
Return The Demon King of Gluttony

One day, a man from Earth died after being hit by a truck, and like the typical isekai stories, he was reincarnated not as a human but as a demon in a world that was not Earth or a similar world, but a demon world: Gehenna. With his intelligence combined with his Predator ability, the man, now a demon named Belial, became one of the kings in Gehenna and earned the title 'Demon King of Gluttony.' Unsatisfied with being just a Demon King, Belial eventually tried to challenge the ruler and creator of Gehenna, the Demon God Jainko. Due to his arrogant actions, Belial met his second death. However, his fate didn't end there. With the abilities he acquired from devouring the Ruler of Souls, Arima, Belial transferred his soul into the body of a young man in a fantasy world of swords and magic. What will this man do now? ================== I changed the cover, because I think the current one is cooler. And by the way, the image is not mine, so to the owner of this image, please comment and I will immediately apologize and ask for permission to use it. Even so, I made the cover myself, only the pictures belong to someone else. And if my English isn't good or bad, I'm sorry, because I can't speak English enough. Greetings [Author].

OnlyOneVerse · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Chapter 14

Still in the same place. Belial stood in front of a man dressed in a black robe. Upon closer inspection, the man's ears appeared pointed, like an Elf's.

But Belial didn't know who he really was.

Still confused and taken aback, the cloaked man suddenly gritted his teeth. He didn't know who this young man was or where he came from. He just appeared out of nowhere right in front of him. The man had tried to attack him with his two Skeleton Undead, but the young man easily defeated them.

"... Who are you? What's your business with me?"

Trying to maintain a calm demeanor, the man looked at Belial with a cold expression. Belial smiled in response and took a step forward while still gripping his sword.

"Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Bell," Belial bowed like a noble, "and I'm here to stop you."

"... Are you insane?"

"No, I'm serious."

The cloaked man didn't know what to say. Was this young man really serious about stopping him? With an army of 100,000 Skeleton Undead behind him?

"Just leave, kid, and I'll forgive you for what you've done before," the man waved his hand dismissively, "I don't want to deal with a little child like you."

He was lying; he was just afraid of Belial's power. So, he tried to drive Belial away by leveraging the authority of an adult who didn't want to harm a child.

Yes, Belial was indeed powerful — extremely powerful — and this young man could possibly crush his entire Undead army. Of course, he didn't want that to happen. So, he chose to drive him away in this manner.

It would be a waste of all the years he had spent building his Undead army. And it would undoubtedly lead to his depression.

"Eh..." Belial put on a gloomy face, "why? We just met."

Seeing the young man in front of him acting disappointed like a little child who didn't get a toy, the cloaked man grew even more irritated.

But suddenly, the young man smiled and immediately attacked him with a sideways swing.



Luckily, thanks to his experience as a swordsman, he managed to dodge the young man's attack. Frustrated, the young man cursed.

"You! Do you really want to die?!"

The young man's swing only managed to cut through the cloak covering his head, revealing his face — his pointed ears were partially severed.

Seeing the Elf's face, Belial was slightly surprised and curious about what had happened to the Elf's ears to end up like that.

"Argh... You damn bastard!!"

Driven by his anger, for whatever reason --- maybe because of his ears — the Elf immediately charged at Belial with his Undead army.

Although he was a swordsman, he couldn't unleash his power at the moment. He didn't even have a sword in his hand, just a red crystal ball. How could he use his power without a sword?

The multitude of Skeleton Undead quickly surrounded Belial from all directions. He had nowhere to go; he was trapped right in the middle of the Skeleton horde.

However, he still displayed calmness in his gaze. Even though he was currently surrounded like this, it was only walking bones. How could they make Belial — the former Demon King of Gluttony — tremble and feel afraid?

With the combination of Power of Sword, Power of Acceleration, and Power of Destruction, Belial ruthlessly slaughtered them one by one while laughing with satisfaction, finally being able to have fun again — slaughtering after being in this world for so long.

Swing! Swing! Swing!



"Ahahahahaha! This is enjoyable!"

Belial continued to massacre the Skeleton Undead one by one. On the other hand, the Elf man was terrified by the sight.

"100,000... 100,000 Skeleton Undead being slaughtered like that."

He couldn't believe what he was seeing. The young man easily wiped out his Undead army. If it were him before — when he still wielded a sword — maybe he could only eliminate ten percent of the Undead forces.

"... But this man...! Who is he really?!!"

The man screamed hysterically. With this, his years of effort had come to nothing, all because of one person — Belial — who continued with his enthusiasm, slaughtering the Elf man's forces.

* * *

Inside the Glorieux Kingdom palace.

A captain of Queen Dotorea's knights was currently rushing towards the throne room. From his expression, it was clear that he was in a state of panic and fear.

Arriving in front of the grand doors to the throne room, guarded by two knights, the man urgently tried to open the doors. However, his actions were halted by the two guards. Despite knowing that he was the captain of the knights, they still didn't allow him to enter so easily.

"The Queen is currently discussing something important. Please wait."

"I can't! It's something grave that must be informed to Her Majesty as soon as possible!"

The knight captain shouted loudly. This was truly a serious matter, and he had to deliver it to his Queen as quickly as possible.

The two knights exchanged glances. Judging by the captain's expression, it seemed that this was indeed a serious issue. Finally, they both nodded after reaching a decision.

