
the reborn villain

Here's the first chapter of "The Reborn Villain":

Chapter 1: Awakening

Xandros's eyes fluttered open, and he was met with an unfamiliar ceiling. He tried to sit up, but a wave of dizziness washed over him, forcing him back onto the plush pillow. His mind raced, trying to recall how he got there. Memories of his past life flooded his thoughts: the battles, the conquests, the ultimate defeat at the hands of Eryndor Thorne.

But something was different. His body felt... lighter. Weaker.

He slowly turned his head, taking in his surroundings. He lay in a grand bedchamber, adorned with opulent furnishings and tapestries. A noble's crest hung on the wall, bearing the symbol of House Blackwood.

Xandros's gaze fell upon his hands, and his eyes widened in shock. They were no longer the weathered, battle-hardened hands he remembered. These hands were smooth, unscarred, and... young.

A mirror on the dresser caught his attention, and he struggled to sit up again, this time succeeding. He stumbled out of bed and staggered to the mirror. The reflection that greeted him was that of a stranger: a young man with piercing blue eyes, jet-black hair, and a strong jawline.

Xandros's mind reeled as he realized the truth: he had been reincarnated.