
return of mad Supreme

Tang Yan got betrayed by his woman who conspired with many of his enemies which led to his fall. Ten thousand of years later he had now awoken in a teenage body which seemed like his original body. "In this life I'll make sure to have more fun" he said knowing fully well that it was because of his fun loving behavior that got him many enemies. What would await him in this life...find out by reading by further this is a novice work any comments would be helpful

Bored_immortal_025 · Urbain
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26 Chs

Chapter 24

After sometime, they all left for their various appointments while luo chenxi and Lao tu along with Gai litian went to the consultation room which was empty.

Lao tu brought out a painting of Tang Yan from his suitcase which he had already prepared, the painting contained a picture of Tang Yan but a older version of him. They all stared at the person in the painting and still had their doubts.

" So you mean the mayor asked you to look for this person" Gai litian asked

"Yes, and from the information we received he is Tang Yan , but I'm not sure if it's the same person you had just finished discussing about".

"It's definitely him, but a little bit younger and not this older, by the way you mean to say father painted this" luo chenxi couldn't help it and asked.

"Yeah, I myself was surprised since he's never painted or was never a good painter to begin with " he replied

"so how could he paint someone so well, also since it's just a supernatural phenomenon that happened to revive him from the brink of death how could it have anything to do with some who happen to be very violent"Lao tu thought.

"Since you are here to find him why not just invite him here, when he appears the doubt would be cleared" Gai littian suggested not wanting to dive into matters concerning the devil incarnate.

Few moments later, Tang yan along with Lu ding appeared in the consultation room obviously not bothered by the presence of the others. Their arrival brought about a strong pressure and sense of superiority which couldn't be overlooked but that they did it purposely but it was just an unconscious habit that often happened when they are both together for business in the past life.

Noticing the tense environment, Lu ding cleared his throat to make everyone feel at ease.

"Terrible, their presence is enough to cripple ordinary mortals, is this they strength of a foundation establishment cultivator " Gai litian thought breathing heavily.

Lao tu and luo chenxi weren't any better in fact they were both worse as it was that their complexion filled with distress.

"What's up this time, you need something" Tang Yan asked lazily while massaging his neck.


"My father said to give the person in the painting something but we weren't..."cutting her half way Tang Yan replied

"I know, I know, you didn't think it was me since he looked older, it really is me and that's why I said you looked same as someone the last time we met, now that you found me then you must be with my payment right" like the flipping of a page Tang Yan's mood changed and had already gotten to understand the reason for their calling out for him.

"Ah , yeah, he said that he would like to offer this check to you for saving his life" Lao tu not having any smoke of his former bearing and his view of Tang Yan was changed. His voice was fluttering accompanied with a hint of nervousness in his eyes. Lao tu stretched out his hand with a check of a hundred million yuan in his hands.


Lu ding who hadn't said anything vigilantly looked at Tang Yan since his previous self was found of draining off a heavy interest from anyone he did a favor. And those who refused to give him a satisfied pay always end up miserable.

But something unexpected happened, instead of things to go as what Lu Ding had imagined in his mind, Tang Yan didn't immediately take the check instead, he said

"I'll take half the pay since he painted a portrait of me well, not that I told Him to but to also show my appreciation for his talent just return half a million to him and just give me half a million. I hate owing favour"

Lu ding who was at his side almost tripped on his feet hearing such shameless words coming out of the mouth of someone like him.

"Also, don't get any hopes of getting in contact with me . It would be advisable if you could keep your distance from me. I'm not very much of a friendly person and the mayor was just lucky to be saved by me since I was quite in a tight spot then".

"Don't be delusional and just take the money " Lu ding scoffed obviously sick of Tang Yan self righteous words even though it wasn't a lie, he couldn't just get used to it after all the last time he heard it was since a millennial years ago.

"Ok" Lao tu replied ripping out another check of half a million yuan " this should do also where  should I place the painting.

Tang Yan was surprised to see another check being issues out in front of him. Deep in his imagination,he was so pained that he had to bite his lips till he bled.

"This bastard really did have a spare check for a change huh, arghhh , how good would it be if I just rip his head off. My hundred million" those were the words he thought of in his mind while remaining calm and unfazed in reality.

"Brun it away, it's has no use anymore" Tang yan replied putting aside his thoughts while stretching out his hands to receive the paper check. Although it was fifty million yuan that he was given , he was still contempt with this since he wasn't in any desperate need of money or anything else.

" Okay then since we are all done here we would be taking our leave" Lu ding shamelessly said dragging Tang Yan away, not wanting to spend another moment given the weird atmosphere after Tang Yan had received the token.

" Why did you have to drag me away" he asked.

" Don't think I don't know your thoughts. You still haven't changed even after being reborn you are still petty with doing good"

" What's there in being petty. At least his life was saved by me it's only right I take something in return of what I give".

" Seriously, don't you know about meritorious deeds "

"Forget it, you won't understand the struggles of the average after saving someone"

"Bah.." Lu ding coughed starring at Tang Yan incredibly, " what average, you've got a whole sect to supply you of wealth like hell that's average living " was what Lu ding wanted to say but considering how Tang Yan didn't talk about the sun slaughtering sect he decided not to bring about words relating to it.

From a distance Gai litian sighed taking a deep breath of air. He was quite astonished at the closeness of the two who had just left but even more confused about how the both of them had superior pressure emanating from them even though one of them  were of a higher realm.

Gai litian later on left for his office while Lao tu and luo chenxi left for their pick up.