"Please wait for a moment."

One of the knights opened the door halfway.

As Queen Dotorea glanced towards the door, she furrowed her brow. She was currently discussing something important with her treasurer, and she had already instructed them both not to let anyone in. So, what was this? The knight immediately opened the door without even knocking first.

"Sorry for interrupting you, Your Majesty, but Captain Klimbel wants to convey something serious to you."

Upon hearing this, Queen Dotorea became serious, disregarding the knight's courtesy, she was more concerned about the 'something.'

"Tell him to come in."

With her gracefulness, Queen Dotorea instructed her treasurer, who was conversing with her, to wait by her side. Bowing his head, the treasurer understood and immediately moved to the side of the throne. As an important person, it was permissible for him to stand beside the Queen's throne according to protocol.

The knight behind the door immediately let the captain in. The captain entered promptly and respectfully knelt while giving a formal salute.

Queen Dotorea, seated on her throne, waved her hand forward.

"What do you want to convey?"

The captain remained silent for a moment. He didn't know where to start. Earlier, while patrolling with several knights, he had seen a vast horde of Skeleton Undead in a dried-up grassland from the north. Of course, upon witnessing that, he hurried to the palace to report it. However, he was now unsure of where to begin conveying the information.

After contemplating for a moment under the Queen's intense gaze, the captain finally decided to get straight to the point.

"Th-there's an Undead army... A massive Undead army heading this way."

He trembled in fear as he recalled the sheer number of Undead creatures, possibly in the thousands.

"What?! An Undead army, you say?"

Queen Dotorea immediately rose from her throne. She was truly perplexed; first, there was an unknown human appearing out of nowhere, and now an Undead army? She wondered what kind of calamity was befalling her.

"I-It's true, Your Majesty. Those monsters are currently about 1 km away from the kingdom."

"Ugh, fine. Gather the knights immediately. Tell them to prepare; we'll head there right away."

Queen Dotorea rubbed her temples. This situation was driving her crazy.

"Alright, Your Majesty!"

The captain hastily left the throne room. He was truly panicked, evident from the sweat pouring down his face incessantly.

After the captain left, Queen Dotorea immediately used telepathy to convey this information to her assassins. She instructed them to observe the area mentioned by the captain.

Her assassins, hidden in the shadows, had already heard her message, so they promptly headed to the designated location.

"Sigh, don't inform anyone else about this; it will only cause panic, understood?"

"Yeah, Your Majesty."

Her treasurer bowed his head. What the Queen said was true. If the kingdom's residents were to hear this news, they would undoubtedly panic. It's thousands of Undead, how could they not panic? The captain and the Royal Knights must already be aware of this as well.

* * *

Celestia was currently inside the room that had previously been designated for her when she was unconscious. Of course, she was accompanied by the human she despised: Belial.

The Elf girl had previously asked Queen Dotorea if it was true that Belial had decided to be friends with them. And yes, her Queen confirmed that it was true, although the Queen seemed a bit annoyed and angry when saying it, but it was still true and she approved of it.

Oh, of course, Celestia didn't accept that at all. How could they — the Elves of Glorieux Kingdom — befriend a human who had beaten the Royal Knights? However, she couldn't do anything about it. That human, Belial, was also currently not in the palace. No matter where she looked, she couldn't find the young man.

"That damn red-eyed...!"

Recalling her fight with the young man, Celestia became extremely angry.


Suddenly, Celestia was startled by the sound of a trumpet, signaling for the knights to gather.

"What's happening?"

She got up from her bed and hurriedly made her way to the palace courtyard.

Upon reaching the palace courtyard, she saw the knights who were already prepared — wearing full armor with their respective weapons. Not only that, the Magic Casters from the Tower of Spirit Magic were also present at the scene.

"Looks like it's another serious problem."

Comprised of several squads, they all stood in neat formation in the courtyard. There was a defense squad equipped with shields and short swords as their weapons. The assault squad consisted of spear wielders and longsword wielders, with Celestia included in this group. The ranged attackers and support squad comprised archers and Magic Casters.

"Celes? What are you doing here?!"

Seeing her friend heading towards the assault squad, Isolde didn't look pleased about it. It's not that she didn't want her friend to be there, she was just worried because her friend didn't seem to be in a good condition before.

"... I'm fine, you see? So I'm joining as well."

Celestia understood what Isolde meant by saying that, but since she had recovered quite well, she should be able to join them all.

"But what's really going on?"

Seeing her friend, Isolde couldn't do anything else to stop her.

"Haah, from what I heard, it seems... there's an Undead army heading this way."


Isolde felt a little scared saying it. Meanwhile, Celestia could only become serious upon hearing it.

"Alright, everyone, we're leaving now."

Without any speeches or embellishments, Queen Dotorea immediately ordered them, including herself, to depart. She was indeed a queen, but if the situation was this serious, she also had to take action. Although with this, it would be pointless for her to hide this news from her people. If they all saw this army, they would surely wonder and panic.

In the end, Queen Dotorea, along with all the hastily formed troops, headed to the intended location. Alongside them were two friends within the ranks, Celestia and Isolde. Little did they know that their actions would be in vain and only drain their energy for nothing.

I want to rest for 2 days, my condition is getting worse, so I apologize to all of you.

OnlyOneVersecreators' thoughts