
Return of The Conqueror

Returned to Conquer the world Once again. Prepare for the return of the Creator of the Systems, the one who almost reached the God Seat, the one proclaimed as the enemy of the Gods. Chaos will come once again. He will show the world he will take the God Seat this time.

LazyTanaka · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Chapter 3


"Huh? What was that?"

The burly man spoke as he just blocked the bullet with his blade.

"A fighter huh? Damn, such bad luck"

Leo cursed, he immediately became ready and looked at the burly man in front of him.

'You have a nice toy there kid,, Give that to me and I will spare you from intruding our base HAHAHA!"

The burly man laughed loudly waking up the other bandits, the bandits came out from their tents and one by one they all took out their weapons.

"Boss Den? What is happening?"

Leo didn't react and just stood in his place ready to fight anytime.

"Huh? Why aren't the others out? Wake them up!"

The man named Den the leader of the bandits spoke when he noticed the others are not coming out from their tents, One of the bandits went inside and immediately went out.

"Boss, they are not reacting, already dead"

Den turned his head and looked at Leo.

"So with that thing huh? I have decided to torture you and take that thing from you, be ready"

Den spoke in all seriousness.

"Haaa, same things people say who dies every time"

Leo sighed, he then pointed his gun towards one of the bandits.


[20/20 Bandits Killed]

[Mission Complete: Received 300 credits, Physical Enhancement Serum]

"Physical Enhancement Serum"

Leo called out and a sci-fi-like syringe appeared on his hand with blue liquid inside of the syringe, without hesitation, Leo struck the syringe towards his chest.


All the blue liquid entered Leo's body and immediately he felt his body heating up, he could feel energy running through his veins.

"Ah, that felt good"

Leo almost moaned from ecstasy, but he stopped himself.

"Buy a double-barrel shotgun and 6 shells and also 10 bullets of USP-S"

Leo immediately purchased/


[Credits remaining: 140]

A double-barrel shotgun materialized in front of Leo and landed on his hands, it was a double-barrel shotgun with a barrel length of 26, while he put the pistol on his waist.

"Let's see if you could block this"

"So you are a wizard, good, I hate wizards!"

Den yelled and charged towards Leo.

Leo smirked and pointed the shotgun towards the charging Den.

"That's better"


Leo was pushed back a little bit because he underestimate the recoil of the shotgun, but he was able to remain standing still while Den who was charging at him received the full shell of the shotgun and tried to block it with his blade but who will be able to block a shotgun that has a spread of bullets.

Den was sent flying back and his body was full of holes, but as expected of a former warrior, he still remained standing after taking a full brunt of that attack.

But Leo ignored the man who was on his death's door. He turned towards the other bandits and a rain of fire came into them.

The best about Black Tech Missions is that.

[4/20 Bandits Killed]

It will continue as long as there are bandits around, so unless all the bandits are gone, the mission won't ever disappear.

And from the number of bandits around this place. Leo was sure he would be able to complete the bandit mission about 3 more times.

It didn't take long before Leo was standing in the pool of blood of the bandits.

[19/20 Bandits Killed]

Leo turned towards the last bandit that was standing, it was the boss bandit Den, despite losing a lot of blood, he was still alive.

"Why, why are you doing this, what have we done to you?"

Den asked in a low voice, he is very weak right now.

"You don't know? Look at my face"

Leo went closer to Den where he could clearly see his face, Den's face showed a shocked expression and a smile appeared on his accepting his fate.

"I see, Prince Leo of the Lionheart Kingdom, I guess, your revenge has come"

Den spoke his last words and fell to his own pool of blood now lifeless but he seemed satisfied to know the one who killed him was the prince of Lionheart Kingdom.


[20/20 Bandits Killed]

[Mission Complete: Received 300 credits, Physical Enhancement Serum]

Leo looked at Den's lifeless body and could not help but think.

"I think this guy is either a soldier that deserted the kingdom since he is a warrior and when he seemed to have known something, ah, whatever, the old Lionheart Kingdom is now gone, I will build a new one"

Leo said and decided to head back since he now has enough credits to rebuild the castle, and finally start his way to conquering the world now.

Before Leo left, he took the blade of Den, it was a good sword since it was able to block a full shell of a shotgun.

He then left the Bandits base and made his way back to the ruins Lionheart Kingdom, on his way, Leo saw people like beggars on the street, from their looks they were the survivors of the Lionheart Kingdom, Leo called each of them and made his way towards the castle.

The moment he reached the Castle, there were already a hundred of them behind him, there were a lot of kids and some old people, there are some who recognized him and those who did not.

"My name is Leo Lionheart, the son of the former king and the prince, I know some of you hate the kingdom because it was destroyed, sad that our lovely home has been destroyed by those who called themselves Kingdoms, I, Leo, will make the LionHeart Kingdom rise once again, you don't have to believe my words, because, everything I will do from now on, will be for the kingdom"

*Leo raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

"Repair the castle"

Leon ordered his system.

[Credits remaining: 500]

And as if a form of magic, the only thing people saw when they looked at the castle, was a glowing light that came from the ground then up to the castle, and in the next second, the ruined castle has been repaired.

With a smile, Leo raised his hands.

"Welcome to the new Era of Lionheart Kingdom"