
return of mad Supreme

Tang Yan got betrayed by his woman who conspired with many of his enemies which led to his fall. Ten thousand of years later he had now awoken in a teenage body which seemed like his original body. "In this life I'll make sure to have more fun" he said knowing fully well that it was because of his fun loving behavior that got him many enemies. What would await him in this life...find out by reading by further this is a novice work any comments would be helpful

Bored_immortal_025 · Urbain
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26 Chs

Chapter 23

Tang Yan who was just about entering into the school with Lu ding was met with Bai wanglui malicious vibes while muttering his name.

" And now you already have a target on you just because you were too much of a show off"Lu ding laughed not wanting to give Tang Yan a space to complain.

Meanwhile in the infirmary, the Bai sisters along with luo chenxi stood near two bed which was occupied by Zhao Leng and teacher Bei shin was was previously beaten up by Tang Yan.

"I never knew that the head of the student council or should I say First class family council student was an aquentice of Tang Yan" luo chenxi murmured

"Well most students don't know of this so it normal to think that he's a nobody. But the most unbelievable thing is that Tang Yan. The strength he displayed , it's as if he didn't use his full strength anyways that's what it is "  Bai wanyi said, " and that Lu ding he's unbelievably strong, it's no wonder he doesn't put sister in his eyes  that bastard" she scoffed

Bai wanxue on the other hand felt lost and even a bit angry at the thought of Lu ding. What's mores is that Lu ding had once told her that her talent in she was so proud was more or less average in his sight, at first she considered it an insult but now it seems like his words were the truth and she had been living inside her own delusions since all these years. Just as she was lost in thought, Zhao Leng woke up with a small groan due to the pain around his bandaged body.

He looked around the ward and discovered that even though he was beaten almost to the point of death, he was not in any form of critical condition compared to Bei shin who still seemed not to be regaining any form of complexion or even a small sign of recovery.

"Kyah" Bai wanyi screamed while she pointed at Zhao Leng. The room froze at the sound of the sudden commotion

"Oh , you're awake...how many hours has it been since you've been in here" Bai wanxue said curiously as she moved  closer to examine his body situation.

His body which could have been considered kind of frail now seemed properly tampered and strong with much vitality in his pulse except for his ribs and shoulders which had been dislocated were the only thing which hadn't recovered and didn't show any signs of recovering at any time.

"This is  incredible, it's been only four hours since he was out in here" luo chenxi exclaimed as she marveled at the miracle she had just witnessed.

''must have been as a result of martial spirit huh, you made three breakthrough in just awakening it and your physique had undergone a big change..."

"Bang" Gu xiaoya rushed in she slammed the door open cutting off Bai wanxue words mid way. The scream of Bai wanyi had jolted her awake from her  already down state of mind. She  with a breaking in her pace, she was shocked at the rate of recovery of Zhao Leng.

"Sigh, what's with all the hassle can't you see that I'm trying to recover here" Zhao Leng complained. Even he could not denial his surprise at his own recovery rate, he scanned the surroundings and apart from Bei shin who was still unconscious in bed the rest were starring at him.

"It's good that you are recovered, there wouldn't be any need to call your dad on this matter" Gu xiaoya muttered while trying to to meet Zhao Leng's eyes.

Foot steps could be heard gradually approaching. The door open with Gai litian along with a middle aged man.

"You sure have recovered well" Gai litian the principal said obviously not surprised even though he said that. Luo chenxi who was standing beside the Bai sisters had a confused look seeing the man beside the principal. The man obviously was Lao tu  her dad's secretary whom she had often seen each time she went to her dad's office. It was strange to see him come to her newly transferred school without being informed by her dad.

Lao tu on the other hand just smiled at luo chenxi without saying anything. Gai litian found himself a chair and sat near Zhao Leng.

" I would like to take some of your time if.you don't mind"

"Not at all,.it's an honor for me to have you check up on me"

" It's nothing, it's what I should do, besides you've contributed to maintaining some order around here so it's only right I should be here,. isn't that right" he said facing the Bai sisters and luo chenxi.

"Yeah..."Bai wanxue answered with a slight bow in acknowledgement.

" Okay then without beating around the bush, I would like to know what happened between you and Tang Yan that led to you guys having a fight of that scale"

The room was for a moment silent for even they don't know what transpired between Tang Yan and Zhao Leng before the fight. Knowing Zhao Leng's character tho he seem to act tough he wasn't the trouble maker type and what's even unbelievable was that the person he had a misunderstanding with was Tang Yan a well known snub who avoids fights since the past, though his recent actions could prove otherwise but not to the extent of almost crippling a person.

"I know what you are all thinking but I really don't know how I offended him, he just came in this morning seeking my presence but after appearing in front of him he started provoking for a fight, I didn't even land the first and was all on defense nut could I do when its a madman attacking me" zhao leng explained feeling very vexed remembering how he go himself brutally abused by Tang Yan.

The others after hearing his side of the story felt sorry for him and even a little bit of hate for Tang Yan. Luo chenxi who had encountered Tang Yan previously felt a little bit of chill and couldn't denial the fact that he had said that night.

" Seems like I was lucky" she blurted out.

" Why did you say that"  Lao tu asked.

" I've fought with him four nights ago but it seemed like he didn't take me seriously" she then also narrated more about how she encountered him and what happened after then.

" Hmmm"  Lao tu expressionlessly scoffed. From his own view and opinion of Tang Yan behavior, he considered him someone who just seeks attention even though he did say it out his face said it all.

Gai litian felt serious headache from just listening to all the events and troubles Tang Yan had caused. He was even aware of his arrest a few days ago although it was already covered up by the Lu family's Lu ding he by chance came to know of this since he was the principal of where he attended and he was asked few questions about Tang yan's record of any form of violence but luckily there wasn't which still very much still bothers him why someone who avoids problems would be the one causing one.

Happy Chinese New Year...I know it's bern a while since update buh I've gotta say been faced with some serious issues hopefully it's been resolved. so I'll try updating every week

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