
return of mad Supreme

Tang Yan got betrayed by his woman who conspired with many of his enemies which led to his fall. Ten thousand of years later he had now awoken in a teenage body which seemed like his original body. "In this life I'll make sure to have more fun" he said knowing fully well that it was because of his fun loving behavior that got him many enemies. What would await him in this life...find out by reading by further this is a novice work any comments would be helpful

Bored_immortal_025 · Urbain
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26 Chs

Chapter 20

The school was bustling with noise filled with excitement even the juniors of the early year and some no cultivation teachers as well as people online from different places trembled with anticipation of what's to come of the live stream while the teachers with slightly good cultivation would not want to butt in a fight with Zhao Leng due to his status not to talk of Tang Yan who had an identity of someone whose direct origin was from sky floating city.

" Looks like I'll have to teach you some manners, consider this a gift from a good beating" Tang Yan said taking a step forward while throwing out a right punch. Zhao Leng was caught off guard and sent flying crashing into one of the student alongside the table, but luckily Zhao Leng guarded the student saving him from injury.

"You will regret this" Zhao Leng  said standing up. He then dashed forward at a considerably fast speed sending a palm strike towards Tang Yan's shoulders. Tang Yan dodged to the side returning it with a kick which one again sent Zhao Leng crashing into a wall in the hall way, not wanting to give him a breather he attacked again with a kick but once again Zhao Leng dodged to the side while he grabbed Tang Yan's foot and threw him outside to the field path.

"Not bad, nice reflex. Good reaction. But things would be getting heat up from now on" Tang Yan said undressing his shirt and inner clothe exposing his finely carved chest. Zhao Leng also undressed his shirt while stretching his body while it made a cracking sound.

Zhao Leng dashed forward throwing a heavy punch forward, Tang Yan this time didn't avoid it and also sent a light punch. Their fist clashed against causing a wave of dust to spring up across the field.

They continued exchanging blows as they moved closer to the field. The students left their various rooms as the all gathered towards the field to watch what the outcome would be. The live stream began to get crowded as many people from different places came to the live room to witness something new.

The dust settled as both sides stood few metres away from each other, Zhao Leng's breathing was fast while Tang Yan breathing was calm but beads of sweat dripped down his face.

" Your punches are getting weak, such a weak stamina you have. Such a weakling you are to be in a upper class".

Tang Yan mocked while he made a silly face. The whole school felt shocked by his words , Lu ding who had been watching face palmed but he couldn't help but acknowledge Tang Yan was right since in the past people at his realm should have a strong stamina to make up for his lack of strength of their realm. Each realm had its own shortcomings like the qi realm in general lacked great strength without the support of their martial spirit. The formation realm lacked extraordinary vision but had great perception, the core formation lacked a strong body to withstand the evolution within their body and would need the support of body cultivation techniques to strengthen the martial spirit and both internal and external body tissues.

"Is that so" Zhao Leng frown in anger. Only he knew how much effort he put into his night training ever since his father had been transferred to sky floating city. He had even stopped his night clubbing and weekends outing just to make up for his pack of talent.

Soon his aura started rising, his vines popped out visible as if wanted to burst. Sweat plummeted his whole body and later on a black leopard image appeared above him, he made four continuous breakthrough making him a 6th layer Qi foundation practitioner.

The live room in an instant gave rise to a whole new comment.

" What the hell"

" Is that a martial spirit"

" Never thought I would be able to witness someone awaken live"

" Who the hell is that genius"

"This is crazy"


Different stream platforms had similar comments. Many experts from different place began to track the location of such a person.

"Hmmm so it's a three eyed leopard.  Although it's a first awakening, it's still considering good. Come to think of it why do I keep witnessing people awaken their martial spirits in front of me" Tang Yan muttered, "but it still changes nothing" he said releasing the aura of 3rd layer Qi condensation.

But just as he was about to attack , a teacher with slightly good cultivation stepped into the field.

" That's enough, I'll be taking Zhao Leng for his direct admission to a sect in sky floating city" he said in a righteous tone

" What a pity he shouldn't have done that" Lu ding said with a slightly loud voice. Everyone looked at him in surprise. But that didn't last long because the a scream could be heard.

Tang Yan who had just kicked the teacher disappeared and reappeared in front of the teach who was still in motion towards the nearby students.

"No one interferes with my fun and escapes unscathed" He kicked again but towards this time breaking the teacher's neck but not killing him.

The experts who were about to appear reconsidered their decision seeing home a 5th layer Qi condensation cultivator was beaten without being able to retaliate.

" If you are thinking of staying away from this fight I advise you to reconsider or you'll definitely die" Tang Yan said looking towards Zhao Leng who was still half conscious.

"Merge into one" Zhao Leng quietly said as his martial spirit descended upon him, he then took on a leopard stance vigilantly looking at Tang Yan.

From a distance at the entrance of the field stood Bai wanxue, Bai wanyi, Gu xiaoya  and luo chenxi who were watching the fight in surprise

"What is that" Bai wanyi asked her sister in shock.

"He's in a half wake state, the martial spirit is the one fight in place of him" Bai wanxue answered

" In other words he's unconscious and his martial spirit is the only thing keeping him in a combat state. He's surpassed me in just one day huh" added Gu xiaoya with a weird expression.

"That's correct, I thought the leader was lying when he told us that sometime ago. Never knew it was true" Bai wanxue chuckled

Luo chenxi listened to them in shock of the words if their mouth. She came from a martial arts family and her father was the city governor which allowed her to gain many information and knowledge about martial arts and martial spirits. She had thought that the Skylight school was a school for spoilt and rich children but today was an eye opener. The most unbelievable thing for her at the moment was Tang yan whom she had met with two nights ago, she had thought he was just a little stronger than her but now that he beat up a 7th layer Qi condensation cultivator without breaking a sweat very much made her feel like a frog in a well.