
Return to Gaia

More than 500 years have passed since humans left earth , but the time has come. We have evolved . Some of us can't even be considered a human anymore . We are coming back and if someone gets this message , if someone is still down there don't lose hope HQ out.....

BeastBeWin · Romance
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The Departure

Long time ago on a small planet named Earth , lived a race called humans . Neither bad or good but a greedy race , always looking for more weapons and technology to destroy each other . Years spent developing technology for space communication and travel , and then there was a signal a contact . Humans couldn't believe it some were some happy but still they all were excited to welcome the visitors . They gathered all country's put aside conflict and difrences , it was for first time in human history there was true peace . While the humans greeted their visitors with open arms and gifts , the visitors weren't so peaceful they were looking for planet to conquer , and here there they were basically handling them the planet on a silver platter , who were they to refuse . The battle for earth started at the year 2020 , visitors started using their superior technology started attacking . To cut it short it was a massacre whole country ruined in one night , total destruction or so we thought . Humans as a species were not hard to kill , bit they were hard to rid off , they were like cockroaches . One by one country's and their leaders conducted a plan to stall as much as they can before they can escape into space , it took them 10 years. For 10 years humans have been resisting the inevitable and finally they found the final piece of the puzzle in a shipwreck ideas and intelligence we had , but the technology we didn't , but when we knocked down that ship it was like a miracle , all our prayers answered . Finally it was time to leave , but we had to make a last stand do defends the ships while we leave , and so a portion of human volunteered to stay and protect the ships . The Plan was set one team would make a giant distraction and defend the ships , while other people will escape . A team lead by Hector O'Neill made the biggest attack on the visitors since the begining of the war , an entire enemy ship was destroyed many lives for lost in that battle but Hector by a noble sacrifice destroyed a big number of enemies . While the battle was going the people were boarding ships , it seemed the distraction worked . The problem occured while in space , humans as they are had an argument deciding where to go , some wanted to colonize the moon , some mars and other just wanted to wander , and so the day came and different people went difrent races went to difrent plqces. Over time humans evolved , some by nature and some by other means . They built factions , so called houses . The House Ara , as they evolved they kept their love for anything with value . If it exists they have it , or they make make best traders in this galaxy they say , and the most expensive but non the less useful . The House Caelum , creators of golems , the most advanced house in terms of technology . The House Orion , on of the most feared houses to to their line of business , you see House Orion are hunters not any hunters , they are the best hunters . if someone or something needs to be hunted down you call the House Orion , one of the more secretive houses . The House of Corvus , one of the best if not the best mercenarys you can hire come from House Corvus , taught from childhood the best thing house Corvus is know for is their Bravery and Strength .House Cygnus , half man half machine they always prided themselves to be powerful but they wanted more power , as a result of not being being able to get it as humans they decided to embrace the way of the machines and become cyborgs , strong faster for durable than before . Now the time has come to reclaim our homeland .....