
Revelation of the Orcs

Struck by lightning, his soul miraculously traversed to the continent of Sauron, becoming an orc youth named Barok. This world, where strength reigns supreme, is both cruel and unfamiliar. Among all the races on the continent of Sauron, the orcs lack the power to protect themselves; they are the weakest. Enslaved and slaughtered by powerful humans, despised by other races, they live in the most barren and desolate regions of the continent, constantly facing life-threatening monstrous beasts, harsh natural environments, hunger, and chaos. What path lies ahead for the orcs? Barok roared in defiance: "Follow me, let us orcs change the rules!" This is a world of mythical beasts and monsters, of battle energy and magic. The orcs will rise under Barok's leadership!

tianzekunkun · Fantaisie
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88 Chs

Unexpected Plan Leak

Turkdog Luck didn't know where he had gone, and Barlock was slightly worried, but soon he felt relieved! The steward Kim, accompanied by a group of chefs, rushed out of the arena kitchen, all wielding knives and cleavers, chasing after a shaggy, ugly creature! The creature was carrying a fat chicken in its mouth...!

Indeed, he couldn't be trusted! Fortunately, there were no formidable mages here, so Barlock wasn't worried that Luck would come to harm, so he let him be!

During their time in the town of Red River Valley, Barlock learned all the gladiatorial arts from the old gladiator Massimo. Since defeating Selt, he rarely found any opponents in single combat. But this was only because of his own uniqueness and didn't apply to all orcs. Moreover, in Barlock's view, gladiatorial arts were like another form of flashy martial arts in soul memory, with limited effectiveness on the battlefield. So he didn't teach orcish gladiatorial arts but instead trained them in squad combat techniques.

The space in the arena was limited after all. Even in the largest "Lion and Axe Gladiatorial Arena" in the Padia Royal Capital, it could only accommodate two hundred people for squad combat. In Barlock's view, as long as his fellow orcs could hold firm in squad formations, protect the flanks and rear, and rely on their formidable strength, they might not even need fancy gladiatorial arts to sweep through everything!

Of course, reality would certainly not be like this; humans were much smarter than orcs, and they would inevitably have countermeasures. However... Barlock never planned to really go to the arena and perform for humans with his life and blood. Everything he did was just to confuse!

The orcs didn't know what Barlock was thinking. They were immersed in fervent training, taking their formation and squad tactics very seriously. After giving some guidance, Barlock sat down in front of the old orcs Zyad and Cecil, who were injured and could only watch from the sidelines.

Sitting in front of them, Barlock glanced around aimlessly and asked in a low voice, "Chief Zyad, you've been in the arena for almost half a year now, so you must be very familiar with it, right?"

"Barlock, don't call me chief, just call me by name!" the old orc said. At this moment, Barlock had an aura that naturally made all the orcs regard him as their leader. Undoubtedly, if they could escape, Barlock would be the chief of the tribe!

"After being brought out of the Gravel Wasteland by those damn mercenaries, we were first sold to a human slave trader. That trader didn't have much influence in the Padia Royal Capital. After bringing us here, he was immediately found out by the butcher Seth, who forced the trader to sell all of us to the arena at a low price with the backing of the Duke of Delta. We've been living here for a year. Apart from the areas where Seth and a few high-ranking arena staff operate, we are very familiar with everything else," Zyad said.

"Do you know all the underground entrances to the sewers, drainage channels, water sources, and so on?"

"Hmm? Barlock, why are you asking this?" Zyad and Cecil were puzzled and asked together.

"Shh, keep your voice down," Barlock gave the two reckless old guys a glare and said in a cold tone, "It's nothing, I just need to find a way to escape from the Padia Royal Capital."

"What... did you say... escape?" The old orcs widened their eyes and then lowered their voices, "Barlock, that's impossible. The Padia Royal Capital has been built for hundreds of years, and the underground sewer and drainage network is even older and more complex. Without a detailed map, no one can find a way out. Even if the mages who designed these underground sewers personally were still alive, they probably wouldn't remember. How could we possibly escape from here?"

Zyad and Cecil shook their heads, seeing no possibility of success in this plan!

"What if... I have a map of the Padia Royal Capital's sewers?" Barlock casually uttered these words. The two old orcs, despite their injuries, stood up abruptly, their eyes widened!...

Leaving the map secretly to Zyad and Cecil, Barlock let them search for the entrances to the arena sewers and the routes of the underground main networks, finding the most suitable path. This kind of thing was best kept secret, so only the three of them knew for now. The two old orcs would not participate in training for some time, as all their energy would be focused on this. But such activities could only be done at night to avoid alarming others, so Barlock couldn't stay in the arena. Fortunately, with Luck the earth dog around, its keen senses could help keep watch for the old orcs...

When Barlock returned to the academy residence, it was already dark. The gate guards recognized him and didn't stop him from entering—thanks to the widely spread scandal, everyone knew he was Lady Celine's ** lover, so naturally, no one would risk offending Lady Celine, who had close ties with the queen, by causing trouble for Barlock!

