
Short one person, add another.

Ye Kai actually smiled again and casually asked, "Is there something wrong?"

His tone was so indifferent and casual that Yue Zhongmian was at a loss for words. He couldn't believe this was the same person he had been ranting about on the screen for so long. To say that the public was misled was an understatement, but he and Jun Mo Xiao knew the truth all too well. It was a blatant slander. How could this guy still act as if nothing had happened? Didn't he see the screen spam just now?

"Jun Mo Xiao, the shameless one, deliberately withheld healing from the whole team to monopolize a hidden BOSS, causing the death of the entire team. Everyone, be careful."

Yue Zhongmian quickly sent the saved message twice more, looking forward to Ye Kai's reaction, only to hear Ye Kai say, "Still spamming? Aren't you going to level up?"

"I... I'll show you how powerful I am! Now you know our Moon Wheel Guild is not to be trifed with, right?" Yue Zhongmian's prepared speech felt completely out of context when spoken, like stabbing a knife into cotton, utterly ineffective.

"I know, I can't even form a team now," Ye Kai said.

Hearing this, Yue Zhongmian finally felt a bit relieved and laughed, "That's what you get for being despicable."

But then Ye Kai followed up with, "Are you guys short of people? Can I join?"

Yue Zhongmian was stunned, "Damn, you really are shameless..."

"Hehe, add me, add me. Now that we know each other well, how about we cooperate nicely?" Ye Kai even took the initiative to send a team invitation.

Yue Zhongmian's team indeed had four members, but they were not the original team. These three were members of the Moon Wheel Guild mentioned by Yue Zhongmian. Forming a guild was something that happened after leaving the newbie village, indicating they all transferred to the tenth district together to start anew, ending up in the same newbie village. Yue Zhongmian wanted to ambush the BOSS, so it was inconvenient to team up with his own people, hence he mixed into a random team. Unfortunately, they had a bad start and encountered Ye Kai, losing both their dignity and their troops. They quickly brought in guild members as reinforcements and even coaxed the previous teammates to spam the chat, trying to tarnish Jun Mo Xiao's reputation on the spot.

And the result? It seemed like Ye Kai didn't care much about these efforts. Unable to form a team, he simply applied to join theirs. Yue Zhongmian stared at the team invitation, unsure whether to accept or decline.

Yue Zhongmian was momentarily at a loss, considering their previous encounter. He thought Ye Kai was no ordinary character and must have some motive for doing this. Hesitating, one of his buddies sent a private message, "Let's add him. If he's seeking death by joining the dungeon, it's up to us to play with him, right?"

Yue Zhongmian thought about it and agreed. With four of their own people, there was no reason to fear one outsider.

So, Ye Kai joined the four of them in entering the Green Forest again. This time, they didn't encounter the Dark Night Cat Demon. Ye Kai asked with a smile, "Do you still need my healing?"

"No need. Let's all attack together." Yue Zhongmian and the others charged at the monsters. Clearly, these four were not Glory newbies; their skills were quite seasoned. With their level, two or three people would have been enough to clear the Green Forest dungeon. Now with a full team, their efficiency was soaring. Ye Kai, without saying much, commanded Jun Mo Xiao's Thousand Mechanism Umbrella to transform into a spear and charged into the fray.

Sky Strike and Dragon Tooth were skill attacks. Besides skill attacks, characters also have normal attacks, which vary in form based on the player's control over the attack direction and force, such as thrusting, slashing horizontally, chopping vertically, and lifting upwards. These attacks, when executed, sometimes look similar to skill attacks but have different effects. For example, Sky Strike is a type of lifting attack, but its floating effect and damage are much greater than a normal upward strike. Dragon Tooth, on the other hand, is a thrusting attack, faster in execution and capable of causing a brief stun, during which the target cannot perform any actions.

Ye Kai, now foregoing skill attacks and using only normal attacks, was more than enough to decimate the minor monsters of the Green Forest. Sometimes, when he retracted his spear after an attack, monsters would suddenly be pushed towards him. Ye Kai just smiled and accepted all comers, knowing that Yue Zhongmian and his crew were deliberately pushing monsters his way, trying to create a situation where he was surrounded.

But being surrounded was no issue for Ye Kai, who had the strength to solo dungeons. At most, he was surrounded by five of Green Forest's minor monsters, but a single Sky Strike would send the monsters flying and break out of the encirclement, followed by a sweeping strike, slashing left and right, effortlessly dispatching the five monsters in a row. Yue Zhongmian and his three companions deliberately stood by and watched, only to see Jun Mo Xiao moving through the monsters with imposing might, making the four of them somewhat envious.

"This guy's skills are not bad," a member named Tian Qi acknowledged first.

"He's an old hand. Looking at his moves, soloing the Green Forest wouldn't be difficult for him," another said.

"He does have some skills. Even the berserk Dark Night Cat Demon was soloed by him, which I didn't expect. His level is at least above mine," Yue Zhongmian admitted.

"With his skills, there's no way he can be killed in the Green Forest," one concluded.

"How about we move to the Spider Cave after reaching level 10?" Tian Qi looked at the other three.

The Spider Cave is a dungeon for levels 10 to 15, a significant step up in difficulty from the Green Forest. If the Green Forest was meant for players to learn the game, starting from level 10, with the Spider Cave, players need to start applying some real tactics. As the name suggests, the main monsters in the Spider Cave are spiders, with two types: one that attacks from a distance, spitting webs that can bind players, preventing movement; and another that attacks up close, with a chance to poison players, causing continuous damage. Attacks that cause abnormal statuses like these were only found with the hidden BOSS in the Green Forest.

Besides the regular monsters, the Spider Cave also has three BOSSes: a ranged mini-BOSS, a melee mini-BOSS, and the Spider King as the final BOSS. Hidden BOSSes like the Spider Spirit, Spider Warrior, and Spider Lord may also appear.

Since leveling from 1 to 10 is relatively quick, a true newbie might not have developed much game skill by then. Venturing into the Spider Cave at this stage is almost a guaranteed failure, which is why it's never been recommended in newbie guides. Only players like Yue Zhongmian and his crew, who already possess a certain level of skill, would consider tackling this dungeon.

"If we send this guy to his death in the Spider Cave, will the four of us have trouble clearing it?" Yue Zhongmian was slightly doubtful.

"If we don't encounter a hidden BOSS, it should be fine," Tian Qi said.

"If we do encounter a hidden BOSS, even with him, we won't be able to handle it. The Spider Cave is much harder than this place," another said.

"That's true. Let's hurry and level up, then head to the Spider Cave at level 10," Yue Zhongmian decided.

Then, someone who hadn't spoken much suddenly said, "Shall we level him up with us first? Then kill him off?"

Yue Zhongmian was taken aback, realizing their plan was quite troublesome, but Tian Qi had already found a justification, "We should say, use him as a laborer first, then kick him out."

"Exactly, that's the plan," Yue Zhongmian said, feeling satisfied.