
Reunion (Volume 1): The unexpected meetings and events.

I'm Marinette Mo. Here with my husband, children, father, mother, siblings, and friends. My friends and I were given a very crazy mission to unite up to six realms. We thought we were only normal rich royals but exactly how complicated can this get??? My father's master had a master which was a dragon and I have to be the master to my children and take them to the second heavens to see half of their ancestors. And, when on earth did I gain another 8 sisters. I thought I was the only child!!!? Can you please join me on this bewildering but supposedly fun and thrilling adventure? Some will die, some will not. Who will die??. You're welcome to my very complicated and interlocking life and I hope you don't get lost in the tangles of fate in here.

Introverted_Blues · Sports, voyage et activités
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9 Chs


***Back at school***

"We're back!" Jenni said as if nothing happened.

"Where did you go? We were so worried about you!!" Chloe said not noticing Leo behind her.

"I was in the forest and happened to catch some bunnies then I met Leo at the entrance. He then offered to help carry some of the bunnies and now, here we are." She replied lying through her teeth till she locked eyes with Mari.

"Leo!! Omg! I thought you were going to die! How did you recover? Aren't you supposed to be resting? What is with Nurse P?? Your still a patient and you should be resting!" Chloe shouted but happy, excited, and worried.

~sneeze!~ "Ugh.. who's talking bad bout me behind my back?" Nurse P asked puzzled.

"Hey! Since when did you start nagging? Did you forget that I'm still an ability user even if using our abilities are prohibited? My body will still heal itself over time. Thanks for worrying though. Makes me feel loved." Leo said extremely happy.

"Oh. That's true. I literally forgot. Gimme the bunnies. I'll take care of them. Jennie why are you covered in blood? I can smell you from a mile away." Chloe replied and asked Jennie still a bit confused.

"Just encountered some monster plants. Nothing too serious."

"Alright. Be careful. You remember you have a case of Haemophilia. Go have a bath and come eat. You too Leo. You guys terribly stink of blood and wolf fur."

"Alright. Sheesh. You really like nagging now." Jennie said.

"By the way, how's Alya?" Leo asked, unaware of the situation.

"Tell you later. Go take care of yourselves first." Chloe said pushing them both away.

***2 days before vacation***

(Mari called Alya to their dorm as she requested to move out when she was angry. No one knew Marinnette already made an irreversible decision in here heart.)

"Alya, you can't go on like this. Kagome and Aang would be really disappointed. And even if I might not survive this, I don't regret it." Mari said insistently and purified whatever it was in her that made her the way she was and falls into a coma.

(Alya came back to her senses and discovered what happened. In a panic she started crying and yelling at Mari.) "Foolish girl! Why on earth didn't you leave this to Tang?! You knew you might not survive! Mari, I'm sorry! I won't get mad for apologising anymore! Please come back to me-" she said crying as she passed out from the effect of the purifier.

(Rose entered the room and saw both of her friends passed out on the floor and screamed alerting everyone outside the room.)

"How did this happen?!" Luka exclaimed feeling like all his efforts went to waste as the two people he was protecting from each other were in dire states.

"Marinette purified Alya and she went into a coma while Alya passed out based on the effect from the purifier. It's not much if attended to quickly. If not, they'd both die or if the survive, they won't be able to live or they'd live and lose their memories. It's quite rare for people in this case to recover and act like nothing happened." Nancy said explaining the situation.

"What do you mean?! Mari purified both Chloe and I but was completely fine. Why would she pass out from only purifing Alya halfway??" Jennie asked Nancy in a panic.

"The purification process is complicated. It has been since ancient times that if the person purifing knew the person before and the person was good all their life, the level of energy needed to purify that person would be significantly higher than purifing other people. Besides, only ability users are allowed to commence the purification process. Only Mari broke the rule in this world and used her magical abilities to purify. Her breaching the rules already put her in danger and she just worsened the situation. That's all I'm going to say now." Nancy conclused her explanation.

Realising the severity of the situation, Adrien immediately called Ting and Tang. "You guys-"

"We're on the way. Better have an explanation for what's happening before we get there." Ting said calmly over the phone.

"Shit. This is fucked." Adrien said knowing it was the calm before the storm.

Tang entered hurriedly with her husband behind her.

"What happened?? Why are both my daughter and Goddaughter unconscious??? What happened?" Tang asked extremely panicked.

"Dear, crying and yelling won't solve anything. We have to go now if not, it could escalate to something irreversible. We'll do the questioning later." Ting said with his hands on his wife's shoulder in an effort to calm her down.

"I already spoke to Sabine and the children are allowed to leave 2 days earlier. They can access their results in the castle. Let's go now."

-Description of Mari's Parents-

Mo Tangning: curly light-purple and blue hair reaching her waist, big deep reddish-blue eyes, red shirt and white jacket, white cargi pants, black-red platforms. Fair skin, highbridged nose, full lips. 5ft 11in, March 19th.

Mo Ting: shoulder length dark-red hair, golden red and purple eyes, neon black jacket with plain black shirt and black cargo pants, white sneakers. Fair skin, highbridged nose, thin lips. 6ft 6in, April 18th.

-End of Description-

Ting princess carried his daughter with his ponytail hair swaying elegantly behind him. Tang carried her Goddaughter and quickly caught up with her husband.

Looking back, Tang shouted sternly at the others "Are you guys just going to stand there? Hurry up and stop staring into space!"

"Oh! We're on our way." Luka called out and told his kwami to tell the guards to send their luggages to the Agreste's mansion.

***In the car, on the road**

Lost in his thoughts, Adrien didn't hear Ting call out to him while driving.

"Uh....earth to Adrien? Snap out of it buddy!" Yan yelled and slapped him out of frustration.

"That's enough Yan. You might cause an accident. Don't forget he's driving." Tang reminded him as she's already calmed down a lot.

Snapping out of his daze, Adrien felt a lot of pain and asked in frustration "Who did that?!"

"Quickly stop at your family's mansion. It's nearer and I doubt Mari can hold on for another 2 hours before we get to our own. Hurry up." Ting said still calm.

"Alright." Adrien said and quickly sped up and they arrived at Gus mansion in 45 minutes instead of in 1 hour and 15 minutes.

***At the Agreste's Mansion***

"Welcome back! How was the trip?" Yie, Adrien's younger sister asked happily completely oblivious to the danger they were in.

"Thanks Yie. Quickly get Gabriel." Tang said weakly. "Mari overworked herself and fainted. Get a stretcher quickly." Tang lied through her teeth without any problem reducing the weight of the situation for the child.

"Sheesh! Why does sis always work overtime even when she doesn't have to?" Fancy, Marinette's younger sister said.

"Welcome mommy, daddy!" She quickly said taking her mind off the situation.

"Why are you all so lifeless? Did something happen to Mari?" Gabriel, Adrien's dad came out to welcome them and questioned in a hushed tone to Ting.

"We'll talk inside." The couple said in unison.

"Come in quickly. I made some snacks for the kids." Emily, Adrien's mother said ushering them in.

"How many times do do I have to tell you? The servants can do it. If you continue this, they'll be getting paid for nothing."

" Uhh. We're over here and the children just got back from school after a year and three months. It's also their first ever school. Of course, she has to prepare it." Tang said attempting to lighten the mood.

"Alright. Let's just go in please?" Juleka pleaded.

After they all entered, Marinette was kept in a magic restoration room away from Yie and Fancy's knowledge while the parents went to talk about how to restrain Marinette in a study.