
Opening Up

"Would you like to see Bob up close?"

Simon's apprehension was palpable as he inquired, "Uh, is that, is that allowed?" Doctor Ranieri responded with a simple wave of his hands, his tone filled with enthusiasm. "Ha ha ha! Don't worry about it. Within these walls, my word is the ultimate authority. That's all you need to know."

The brief moment of contemplation hung in the air as Simon's gaze alternated between the doctor and the mysterious alien creature on the operating table. Finally, he inhaled deeply and nodded his head. "Sure," he replied. "I'd like to see it."

"Excellent!" Doctor Ranieri grinned and stepped into the room, prompting Simon to follow him.

Once inside, the expanse of the room became more apparent. The room was mostly covered in darkness, except for the middle part of it, which was lit with a single bright lamp that was shining down onto the creature's face.