was covered with black iron-clad scales.

Blade-like teeth hang beneath the elongated snout.

The size of Dordium, which was already large, has increased several times, and its true nature is revealed as a ferocious saltwater crocodile-type beast.

Suware also displayed both dwarven and elf blood flowing throughout his body.

My ears point and my senses become sharper.

At the same time, her body temperature began to rise to the point where she could melt metal and knead it.

Level Nine's demons also began to run wild like fish in water.

"Oh oh! Dordium! "I've been looking forward to the day I kill you!"

"Suware! "I will cut off the leg that trampled on me!"

"Orca! "Bring the orca, you bastards!"

The guards also desperately protected Dordium and Suware, the keys that could determine victory or defeat on the battlefield.

"Support the two wardens!"

Colonel Bastille came with high-ranking guards.

He swung a large two-handed sword and drove the Level Nine prisoners to one place.

"Well done, Bastille! "Buy us a little time!"

Dordium, who had just beheaded a prisoner from Level Nine, gritted his teeth and shouted.

Covered in the blood of prisoners, he looked like a giant demon.


When Dordium swung its tail, all the stalactites around it shattered.

Heavy rocks fluttering in all directions hit the prisoners hard.


Dordium extended the ax blades on his forearms to their limit.

A black saltwater crocodile whose entire body is armed with an ax blade.

As the hard and sharp scales covering its entire body bristled, its appearance changed to that of an evil spirit that had descended on the earth to slaughter.

"Get lost you trash!"

With a roar like a thunderbolt, Dordium began to rotate his body.

Death roll.

A typical hunting method of crocodiles.

It is a technique that bites the opponent and rotates the entire body to remove a chunk of flesh.

However, when Dordium used it, its destructive power was extraordinary.


Scales sprout all over Dordium's body and six pairs of huge ax blades.

The aura coated on the ends of the blades also stretches long, creating a guillotine-like shape.

A black vortex swallowed everything.

Everything that was sucked inside was broken and crushed.

The huge whirlwind of slashing swept the ground horizontally and was swaying back and forth like a snake thrown onto a grill.

A serious wound that cuts into the body with just a brush, and if hit properly, is guaranteed to result in death.

"Aaaah! "Colonel Dordium used the Death Roll!"

"damage! "When you're in that state, you won't even recognize your allies!"

"Push the prisoners in! Just strengthen your defenses!"

"If you stay in your place, you won't be dragged away!"

Dordium's special move was a threat not only to the prisoners but also to the guards.

Even the vicious Level Nine prisoners do not face the whirlpool of slashes created by Dordium, as if they are too much of a burden, so they take refuge to the side.


The black whirlpool cut away and destroyed all the stalactites and rocks that blocked the path, turning them into plain land.

The stalactites that were hit from the front by the aura storm were shattered and turned into sand, fluttering around, and large, thick rocks had scratch marks on their sides.

All the prisoners retreated back and to the side due to its mighty majesty, which was so strong that the terrain inside it changed drastically.

… … however.

Among the prisoners stampeding on both sides, there was a person standing still and alone.

A man wearing a tattered jailer's uniform.

A silver Rose of Sharon, symbolizing Major, can be seen growing on his chest.

An unidentified major with his hat brim deeply pressed down.

He stood still without moving even when he saw Dordium's death roll coming straight at him.

"hey! Are you out of your mind!? What are you doing on the subject of Major Nabulaeng? "Come out quickly!"

"Ha ha! Are you killing the same guard, Dordium?"

Shouts from prisoners and guards rain down as the crowd flows out like the ebbing tide.

However, he still stood still and watched the storm of slashes rushing in before his eyes.


Eventually, a silver Rose of Sharon flower fell off and rolled on the floor.

He seemed to be taking off the rank insignia from his chest.

… Flash!

From top to bottom. The arms were lowered vertically.


An arm that only moved once. And a small blade protruded from his wrist.

However, it fell like a thunderbolt and pummeled Dordium's body, which was flying in front, to the ground.


Dordium's head, which had broken the ground and was stuck, bounced up onto the ground again.

thud… …

That was the end.

blow. With just one cut, Dordium fell to the floor, covered in blood.

For an instant, silence fell over the noisy Nouvelle Vague.


Amidst the eerily cold and eerie silence, the only sound that could be heard was the sound of the man wiping the blood from his knife with the lapel of his uniform.


The aura emanating from him was devouring everything on the battlefield.

In front of this dark red charisma in the shape of a large monster dog, all living things in Nouvelle Vague had to hold their breath with astonished faces.

Soon, the man took a step forward with his military booted foot and stepped on the head of the sunken Dordium.

"… … "I'm the type of person who always pays off my debt."

It was the moment when the night hound appeared once again in Nouvelle Vague.