
The End is Only a Doorway too a new Beginning

The man who manipulated the cosmos and was able to create galaxies with a wave of a finger.

The one who unlocked the mysteries of death able to resurrect the dead from mear ashes bringing back memories and a beating heart.

Though thats just what his closest companion had said after saying he would return no matter what. But for everyone else he was just a God that vanquished entire planets he deemed corrupt.

The few that earned redemption were resurrected and brought to his domain while the ones that fell short became an undead civilization built around the ways of the world that the God thought of as redeemable and would give them chances every 10 years to prove they know the way of the world and are granted enlightenment.

But now things are different the ones that remember him as a companion have either been sent to reincarnation or have become recluses hidden with a flicker of hope left that their God would return.