
Revenge Blood

Drake the 1st Demon knight of the 12 Demon knights, First vampire (Dracula). He was betrayed by his father Lucifer Morningstar and his body was destroyed and his comrades were banished during the escape to earth. But Drakes soul was sent to earth and was accidently imprisoned in a 10 year old boy named Michael. Michael and his little sister who have been bullied by Society for being poor and not being able to cultivate for in this land only the strong have a safe in the week are left in the slums. all Michael wants is to protect his little sister from the world of cultivators and Drake with a mission of Revenge. Drake and Michael bounded by Faith team together for revenge and blood. So the question is, will they save the world and defeat hell or will they destroy both with No Mercy?

DevilsDead69 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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37 Chs


" This New State City News on Channel 39. After a series of events involving The Akuma Trio. A lot of evidence have come to light concerning many the Hero Association and New State Police. Many have witnessed there have The Akuma Saving people and exposing those who take the law into their own hands. The Hero Association have issued a statement say ' we are truly shocked by how our Heroes have abused there power and we had no knowledge about this.'. After the statements many Heroes have been arrested due to the light of evidence. Including rape, murder and other heinous crimes.. Police officers have…. "

(New State City/Hero Association HQ)

(office of Captain and overseer/John Meng)

After Mr. Meng out the TV off he lights a cigar for the stress his going through. His assistant, Mr. Miller stood by his side.

" Fuck me, what a shit show….did you have any idea about what was going on?" Mr. Meng asked

"My apologies Mr. Meng, I did know they tend to abuse there power in some ways but never had I though that they would have ties with Kyle Yue."

"That's still nothing compared to the shame the Meng family had to go through when Lou Meng lost to a young girl on the news." Mr Meng said disappointed.

"the Meng Family are one of the four great families and his your cousin." Mr Miller said

"yes, now their asking me to deal with this. Like I don't have problems already." Mr. Meng said. His office doors open and Sue Mo came through.

"Miss Mo I'm glad to see you. We need all hero's on deck especially one from the four great families." Mr. Miller said happily.

"I'm sorry Mr. Miller and Mr. Meng but I'm here not to help but to hand in my resignation." Sue Mo said putting her resignation letter on the desk.

Mr. Meng is surprised by this.

"What is the meaning of this?" Mr. Miller said in angry and disrespect.

"I apologize, but I have submitted several reports of heroes abusing there power to commit criminal acts and all of them were ignored." Sue Mo said respectfully.

"why should the strong have to deal with such small matters." Mr Miller argued

"I joined the Heroes Association not gain fame or make my family proud but to fight for justice and protect civilians but after yesterdays events I can no longer believe in the Heroes Association." She said

"Mr. Miller let her go. You have to remember that she's also one of the Four great Families." Mr. Meng said regretfully.

Mr. Miller said nothing but his face could say a thousand words.

Sue Mo bows respectfully and leaves.

"Sir, just because she's part of the Mo family doesn't mean she can leave how she wants."Mr Miller stated

" I understand, so well keep close eye on her and use whatever we can to draw her back. "Mr. Meng said.

" yes sir"

Sue Mo is walking down the passage when a man with long green hair is standing, leaning the wall. He seemed to be waiting for her.

"Miss Mo, are you about to go out on patrol well so am i. We should go together" he said following her but she just gives him a cold expression.

"Mr. Koi, I have no intention of going out on patrol with you." She said giving him the cold shoulder.

"Miss Mo, our families have agreed to our Engagement. Soon we'll be married. We should get along." He said

"Mr. Koi I've told you, your family and my father respectfully that I want nothing to do with this engagement." She said

"Miss Mo, please don't be like that. I'm sure if you gave me the chance I can make you change your mind." He said in a conniving way.

"Mr. Koi, if you haven't found out yet but I'm no longer a Hero and now I have to plan what I'm going to do for the future and you have no part in it. So please get over it." She said in a straight forward manner and walked away. Leaving him behind. His face could shout anger and he fist hit a wall so hard it cracks.

" who do you think you are. Sooner or later you and your family will understand not to disobey the Koi Family." He said in vengeful manner

Sue Mo gets into her car and Yuri is waiting inside.

"was that your fiancé?" Yuri asked sarcastically.

"I have no fiancé." Sue Mo said but looks at her ring finger and the curse magic circle lights up.

"But I do have a husband" She accidentally said to herself."

" Well now what's the plan?" Yuri asked

" uhm… I think I'm going to attend College."

"Well count me in."



Drake, Michael, Amy, kelly, Jane and Miss Chu meet up At the Lee Manner. They all had the bags ready Miss Chu sets up an Array and used her own personal crystal to set it up.

Michael noticed Kelly was a bit nervous. Michael stood closer to her.

"Hey Kelly, don't be nervous and Master told me to give you this gift." Michael took her hand gently put a ring on it. Kelly blushes at this and looks into his eyes.

"this is a storage ring that Master made."

"wait.. Aren't storage rings very expensive? I can't accept this." Kelly said respectfully.

"Sister Kelly there is no need to worry. Your family." Amy said and smiled at Kelly.

Kelly had a warm feeling and accepted the gift. She used the ring to sore her bag to test and succeeded.

"Alright everyone, are you ready?" Miss Chu asked. Then the array opened

The array lights up and they disappear.

When they arrived they were all at a loss of words. They stood in an open area call they trance Array station. It's an open circular Greek style area. As they left the station. It was as if the walked into another world.

"Welcome everyone to Heavenly Deity College. "Miss Chu announced

Students all over had different colour of robes and some flew on flying swords. The collage was almost half the size of New State City and everything look as of if it was in ancient times.

Come lands floated in the air with waterfalls. It was if you were in heaven it's self.

