
return of mad Supreme

Tang Yan got betrayed by his woman who conspired with many of his enemies which led to his fall. Ten thousand of years later he had now awoken in a teenage body which seemed like his original body. "In this life I'll make sure to have more fun" he said knowing fully well that it was because of his fun loving behavior that got him many enemies. What would await him in this life...find out by reading by further this is a novice work any comments would be helpful

Bored_immortal_025 · Urbain
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26 Chs

Chapter 22

Lu ding sat on a chair at a nearby store looking at Tang Yan who he placed on the ground while relishing his rice meal and soup.

The store wasn't far from the school as it was twelve minutes walk from there to the school making it easy for students to have a meal without worry of being late to school . Tang Yan woke up sighing as he examined his body condition.

"You heal quite well for someone who of your level" Lu ding voice rang out interrupting Tang Yan's actions.

"Heh, now you've finally decided to show yourself to me senior brother"

" I never intended to hide myself or else I wouldn't have to sit behind you all these years, but I must say your awakening took quite a lot of time "

" I think you're mistaken"  Tang Yan said picking up the chop stick in front of him ready to way his own serving which was placed on the table untouched.

"Oh why do you say that. For years now your soul had been complete and your actions even though it was different it had the exact same meaning as it was in the past"

" Well that's a given since what you have been watching after was a  pseudo soul. Although I don't know why the soul was able to take shape of a complete  soul so flawless that even I might find it difficult to discern buh I'm very much sure that it's was an income part of my soul and a very old soul at that"

" What do you mean very old soul and incomplete soul. It's been ten thousand years since our disappearance even before your death your soul was complete, so how could you have another soul  down here" Lu ding question seemingly impatient .

"Like I said I myself don't know but the soul isn't a clone and it's as old as my soul before death. Anyways, how come you are reincarnated in the same era as I . It's not like you died right after I did right".

"Slurp "

Tang Yan slurped his soup serving as he await lu ding's answer. During the past, although he had the same master as lu ding, he never really learnt anything from their master apart from torture which he was an exceptional talent in it. The person he mostly learned his martial virtue from was Lu ding who even at his last moments choose to not go against him after all his havoc in the cultivation realm.

" I did die the same year as you only that I died few months later in the hands of the upper heaven envoy..., forget it let's head back to school to sort out your mess"

"Hmmm" Tang Yan replied still very confused about what Lu ding had just said although he was curious about what had truly happened he didn't want to push his luck.

They both went back to the school after their meals and when they arrived they were welcomed with many stares from the people around.

At the Head principal's office

Gai litian the current principal of the skylight school sat in a round table with other board directors discussing about what had just witnessed

"Well today was unexpected considering that the main person involved in all this has a special identity" Gai litian sighed

"Who cares about identity, this place is under the jurisdiction and protection of the sky sword sect" a fat bald man in traditional cloth and black hat scoffed

"Is that so seems like you are really ignorant of who he really is" another voice said slightly agitated

" Nothing our backer can't handle, also why did he choose to mess with Zhao Leng" the fat man questioned.

"Well I don't think that's the right thing to ask, you see what you really should be also is why did Lu ding act today. Knowing his background is enough to place him on the same level as everyone this room also he's been in class C for the reason we can all now figure out but why didn't he stop the fight before it escalated this much" a short old man said caressing his beards

"Enough... Tang Yan is the eldest son of the sect leader of the sun slaughtering sect. She almost destroyed the whole main power of  sky floating city due to the fact that one of the elders there had forced her son  down here. Lu ding on the other hand is rumoured to be valued extreme by the first elder of the sky sword sect also the next patriarch of the Lu family. Now if you guys are really planning on making a move on any of the three involved be prepared to face your own downfall"

Gai litian warned rubbing his temples while breathing heavily. The matter present in front of them is not something they can make a decision on all they could hope for is that everything at the moment would die down.

The short old man in the room who goes by the name su kai laughed after hearing the principal's words and could only make his way to the door nonchalantly.

"Well I refuse to believe that nothing can be done to that Tang Yan, although Lu ding is an exception it doesn't mean the others are exceptions" the fat man named Bai wanglui agitatedly stormed off also reaching for the door.

"You had better stay way from Lu ding, rumor had it that he's already at the 1st layer of foundation establishment. Even some one my level can't handle him, don't say I didn't warn you " he added causing Bai wanglui to have a slight pause in his strides but that didn't stop him from still leaving.

"Hehe, why did you tell him that information, you know that that's something I heard from my cousin while eavesdropping on her conversation with my uncle".

The only woman in the room said.

" It doesn't hurt to look out for a confused brother. You have to know that he had always been against the idea of lu ding being the head if the student council and takes great pride in his daughters talents. Even I who's at the 8th layer of Qi refinery would not dare out on airs in front of someone of that caliber not to talk of some one like wanglui"

"Well if anything happens to him it's his fault for being jealous"

Gai litian shook his head as he rested his back and assumed a resting position on his chair while Cao bibi left feeling bored.

Outside the school, Bai wanglui was grumbling obviously dissatisfied with what news he received from Gai litian, he himself was a martial cultivator of the 7th layer of Qi refinery only slightly weaker than Gai litian but knowing that about lu ding's strength obviously dissatisfied him.

"Why him?, what's so good about him that makes him have such luck. If I can't get to him then I can at least get to that bastard surnamed Tang" he muttered walking past the approaching Tang Yan and Lu ding.

sorry for the late updates... haven't been in a good start of kind lately but I'll try my best to update once every week.

Bored_immortal_025creators' thoughts