
Return of the Woodcutter

Aito Walker was a self-proclaimed martial artist, a criminal, a broken man, and a fishing slave who later became a woodcutter before dying due to his heavy consumption of alcohol.  With thousands of other humans, he is forcefully revived into a boundless grey space by the gods of a foreign world, Iris, to take part in a never-ending war waged against Fearmongers. A race capable of corrupting living beings and inducing fear, even the bravest of warriors cannot resist—when the Fearmongers do not kill them, that is. To bait humans into this conflict, the gods offer the mortals powers in exchange of eternal servitude and the completion of trials before finally entering Iris. Even though Aito doesn't agree with it, he sees in Iris a chance to atone for his past misdeeds, in this fantasy world of swords and magic filled with many races, where everything seems possible. He will pave his own path despite the gods he despises trying to manipulate him into doing their bidding. Aito will start with almost nothing but his wit, a peculiar system, and increased strength—much like other revived humans.  Bearing a sin—he could not, cannot, and will not forget—haunting him to this day, Aito will strive to regain what little honor he has left.  He will suffer and, at times, fail. Taking advantage of his weaknesses, the Fearmongers, demigods, gods, and many others will hinder his path.  But a powerful yearning will keep him from falling apart. An ever-burning flame melting away the despair and welding back the broken pieces of courage.  A single desire.  "I will find redemption no matter the cost." ... ... ... Or not, hun, who knows? The book isn't done yet. Haha— SLAP!  "Who put this guy in the synopsis narration!? Get him out of here and launch the warnings! Now!"  __________________________ WARNINGS: -Discord server: https://discord.gg/VEMy8m2MjX -The MC is human. If you're looking for a perfect MC, you'll only be wasting your time here. However, if you're looking for an MC who will LEARN, GROW because of his flaws. An MC who will try his hardest to overcome adversity, then you're in the right place. - No harems. However, it doesn't mean the characters can't fool around without having love interests. A relationship isn't necessary for people to satisfy their physical desires. - Discord server shared with other authors: https://discord.gg/ZtxAQeHYAj - Update schedule: 6 chap/week. No chap on Sundays. - You will find a few typos, grammatical and wording issues, that’s certain. I'll do my best to bring you guys quality content and such issues will either be nonexistent or extremely few. However, one man can only do so much. If I get enough support, I’ll hire an EDITOR that will look at the chaps with a fresh eye. And POOF! Issues no more. Improved quality. Happier author and reader. Not sure if the editor will be happy tho. - The first three chapters are fast-paced as to quickly get into the nitty-gritty but slow down afterward to give the story the time it needs to progress accordingly. - The book can, never mind, it will contain “strong” language, gore and violence. - Comedy, as you know it (and if you don’t, now you know) is subjective. So you might not like the jokes. - I do not own the cover. If the original owner sees it and is displeased with his work being displayed here, send me a mail: writer.yoanroturier@gmail.com - By the way, if any of you are willing the provide me with an original cover picture, I’ll be really, extremely, immensely thankful. (The possibility of that happening is downright impossible tho.) - If you truly read that until the end you have my virtual congratulations ‘cause I sure as hell wouldn’t have done that.

YoanRoturier · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
224 Chs

Have a taste of my iron (part 2)


To the blue corner, secluded inside a blue dome, Filona and Zalon were having a serious discussion.

"How many white challengers survived?" Filona asked.

Zalon's leaned back in his armchair. "Five thousand. This is unprecedented. It appeared Kai Tsubame did a better job than I judged him capable of."

"Kai Tsubame? Who's that mortal?"

"A shrewd human that just might have an important role in future interspecies diplomacy. If he lives through the second trial, that is." Zalon said, lifting his glasses. "As for blue challengers, only five hundred survived."

"Disappointing. That's even less than the past years." She said, watching images projected on the dome of blue challengers chased by green tusked monsters. She was soon interrupted.

"No matter, the unusual number of white challengers should compensate this year's blues lack of abilities. More importantly, did you do as I asked?"

Filona's eyebrow twitched. She really disliked being treated like a pawn by others. If Zalon wasn't her "brother," the goddess would have already perforated his body using a thousand arrows.

"Yes," she said, barely managing a smile. "The staff has been summoned as per your 'REQUEST'. However…"

"What?" Zalon said, noticing her emphasis on the word "request."

"There was a slight distortion in the Veil during the summoning process. It may have been my imagination but… I think that something got through."

The god of wisdom's eyes shone blue. His glare pierced the room and traveled to the outside; to the Void. There, a thin transparent membrane cut off all sorts of communications between the material and immaterial planes of Iris.

Zalon rapidly scoured the surface but found no traces of a breach, crack, or even a weakened area.

Surprised, he retracted his glare and wrestled with the problem.

'Filona is not the brightest.' He thought, an image of Brutalina appearing in his mind. 'Neither is she the… simplest. Chances are, she might be right. According to what I saw, the problem didn't come from Phobos's territory. Therefore…'

Zalon's eyes widened. With a twist of his wrist, the blue dome disappeared. He glared towards the red side to see a chuckling Belmand, then shifted his attention to the black side. His eyes squint with suspicion at seeing an entertained Brutalina, her weird giggles betraying a tinge of madness.

He used "blink" and appeared next to her. Zalon looked over her shoulder to see a man fighting a huge creature.

"You…" He said, his calm expression shifting to fury. "You fool! What did you do?"

