
Return of the Strongest Angel

"Are you sure you can beat this game?" It was a question quite commonly asked of Gabriel, all of his friends and family were worried for him. All because of his obsession with this game of his. They knew of its hellish difficulty and were worried it might consume his life. But Gabriel was not, as even with doubts coming from every person he talked to, he still persevered. And finally, after so many years of playing, Gabriel did it, he beat the game. But that was not the end, a cryptic trait, one that foretold something. And as of the next day it was finally revealed. Not only was he pulled into the game, but it was turned into reality, his stats, his hard earned character. It was all gone. But this did not deter Gabriel. All he did was smile, grasp the stars in the night sky. "I will conquer this again." There was no doubt in his mind, for he had done it once, and even if this was reality now, the whole world taken to this hellish tower, there was no doubt that he would beat it, after all he had already done it once. What was a second time.

SpacesSnips · Fantaisie
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42 Chs

Angel - 3

Rosa sighed as she beheld the two before her, watching as they both hollowly laughed at some inside joke, privy only to them. 

Holding her hand out she stopped the newly minted hunters. For that was what they were, hunters not soldiers.

Most of them had not experienced real battle, where your life was pit against another human, another sentient race. And monsters did not count.

So it was why she held such ideas about those that had come with her. As the only one with any real experience it was her job to both coach them and make sure that they did not die. But still…

"Hah" Rosa sighed out loud, once again looking to the two orange haired hunters that had been caught.

"Really, why were you here, this areas been condoned off and quests around here have been nulled."

The male of the bunch, Riku, if Rosa remembered right, rose to speak. Only to trip on the ropes holding him together and fell down into the dirt.

He tried to talk only to get a mouthful of dirt.

"Hehe~" The girl laughed, Fern as she called herself. It was the one she remembered the most clearly.

"Ah, and for the reason we were out here. Ah- um- How do I say this…" Fern stuttered about, fumbling over word after word. 

"Out with it." Rosa spat, growing impatient at the stuttering. 

"Oh" She rubbed the back of her head, despite the ropes holding her, "We didn't get the memo, we were already out here and hunting."

"Reasonable." Rosa muttered. And it was true, it was a last minute order, one that they barely obtained permission to ignore. Even with Vahn.

So it wasn't that hard to believe that they had just missed it, or were on some long term quest. Hunting or not.

"Cut the strings, they can get themselves back." She turned to the two, looking them straight in the eye. "I'm sure that's true, yes?"

"Yep, true and all, just get these off of me before he over there" She thumbed at her apparent brother, "Drowns himself."

Rosa's eyes turned dull as she looked to the idiot, finding him bubbling in the wet mud. Another sigh and she crouched down, pulling his head.

He took a deep breath and gave her a thumbs up as he smiled. All while one of Rosa's own took a knife to both of their cuffs.

'Honestly' Rosa thought to herself as she watched them walk away, laughing and butting heads.

'It wasn't that bad,' to see a relationship that close, especially among siblings. And so, she brought her men and women back, towards the last trail.

There was nothing more to do here, both her men and she had obtained enough experience for the day.

And so on they marched, back to the town where the angel slept. Where he would wait for them.

Dust and dirt held their place among the air, swirling about as the stale air hurried them along with no rush in mind. Merely a small tussle that eventually found them fading down onto the bed.

Where the clots of dust gathered against the palm of the angel, the small smile on his face reaching nowhere but there. The light in his eyes dulled as he watched the street. 

The small walls keeping hold of the even smaller creatures that threatened this place. Yet even then, with all of the threats, there was nothing but smiles.

Of course there were exceptions, of small kids and dirty beggars taking to the darker corners of the streets. A sensation that tugged on his heart, not as hard as the previous massacre had. But even still, it was weird, an alien sensation barely known to him.

"Is this… empathy… kindness… just what is this?" 

Of course Gabriel knew what it was, but it was so amplified, as if every aching part of these emotions physically affected him. Like every heartache or pitying glance at the less fortunate pulled tightly on his heartstrings.

"Could it be a side effect?" 

It was the only logical answer, his trait. Angel. It could be affecting him in unknown ways, ways that the game was unable to do.

After all it was called a trait, something inherent to the person.

And if he was to be an Angel, then did it not rightfully declare that he, Gabriel, must be empathetic, that he must feel rage and sadness, pity and forgiveness, a hundred fold.

It was the answer Gabriel had come to after some self reflection. 

After all, he had not been acting as he had, there was no arrogant tinge to his voice, that need for loneliness. It was as if something in him had transformed.

And so, as he left the room, his feet bare to feel the natural earth below him, Gabriel took it upon himself to smile.

As even with the changes, however subtle they may be, they were nothing compared to the joy he found in the smiles of others. In the fact that he had always been as such.

It was just an amplification. Bringing out a part buried deep within his subconscious.

Foot against earth, bare skin against the concrete of the land. Of the people that took a wide berth, walking around his wings and giving him a smile.

The simple clothes he wore added more to his charm, not detracting one bit from the cuteness that he exuded.

Yet it was upon his destination, the merchant's association, that he found himself truly accosted. By people that wanted him to model, painters willing to give money to sculpt his like. Whether it was of stone or paint.

"Really, please just accept… I… I need this…" 

Gabriel turned his face, looking to the small blue haired girl desperately clinging to her supplies. The glasses she wore, one size too big for her, and her smile nervous yet determined.

Some part of Gabriel felt such pity at that. Enough that he nodded, giving the girl a small smile, one that turned greater as she too smiled.

He picked her by her hand and led her to another room. As he truly had no purpose here, an aimless wandering that had brought Gabriel to this lady, no she was not a lady, another look at her found her body to be small.

At the very most she was of age, age being 16 in this place. But then again she could be even younger.

And still, to come out to the world, to heckle and find her passion amongst the arts. It was a resolve worthy of his attention.

But there was one more thing that drew him to her. It was not her appearance, nor her demeanor. It was the feel of her.

As if by some miracle he had known her from somewhere. From some college course or extended lecture.

A face that could so easily blend into the crowd yet at the same time burn into the mind the beauty of their kindness.

"Shall I sit?"

"Ah- Oh- Yes… Yes, if you will."

She scattered around, gathering painting supplies, and a canvas. After she had done that she sat on the small bench as Gabriel stood stock still. Barely moving an inch, and if he did, merely scratching the itch of his wing.

Or if need called for it, a small break.

Yet other than that Gabriel only studied her face, finding the small creasing of her brows in focus, or the way she stuck her tongue out when she came upon a difficult section.

It was all so very cute, yet at the same time, when she had finished. After the sun had set upon the sky and so too the day. She nervously turned her picture.

And it was beautiful, greater than anything Gabriel had ever seen. It was worthy of a museum. But there was just something missing to it.

Something that Gabriel instinctually felt, so he brought his hand to his wings, plucking one and placed it upon the still wet paint.

Ignoring the yelp of surprise from the young painter. Yet when she opened her shy eyes to the world once more.

It was to the sight of her painting truly coming to life. Holy rays coalescing into an orchestra of colors and sounds.

A soothing face that seemed, no did, heal wounds. The small bruises and shaving that stuck to her hand evaporated into the air. Leaving her healed, and Gabriel fascinated.

As he had seen this talent in only one before.

A certain lady, of a certain floor.

"May I ask, please, your name?" Gabriel pleaded, eyes closing slightly with a bit of fake tears.

The girl stuttered, her hands shaking as she looked to the pleading angel. Only for her to take a breath, steadying herself for both her and the Angel, waiting with bated breath.

"I... am Charlotte." She breathed out, her voice echoing through the room like a hammer.