
Return of The Conqueror

Returned to Conquer the world Once again. Prepare for the return of the Creator of the Systems, the one who almost reached the God Seat, the one proclaimed as the enemy of the Gods. Chaos will come once again. He will show the world he will take the God Seat this time.

LazyTanaka · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

"I transmigrated?"

That was what Leo thought as he found himself standing in an abandoned small castle, it was dark and full of cracks.

From the memories he found in the original of the body, he was from a small kingdom called Lionheart Kingdom, it was just a newly established one but it was immediately attacked by the neighboring countries and took everything the kingdom had, and Leo was the prince of this country.

The king his father has been killed trying to protect the kingdom but Leo was hidden by his father to continue this kingdom, the prince stayed inside the hidden place for many days and didn't dare to come out, finally, he died from hunger and thirst.

"So his last wish was for me to carry the wish of his father, turning this small kingdom into the strongest empire in the world, it's not easy, but they called the right person, I will turn your kingdom to the strongest in the world, no, the whole universe, because I, Leo, the conqueror of the Godverse, the creator of the System, and the man who almost took the god seat, will give to you"

Leo confidently said, then with the unknown language he spoke.

"System 20 Activate, Godly System"


The moment he said those words, the world around Leo slowly turned into light particles that are similar to a digital world, if it was a different person they would be in awe seeing this, but for Leo, compared to the other systems, this is nothing.


But as everything was just about to form, there was the sound of breaking and in the next moment, everything around Leo broke into little pieces.

"Rejected by the Universe? Then let's try another one"

"Activate System 43, Sign-in System!"


"Rejected by the universe"

"Active System 35, Overpowered Player System"


"Activate System 88!"




After many times of being rejected by the universe many times, Leo kept calm, it was normal, not all systems work in all universe he consoled himself.

"System 69! Black Tech System!"


[Black Tech System is now Online]

"Finally! This universe will is shitty!"

He took a deep breath to calm himself, then looked again.

"Let's see if I can get another system"




It took him quite a while but he was able to finally get his second system.

[Library of Knowledge System is now Online]

"Okay, I'm done, out of all the universe I traveled in my life, this universe is the most shitties one"

Leo decided to give up, anyway, he decided to check his systems first, the Black Tech System, its function is to let Leo have Black Technology by buying or completing missions from the system if he remembers correctly, this system was made after he wanted to influence a fantasy worlds culture.

Next is the Library of Knowledge, this thing… was made after he felt that learning things manually his a pain, so this system was made to make things easier for him, he actually used a kid as a test experiment, and boy oh boy it worked well.

Well, it was actually quite good as long as you don't compare it to others that he has, finishing this, he finally returned back to reality and inspect his life once again.

"Let's see things about this world first, the ones given to me earlier are just the ones from this kingdom and around it"

Leo sat on the ground closed his eyes and entered the library of Knowledge, inside the library of knowledge is a hall full of books, some were floating, it was a very mystical library.

"Compile information about the current world"

Leo commanded and in a second, the whole library started moving around, the books flew around at a fast speed then in front of Leo landed an empty blank book, then a quill pen also floated, and the moment it landed on the book, it started writing.

"Let's see"

Leo read the words in the book.

Universe: Fantasiaverse

Universe Genre: Fantasy, Magical.

Universe Population; No information.

Number of Races: More than a hundred (not specific due to lack of information)

Known Planet: 1(Name: Redssorth)

Technology Level: 3(Iron Age)

"Technology Level 3? This world is more behind than I have thought, well, this makes things easier for me, Black Tech Shop"


The world around Leo shifted once again and changed into a supermarket like a place except that this place looked more like the black market selling many Black Technologies.

"Check Credits"

[10 Credits]

"10 Credits? Holy fuck, I'm poor"

Leo could not help but curse as he saw his credits, Credits are the money used for the Black Tech Shop, and 10 Credits is nothing but a drop into the ocean if Leo wanted to buy things, he could not help but sigh.

If not for the system creation restrictions, he would have just commanded the system to give him a lot of credits but every power has its limitations that even he couldn't break unless he takes the God seat.

"Well, whatever, System Missions"

[System Misisons]

Mission Level F: Kill 10 Goblins, Rewards 100 Credits.

Mission Level F: Gather Materials Wood: 0/20, Stone: 0/20. Rewards 200 Credits.

Mission Level E: Kill 20 Bandits, Rewards 300 Credits, and Physical Enhancement Serum.

Mission Level D: Rebuild the Castle. Rewards: 500 Credits and x3 Drone Workers


Mission Level S: Conquer the Neighboring Kingdoms 0/5. Reward 500,000 Credits, Rune Portal to a different Planet,, S-Rank Pet summoning Scroll.

[More will be unlocked in the future]

Leo read all of the missions and found nothing was wrong with it, so as his first mission, he decided to take the Level Emission first, kill 20 bandits.

"Buy USP-S, and 10 more bullets"


[Remaining credits: 0]

A black USP pistol appeared in Leo's hands, and 10 more bullets to his pocket.

"USP-S costs 5 credits with 10 bullets and another 5 credits for 10 bullets, perfect, one bullet for each of them"

Leo said with a smile.

"Now then, where can I find those bandits, System Compile information.

It only took a few moments before a book was compiled in front of Leo and according to the information, Bandits Base is located in a place called Deawitld, also known as Fields of the Dead, located on the North East side near a forest called the Forest of Death.

"Well then, let's go"