"Just added a little fun. Nothing wrong with that," Brutalina said, pushing him away.

"Are you mad?" He exclaimed. "Why did you temper with the Balance?"

"I've hurt nobody, I'm sure he'll do fine. Just take a loo…" She said, her eyes betraying a hint of worry when Ogoro was thrown to the ground like mere trash.

Zalon scanned the hulking monster, only to find…

"That's… a level 2 creature. Did you send a level two creature to deal with a level 0 human? Are you trying to kill a promising pawn?"

"I… I..." Brutalina said.

"This is what happens when you break the Balance!"

"Balance this, Balance that! That's all you ever say!"

"YES! Because even Phobos fears the Balance! Even HE can't deny its power! So how can YOU…" He said, pausing after he realized how futile it was to explain it to this blockhead. "Fuck…, just give me the monitoring rights."

"I… I'm sorry." She said, sending a blue ball in his direction.

Brutalina had never been able to stand an argument against Zalon. Somehow, the mortal turned god impressed her in a way she couldn't explain. He had always been brilliant and powerful, even as a human.

"Hum, it's rare for you to voice out such crude words, brother," Belmand said, appearing next to Zalon. His sleepy expression shifted to surprise when he understood the issue.

"Tchh. Who wouldn't with such a fool as a sister?" He said, grabbing the monitoring rights. "How are we even supposed to restore the Balance? We cannot act ourselves, nor send someone powerful enough to save him."

"Do you really want to save that human, brother?" Belmand asked, hinting at a personal matter.

"I might hate humans and their petty, selfish, disgusting attitudes," Zalon said, gritting his teeth. "But I hate unfairness even more."

Belmand smiled. "Then, I have a proposal. Although, I cannot ensure its success. And in the eventuality it succeeds, it will cost us something."

Zalon sent him an interested gaze, "I'm listening."



[Remaining time: 10 minutes 15 seconds]

A huge fan from a ventilation system propelled toward Ogoro. He stepped aside. Sparks lit up as the projectile brushed past his katana blade.

'I can't close in.' He thought, dodging yet another blow. 'Normal projectiles can't pierce this thing's muscles either.'

He brought down his weapon, killing a zombie.


'To top it off, other zombies keep coming.' He sighed, 'and I want a cigarette.'

Heads dropped in his wake as Ogoro rushed through the crowd of enemies. Almost out of stamina, his strength dwindled and, without enough momentum, the katana got stuck in a zombie's skull.

"Ah… tits…."

The special-type charged in, sending him flying away like a dirty, water-filled rag. He passed through multiple ventilation systems, his breastplate absorbing and deflecting metal shards.


Ogoro ended his course embedded in a concrete wall. Next to him, zombies poured out from the sole door leading to the rooftops.

'Can't… go… on.'

Blood running down his face blurred his vision. The fast-approaching zombies turned red under his bloody gaze. Biting into his bare shoulder muscles, they seemed to feed on his flesh, but also his fear.


'No…' He thought.

[Remaining time: 5 minutes 20 seconds]

A blurry feminine figure armed with a saber chased away the man-eating monsters from him, only to become their targets, or rather, diner.

Seeing the familiar figure, he forced air into his lungs and, despite his sore throat, voiced a single ragged sentence.

"Sheyla… you fool."

"Let him go!" She yelled, the voice losing itself in between her flurry of desperate blows and zombies' unnatural noises.

"Aaah!" Sheyla screamed in pain when two zombies bit through her shredded leather armor.



The crowd of zombies stood still as if paralyzed by the hulking creature's roar. It slowly walked to his delicious-looking preys, its kin opening its path out of fear and respect.

Tremors of its steps shook the rooftop, crumbling the resolves of its own kin to defy its order. But Sheyla stood firm.

"Don't you remember our last job?"

Aromas of blood, human flesh, and sweat rushed through its huge, round, dilated nostrils to stimulate its gustative gland. Dribbles poured down its deformed chin, mouth widening with each tremor, eager to taste tender meat. But Sheyla stood firm.

"The promise we've made and held to the end."

It halted in front of her. Towering the measly, feeble female human. Its food. Its diner. Its prey. In her fierce blue eyes, it only saw defiance instead of fear. Pissed, it roared, planning on collapsing her mental defenses to add flavor to its already delicious-looking meal. But Sheyla stood firm.


"If we are to die, we die together, onii-chan."

Although he couldn't hear her, he sensed her words through vibrations and stumbled to his feet at the tone of one word. One particular word he thought would be lost to the flow of time and death. Aching, shredding, tearing apart. Even in pain, his muscles dared not defy his order.

The hulking creature watched the three humans, puzzled. Why didn't they fear it? Why, despite his broken body, could the male human stand. Why… were they three humans?

[Remaining time: 3 minutes 00 seconds.]

"Hey, you dribbling piece of shit," Aito said, standing on top of the wall Ogoro had been embedded in. "Have a taste of my iron."


I hope you liked the chapter guys. Don't forget to invite your friends to join the adventure. If we hit 90 cols at the end of this week, I'll add the extra chap next week. 100 cols= two extras.

110?= Lol, that aren't gonna happen. Hahaha.

Fun facts:

- A lot of interesting things will happen in the following chapters hahahaha.

- Zombie bites don't turn others into zombie instantly.

- Tip: The engine of the ship on which we're on board, ROW, is powered by power stones. *wink* *wink* *wink*

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