
Reunion (Volume 1): The unexpected meetings and events.

I'm Marinette Mo. Here with my husband, children, father, mother, siblings, and friends. My friends and I were given a very crazy mission to unite up to six realms. We thought we were only normal rich royals but exactly how complicated can this get??? My father's master had a master which was a dragon and I have to be the master to my children and take them to the second heavens to see half of their ancestors. And, when on earth did I gain another 8 sisters. I thought I was the only child!!!? Can you please join me on this bewildering but supposedly fun and thrilling adventure? Some will die, some will not. Who will die??. You're welcome to my very complicated and interlocking life and I hope you don't get lost in the tangles of fate in here.

Introverted_Blues · Sports, voyage et activités
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9 Chs

The chaotic first meeting.

***In year three class***

"Someone please remind me why we're here again??" Annie short for Annabella complained.

"Jennie, why can't we just skip this class like all other ones?? Why exactly are we here??" Windy asked.

"Chill. There's something I want to confirm, we had to come." Jennie short for Jennifer replied.

"Is it cus of the new students? Do you know them?" Annie and Vivian asked in unison.

"Mind your business and listen or get out!". Jennie said clearly annoyed.

"So they were right." Stephanie sighed and said.

"Whatever." Jennifer replied.

**East wing of the classroom**

"Lol!! Jennifer, you think you know the new students? You're worse than the junior students in behaviour and YOU of all people want to be friends with them? Dream on!" Said a student.

"You're right Gaby. I'm very sure we'll capture their attention. I heard they were all extremely good looking too." His lackey said.

"Don't make me laugh." A bone chilling voice was heard behind them causing the boys to shake in their seats.

She then sighed and said, "Don't you have eyes? I and Jennifer's hair and eyes are literally the only things that stand out in this school of black and light brown hair. Very rarely do you see the likes of us and suddenly a whole bunch of them appear at this school. Who do you think would be noticed between us both and you?" Chloe stated while staring the two helpless boys down.

"You're right Chloe." Jin, Chloe's best friend and Jennie said.

"Look. I know I'm saying this for the first time and the first to initiate this and break our contract ever but let's dispose of this useless competition and skirmishes among our factions and try to be friends with each other. Deal?" Jennie asked.

"Sure. I was just about to propose that. I have a feeling our last 2 years would never be the same again." Chloe agreed to everyone's shock.

"WHAT!!???? What do you mean??" Jin and Jennie's friends exclaimed.

"Why? Are you questioning our decision?" Chloe asked.

"No. However, this has never been done before. There had always been two of such factions. If we suddenly unite, it will break up the legacy our seniors have left for us and since we're extremely significant to the school, we have the potential to disrupt somethings the school has set in place." Stephanie said.

"Rules are there to be broken one day Steph. Don't dwell on the past. Besides, do you really think the school that's been established for thousands of years would be easily shaken by such mere decisions??" Jennie reassured.

"That's right. You have a point." Vivian agreed with everyone nodding individually finally reassured.

***In Sabine's office***

"Mmm. There's already such big changes even when they've not yet met. You really are here to unite everyone, aren't ya?" She commented in amusement to no one in particular.

"We'll see. However before that, we have to go through wars. You are very clear on that so intensify everyone's training sessions." Nancy replied front the window.

"Whatever you say." Sabine replied and chuckled.

***Back in class***

"Settle down peeps!" Miss Jubel said using magic to enhance her voice.

"From now on,using our abilities in school premises is banned. No questions. It's direct orders from Sabine. It's to prepare you for the unexpected. Only magic is to be used from now on." She said to everyone's shock. But as elites, they quickly calmed down.

"Okay. Why are you all so tired. You weren't before I came in. You guys don't love me anymore." She said pitifully.

"Come on miss. You're the best actress in the academy of 4000 students. You know we can't be deceived anymore. We're year 3 students. Come on, why are you here?" Windy said, already tired.

"Fine. First, congrats to Jennie and Chloe for becoming friends. Then, let's welcome our 15 new extremely good looking students. Come on in and introduce yourselves." Jubel said cheerfully.

"Hi! I'm Alya Cessaire. That's Adrien Agreste, this is Marinette-" She was interrupted before she could continue.

"Are you crazy?!" Juleka exclaimed in a whisper. "Sabine clearly said hide your identities! And here you are saying it all out!" Juleka shouted in an exparated whisper.

"Are you done now?" Nancy asked calmly.

"Y-yes." Alya and Juleka said. "No.... Nancy, why do always have to be so cold?... " Alya whined.

"Hi! Sorry for that. I'm Marinnette, that's Adrien, Nino, Alya, Nora, Henry, Angelica, Gracie, Yan, Leo, Nancy, Clancy, Luka, Juleka, and Magy! It's nice to meet you guys. Let's have a nice two years together. I hope."

"Yea. It's our first time at a school as we've been homeschooled our whole lives. Take care of us. Thanks in advance." Clancy said.

"Alright, thanks. Go take your seats please." Jubel said.

"Class, introduce yourselves. Imma take my leave. Bye!!" She said jovially.

"Bye!!" Everyone said.

"You're all clearly enthusiastic to see me go. How heartless." She said taking her leave while tutting.

"Hey. I'm Chloe, that's Jennie, Annie or Annabella. Vivian, Windy, Stephanie, and Jin. Nice to meet you. You're as good looking as they said you were. If not even more."

"Thanks Chloe. Hey guys. Annie! You bear exactly the same name as my younger sister." Henry said with an innocent smile stunning all his friends.

[Bastard. Leave her alone. Don't start here. First time coming to school and you want to start deceiving everyone by playing nice? Not gonna happen.] Mari said through telepathy.

[Guys!! I have emotional and mental damage. How can our Henry smile so innocently despite how bloody he is?] Nino asked still using telepathy.

[Shut up Nino, you're the most unlikely to get either emotional damage or mental damage. We're at school now. It'll be weird not talking for so long.] Alya said.

[Don't forget only seconds pass by when we're talking in our heads.] Gracie reminded.

[Okay. But, we need to stop and actually engage with this people.] Leo said.

"You guys look vaguely familiar. But, I'm sure we've not met before." Jennie said, confused.

"Whatever. It's not important." She ended the convo herself.

"Do you guys want to share a dorm? Even if we can't use our abilities, our magic is definitely still useful." Chloe said.

"Sure! Why not?" All the girls replied

"Come on dudes. I'll take you to our dorm." Jin said and they all departed.