
Return to Jorgaldur

When he dies in his bed due to his advanced age, he still remembers an NPC from an MMORPG that he played in his youth, without understanding why he has never forgotten her. When he opens his eyes again, he finds the ruins of what was the beginning of that game. Has he returned to a place that never truly existed? Will he be able to survive? Will he find her?

lls_sll · Fantaisie
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262 Chs

Allies or enemies?

He noticed that his body, rather than teleporting, was going through the rock in an upward direction, ending on a hill above the dungeon, well above the entrance. He was in the middle of the forest and there was no light except that of both moons, hidden among the treetops that also hid the hundreds of stars that could barely glimpse.

Eldi thought about using the lamp, but finally decided not to attract the attention of the animals of that forest, trusting that Bat's Hearing would warn him of any danger hidden in the shadows. In fact, there shouldn't be beings higher than 24, though some beast at a higher level can rarely be found, like the panther.

He walked cautiously to the entrance of the dungeon and, from there, he intended to go to the portal that would take him back to the safety of the village. But he found a cliff that wasn't easy to go down, and less at night, so he decided to skirt it in the direction of his destination, hoping to find a passable path. It would certainly be easier during the daylight, but, he was unable to stay idle.

He gathered some level 25 wood and some herbs, though it wasn't easy to find any of it in the dark. He also needed leather to renew his equipment, but he wasn't going to force his luck at night. His priority was to go back and repair his current equipment, because, right now, he was wearing parts of armor of different levels, most of them quite damaged.

A light in the distance caught his eye, a campfire near the entrance to the dungeon. He could distinguish up to five silhouettes around, all of them wearing armor, and three tents that meant that there were more people there.

He wondered who they were and what they were doing there, and even considered trying to talk to them. But not only had he not found a way down, but, from the experience of the game, he knew it could be dangerous. Although he didn't know if that experience was reliable in this case, those soldier were undoubtedly at a higher level than him, in addition to that they should be more than ten. If something went wrong, he would be in a serious problem.

There was a crest that he recognized in a flag, that of Engenak's kingdom. He frowned. He didn't know how many of his adventures with that kingdom had been real, nor the memory they would have of him after all this time, but it could be dangerous. After all, he had opposed the ruling class, following his conscience, but believing it was just a game. Or, at least, he had wanted to believe that it was, because that feeling that he has thought stupid and had ignored, now it didn't seem so.

He walked away, wondering if the Oracle could or would clarify his situation, wishing to have contact with other human beings and fearing it. And as he walked the cliff, the Bat's Hearing warned him just in time to dodge the attack coming from above: a silent and huge owl level 23. He remained alert, waiting for a new attack, but after failing the surprise, the night hunter had retreated to look for a less elusive prey.

The others night hunters also decided to look for easier prey, because not only was the man's level higher than theirs, but the smell of death, the one of the final boss of the dungeon, was coming from him.

It wasn't until the sun came out that he found a place to descend, past the cave where the exit gate was. It was a path dug by the water in the wettest season, and it was dry during that part of the year.

The path was narrow and dangerous, because it was slippery, but also a soft spot where spears could be nailed to maintain balance. The worst thing was a pair of giant level 17 insects that decided to attack him as he descended. They were found by an axe thrown by Boomerang, and a man about to lose his balance.

Once he reached the ground, he had to go back all that had advanced from above, to reach the cave. And, when he was about to enter, he glimpsed a figure in the distance, which disappeared as soon as it noticed his presence. As a precaution, he entered the cave and stared out, wondering who it may be, when she suddenly appeared in front of the entrance.

He jumped back, startled by the sudden appearance of a woman dressed in black with her face covered. She inspected the place through he had entered, apparently unable to see beyond and without being able to cross.

Eldi stared at her, not knowing if she was a friend or an enemy. Her level was 83, so if she were an enemy, he would be in serious trouble if she reached him. Therefore, he didn't move, afraid of being spotted, watching her until she gave up and left. Only then he turned and walk towards the blue circle, still trembling.

On the other side was the Oracle, looking at him as if several days hadn't passed, as if only a moment had gone by to buy some bread. He greeted them, and they returned the greeting as if nothing.

He began to fix each one of his weapons and equipment, including the many arrows he had been able to save. Then he washed and dressed in the novice tunic and sandals, because, although it was a simple clothing, he found it comfortable.

Eldi wasn't as tired as he had been, and it was early in the morning, so this time he didn't go to sleep, but instead went towards the Oracle. He had to find out what he could about those soldiers, about that woman dressed in black, about the kingdom of Engenak and about his situation. He wanted to know if they were friends or enemies, if they were there by chance or had something to do with him.

Of course, he couldn't know how much information the ever-mysterious Oracle would reveal, but he may get some clues.