"Now Amy, Michael and Kelly you'll have to head to the freshman assembly Hall where your power will get evaluated. Remember when getting evaluated you'll have go to the test area that is were you'll display your power in front of all the Sect Master. After the final test they'll call your name and a Sect Master will chose weather if they want to take you in or not. There will be 7 different tests and you have to at least attend 4. Realm test is a must. The rest you can chose. Miss Chu explained.

Miss Chu called over a student.

"Miss Chu, I'm glad to see your back." He said happily.

"Everyone, this is David Chou. His a senior student and he will take you assembly hall." Miss Chu said. David Chou seemed like a nice guy. He wore res robes meaning his part of the Warrior Sect.

"wow.. Miss Chu actually chose someone let alone three." He said with surprise in his voice.

"enough of that Chou. Take the kids already I have business to deal with." Miss Chu said taking Master Drake and Jane with.

As they walked David Chou explained how things worked.

"where we are now I the main district area of Heavenly Deity College. You can buys anything like weapons, scrolls, alchemy pots or go to an auction. It just depends on how much money you have."

"this place is amazing Brother Chou. Tell me witch sect to you belong in?" Michael asked

" oh, I go to Warriors Sect. My cultivation is based off fighting and earth style." He said

Two men that were watching. They wore white robes and Came to Amy and Kelly.

" Hey pretty Ladies. Why don't we take to the test Area."

" Yeah you don't have to walk with this loser Chou anyway." They said arrogantly.

Amy looked at them and asked

"wow.. Are you guys from the famous Sword Sect?"

They Smiled so arrogantly.

"yes, we are"

"awww that's too bad because I watched the news and saw how Akuma Bunny sent your sect members home crying." Amy said Sarcastically.

Their facial expression changed to embarrassment. Michael and David Chou laughed. The men became angry.

"Who do you freshman think you are…" they were interrupted by tall handsome man named Zou Xi. His the 3rd son of the Xi Family. One of the four great families. He carried a large sword on his back and looked like a fresh man. He put both hands on them and when they saw who it is they became silent

"Hey I'm new here to so why don't you guys take me to the test area." He said in a threatening way. They became scared and agreed. Before he left he glanced at Michael and smiled.

"what's with the Xi Family?" Amy asked

"I don't know but just now. He tired to check my cultivation." Michael answered.

"Then we better watch what he does." Kelly said.

David Chou took them to open area full of fresh man. David Chu had to leave and the gang waited a bit longer.

Another man was looking at Kelly in a disgusting way. He walks over and everyone made a way for him as his friends followed. He confronts Kelly like he is royalty.

"Hello, my name is Howard Koi of the Koi family. I'd like you to accompany me after the test."

Kelly was surprised by this and said.

"I'm sorry but I have plans to hang out with someone else." Kelly then grabbes onto Michael's arm. Howard suddenly becomes infuriated by this.

"you dare to reject me for this trash. Girl you clearly don't know who I am." He said Arrogantly manner

"I don't really care what family you're from but I have no intention of getting involved with you." Kelly said proudly, holding onto Michael.

(crowd chatter)

"wow that girl is brave."

"Wow Howard got rejected"

"looks like even on of the Four great families can't get everything they want"

Howard began to get even more angry and said

"Listen here you bitch. If you know what's good for you and your friend you better come with me."

He tried to grabbed Kelly's hand but Michael smacks his hand away.

"She said she wants nothing to do with you. Besides with all this rapist signals you giving off is really up setting my stomach." Michael said in a cold manner.

Everyone began to talk about Howard and he confronted Michael and said.

"listen here you street trash. My family will destroy your family with a flick of my finger. So I suggest you get down on your knees and beg me for mercy." Howard said pointing his finger against Michael's chest. Michael clenched his fist.

"Enough Howard." A women's voice from the crowed. As the crowed made way Michael saw that it was Sue Mo.

Everyone is stunned that she is here. Howard smiles as she walks over to them.

"Sister I'm glad that you are here. Please help me explain to this Trash where he belongs. "he said pointing at Michael.

Sue Mo stands by Michael and this surprises everybody.

" Howard just because your from one of the four great families. You seem to think that you can do whatever you want." Sue Mo stated

Howard is surprised and confused by this. Everyone is now questioning Howard ethics.

"Sister Mo, I don't quit get what you doing. You are my big brother fiance?" he said with confusions in his voice.

"first of all. I rejected that arrangement and will always reject it. Besides they're my friends and you dare to assault my sister Kelly in public." Sue Mo said and Michael smiled, Amy laughed and Kelly giggled.

Howard felt embarrassed and turn around to leave.

Sue Mo turned her attention to Michael and said

" Michael , not even an hour and you're already making trouble with one of the four great families."

Michael laughs in guilt and Kelly bows to Sue Mo.

"Sister Sue, thank you so much but it is my fault that it happened."

"please sister Kelly don't do that. We are Sisters now and no can mess with you. Besides I was more afraid Michael would make more trouble." Sue Mo said, Looking at Michael like his a trouble maker.

"Hey what did I do?" he asked and Amy laughed.

"So sister Sue. What's bring you here?" Amy asked curiously.

"well I quit the Heroes association and decided to joined the college instead." Sue Mo explained.

Amy got closer to her ear and whispered.

"are you sure that is all you come her for?"

Sue Mo looked at Michael while he was talking to Kelly and she Blushed.

"no no no no… That's not what I'm here for.. I just… Wanne get strong and this… Is the best place for that… Please sister Amy don't say things like that." Su Mo said nervously and Amy laughed.

In the sky a man in a Gold and white Robe stood on a flying sword.

" Everyone listen. My name Dail Xou. I'm an instructor of the Golden Deity Sect. I'll be over seeing all your tests. So get ready. You old life ends now and your new life in Heavenly Deity College Begins now."