Walking into the living room, it was a mess, with objects and decorations overturned all over the floor, as if a thief had visited. Barlock was startled, returned to his room, which was neat and showed no signs of anyone entering. Coming back to inspect the living room, he found a pool of vomit on the stairs leading to the upstairs corridor, and a foul smell of alcohol permeated the air!

Barlock hurried upstairs, finding no one on the second floor. Upon reaching the third floor, he immediately saw Lady Celine's room door wide open, with Lady Celine lying sideways on the bed, her once neatly groomed soft hair scattered all over, covering most of her face. She was half-lying on the floor, her body twitching slightly, emitting faint ** sounds!

Barlock hurried over and helped Lady Celine up. She reeked of strong alcohol, and as he brushed aside her disheveled hair, he saw tears hanging from her beautiful face, her mouth still smeared with vomit, eyes closed, involuntarily making ** sounds, seeming very painful!

She's clearly drunk, and Barlock doesn't know what drove her to drink like this! He carried Celine to the bed, realizing her magical robe, soiled with vomit, couldn't be worn. Barlock helped her out of it... he swore he had no other thoughts, but Lady Celine's enticing figure made it hard for him to restrain himself. Beneath the thin, pale fabric of the robe, her ample bosom almost burst out, revealing large patches of fair skin through the neckline... even those faintly trembling, rosy points. Further down... her slender waist, taut and irresistible, then her pert, round buttocks...

Nearly holding his breath, Barlock removed Celine's dirty clothes, hurriedly covered her with a blanket, and then fled like his life depended on it. Barlock was a young man with raging hormones, and male orcs were particularly virile in certain aspects... this might also be why human noblewomen liked to have ** with orcs. At least in terms of physical endurance, human men couldn't compare to orcs!

Taking a cold shower to quell his agitation, Barlock tidied up the small building. When he returned to Celine's room to quietly leave, he carefully wiped her face with a damp cloth. But just as he was about to leave, Celine suddenly woke up! Perhaps due to drinking too much, her consciousness was still not clear, murmuring softly, "Water... water...!"

Barlock poured her a glass of water, supporting her as she drank. Celine tightly hugged Barlock's waist, resting her face against his chest, and fell asleep. Barlock tried to pry her arms open but couldn't succeed. If he tried harder, he might hurt her. Helplessly, he half-lay on Celine's soft, fragrant bed, the two of them half-embraced, enduring this night together...!

It was simply the most blissful torment; Barlock didn't sleep all night. Celine was restless in her sleep, always wriggling in his arms. The contact between their skins already heightened Barlock's desire, and with all this, he could hardly control himself... Barlock wasn't a good person; if it were possible, he wouldn't mind doing something with this mature woman. But he was afraid of Celine's reaction once she woke up. If it jeopardized his plan to rescue his people, it wouldn't be worth it.

Just before dawn, Celine finally relaxed her grip, and Barlock was finally released. Walking downstairs, he thought for a moment, then headed to the library.

There were always people in the grand library, and because it was controlled by a magic array, with Celine's magic card, it was easy to enter.

He had a question; the underground sewer map of Padia City he took yesterday seemed to be missing something. Because even for a large city, the underground drainage system was too broad, which was a fatal flaw. Imagine, if enemy forces attacked the city, they could simply send a few people through the sewer to enter the city. When the mages designed this city, they wouldn't leave loopholes; there must be some defensive measures. He needed to find some clues.

"You're looking for this, aren't you?" As Barlock searched the shelves, a roll of parchment was suddenly thrown at him from behind, and Zakari's voice came, devoid of any emotion. "Young man, can you tell me what you're looking for the design map of Padia City's sewers for?"

Damn, he's been found out! For a moment, Barlock felt a surge of impulse to kill him and silence him forever... then the thought was extinguished. Even though Zakari wasn't a mage, he cultivated the Beast Warrior Qi and possessed the rank of a Great Earth Knight. Even with Barlock's peculiarities that could give him a fatal blow, he couldn't stop Zakari from warning others in a crisis!

"Mr. Zakari, what are you talking about? I'm just here to find some books to read. I remember you said I could come and go freely here." Barlock turned around, speaking calmly.

"Young man, don't lie to an old man, and don't make meaningless sophistry. Tell me your purpose, otherwise, even Lady Celine can't help you." Zakari's demeanor was completely different from before, serious, and a powerful force surged from him, as if he could unleash a powerful Beast Warrior Qi attack at any moment.

"Mr. Zakari, speak with evidence."

"Hey, if there's no evidence, do you think I would come to the library to stop you in the early morning? I can tell you, the moment your people entered the sewers, I already found out. Now... I'm afraid they've all been captured, haven't they?"

Damn it, Barlock felt like he had been doused in ice water! Zyad and Cecil had just entered the underground sewer last night and were immediately discovered and captured? This was bad; it seemed that this city's underground was indeed defended, most likely with a warning magic array set up by the mages...!

What to do? Barlock found himself in a predicament!