
return of mad Supreme

Tang Yan got betrayed by his woman who conspired with many of his enemies which led to his fall. Ten thousand of years later he had now awoken in a teenage body which seemed like his original body. "In this life I'll make sure to have more fun" he said knowing fully well that it was because of his fun loving behavior that got him many enemies. What would await him in this life...find out by reading by further this is a novice work any comments would be helpful

Bored_immortal_025 · Urbain
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26 Chs

Chapter 16

The footsteps stopped in front of Tang Yan knowing he was cultivating.

Tang yan soon open his eyes feeling very relaxed as the air blew towards him the a seductive but dangerous scent.

"Aunt you've come " He said cupping his fist along with a bow and smile hanging on his face . The Tang Yan at this moment also gave out a superior and murderous vibe not wanting to loose interns of momentum against his aunt .

Du Bao'er who stood behind her aunt felt very uncomfortable and a little fearful of the brothers she hasn't seen in a few years .

"Enough with that, i see that you become a lot more naughty than when you were a little boy"

"Hehehehe I've missed you Aunt Tong"

Tang Yan said falling into her embrace like a little kid rubbing his face against her two twin peaks. Du Bao'er who wa behind felt it unreal since the two people in front of her were like predators a while ago and now they are all lovey all of a sudden.

"It seems like you've gotten back almost complete and you've also seem to get you cultivation back"

" Of course but it's nothing to be impressed of . It feels boring and nostalgia " Tang Yan paused as he looks towards the door " Sisi, Chen Aunt Tong is around also miss shu come out" he called out no spearing no glace at Du Bao'er making the latter feel unhappy.

"Aunt Tong"

"Aunt Tong"

"Martial Aunt"

The three came out to greet well dressed like it was an important occasion leaving only Tang Yan dressed in a long slim fit brown trouser and an unbuttoned shirt and rough unkept face. The group of three also faced Du Bao'er and greeted her with bright smiles making her previous unhappy mood vanish away.

" Won't you greet you elder sister" Xuan Tong asked noticing the friction between the two siblings .

"I don't think we were ever close enough to greet each other also she belongs to the Du family not a member of the Tang family. If I were to even make an attempt to greet her it would be out of courtesy..." Tang Yan replied blandly

"Elder brother " his two siblings shouted at him for his harsh words. Although Tang Yan was not close to Du Bao'er he's other two siblings were close with her, even sisi who was only a year old could remember the  affection Bao'er gave her unlike the previous Tang Yan who was expressionless and cold.

Even Xuan Tong was surprised even though she expected an answer like that she never expected Tang Yan to say it like it was nothing.

"Oh , you think this is too much fine fine , it's my bad i apologize to you for that" he replied with an innocent smile and a slight bow and walked away. The atmosphere became a little stiff and tense after Tang Yan left. It could be said that everyone was waiting for Du Bao'er response towards  Tang Yan's behave but to their surprise she just smiled

"It's alright at least he didn't rebuke me which is enough"  she said with a little pain mixed with her voice.

" Don't say it  like eldest sister. Brother Yan has changed I'm sure he doesn't hold any grudge against you " Tang Chen comforted her tugging her right hand.

Xuan Tong felt a little relief since she was told by her sister that Tang Yan's soul has fully merged due to the strange phenomenon that occurred a few days ago.

In the living room sat Tang Yan at a distant comer while his two siblings and aunt Xuan Tong along with Du Bao'er sat at the central looking in his direction.

" Let me get this straight you came here to take me back to sky floating city "

"What about us Aunt Tong " the two little siblings puffed out their cheeks .

"You'll return to a branch in the west side of the city where your 3rd brother and some of the Du family are as arranged by your father " Xuan Tong replied calmly as if waiting for a reaction. Tang Yan frowned hearing it was the arrangement of Du family head but still he took a deep breathe

"Well that's strange, why now of all time and not five years ago when I left"

"First sister and third brother said it's for the best since you cause trouble and the people of the Lu have got their eyes on you recently " Du Bao'er answer with a straight face trying to keep her fidgeting low but still her reaction betrayed her expression.

" Oh that's new, seems like the Du and Lu family are at odd and also talk of the first sister whom I've never seen before and also the  pathetic third brother  what's with their unusual attitude of care" he said yawning" don't expect me to believe any of their words. I'll be damn if i were to even have the thoughts of trusting you guys unless you've got mother's permission"

"Actually the Eldest sister said to calm down and accept the offer and the real  reason behind this is due to certain people awakening a spirit type ability"Xuan Tong tried explaining

"Oh ...you mean martial spirit awakening. But that's supposed to be done before cultivating or before entering the foundation establishment realm. You don't mean to tell me that it's a first here knowing this" Tang Yan replied seemingly surprised and intrigued. The whole room was silent because even people who awakened this special ability never really knew of the real name of this ability except if course the Sun slaughtering Sect which had many people with martial spirits only thanks to the effort of their sect leader .

"How did you come to know of this?, Have you awakened yet?" Du Bao'er asked wanting to know more about this so called martial spirit because even she at the 9th layer Qi condensation wasn't able to awaken a martial spirit which is the main reason she was not given a really high post in the Du family.

"Well back in the sect we have at least over a hundred and seventy awakened Battle martial spirit, twenty Stealth martial spirit, five Supportive martial spirit and also three Grand martial spirit. I thought the sword float sect or the Du family would have a lot of awakeners. Also you have a martial spirit Bao'er, it's just that your mother sealed it away since she didn't intend to allow the Du family to make use of it". Xuan Tong answered

"Well just to be clear i haven't awakened one yet buti sense that Lu ding has awakened a Battle martial spirit along with a special trait. Chen and sisi also should be able to awaken theirs once the step into the Qi refinement realm" Tang Yan sighed

"You...you still haven't explained how you knew about all this and how were you able to start cultivating" with all courage that could be gathered Du Bao'er tried to inquire about Tang Yan since ut was part of knowing about his well being.

An idea flashed through Tang Yan's head just as he was about to answer"If you want to know then you have to pay " he said since he knew he would need somethings while everyone would be away.