

Amelia crooked for what it seemed to be like hours before finally whipping her tears off and picking up the address that Damon had shoved into her pockets earlier, she stood up and left dropping the paper on the bed.

Immediately Amelia left, Silva finally showed up out of no where, he had followed Amelia into the room using his invisibility spell and from what he could understand from her actions, seems she just found out that she and Amalia were related, he walked towards the bed and picked up the card looking at the address before smirking evilly, he had also heard that emotional trauma causes miscarriage it seems that is what je would use to his advantage and at the main time completely destroy Damon's and Amelia relationship but he needed one person help to get it done.

Not wanting Amelia to see Damon before she meet him, Silva immediately disappeared to go get his ally.