

The first and strongest vampire known DRACULA reincarnated into a human and lost all his past memories and he got a system blood king to regain his powers and to know what happened to him and why he was reborn? Louis a boy got his Dracula system and level ups

king_of_monkeys · Fantaisie
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16 Chs


after practicing sometime Louis logged out of the VR and came out of his cabin, he saw three of them still in VR and decided not to disturb them.

Louis sat and was thinking how he should practice to become strong.

[ Only strengthening your body doesn't make you strong, you can become stronger if you know how to time a technique in different kinds of situations.] Dracula tried to explain Louis but this time it was in a robotic voice.

' do you know something, i kind of like this voice more than your original one' Louis tried to mock Dracula but after that he stayed tuned to the topic ' okay, you are saying that a technique can can make you stronger if you can use it perfectly according to the situation.'

[ that's right, even practicing technique can grow your body stronger than usual] Dracula explained [ let me say a saying which was popular in ancient times, ' A MAN WHO PRACTICED A TECHNIQUE THOUSAND TIME'S IS MUCH MORE DANGEROUS THAN A MAN WHO PRACTICED A THOUSAND TECHNIQUES'.]

' what you said sounds interesting and cool. okay then lets practice a basic technique till i master it' Louis determined to learn it.




Louis saw the quest tab and disappointed seeing unknow reward and got some what exited knowing he would come closer to level up. Louis picked up the book and started practicing the basic punch.

" huh."

" huh."

" huh."

Louis was hitting air making sound to make the punch stronger. Louis punched a hundred times and got tired, his stamina was depleted to zero he was feeling to take rest and stopped hitting to sit down.

[ what are you doing, don't stop hitting. for human's catalyst of learning is doing things even after getting tired, that makes a person to make things even in his sleep.] Dracula explained [ don't stop hitting until you get fainted ]

Louis didn't know what to do he thought Dracula was some psycho but he remembered how he awakened the system and continued to practicing.

Louis's punches were becoming slower after every punch and his muscles were tensed and he was feeling accumulation of lactic acid in his arms and legs standing in stance, he was punching the air even after that sweat was running down on his face. his dress was looking like it was soaked in water before washing.

while he was practicing other three got out of VR cabins and looked at Louis who was in sweat. " shouldn't we stop him he is going to be fainted if he continues like this." Mark asked June who was good at physical training.

June just shook her head saying " in physical training if a person can cross his limits he achieve the technique, Louis is trying to perfect the technique it's good if we don't disturb him and just look at it." Other two just nodded at her.

Louis was at edge of fainting but he still continued punching, he was feeling dizzy and slowly stopped punching. his eyes were closing and he didn't felt his legs and arms it was like they didn't exist he felt like he was collapsing but suddenly he saw a message tab


[ PERFECTION : 10% ]

after the message his eyes closed and he collapsed onto the floor and went into sleep, seeing this happening other three didn't know what to do. three of them came closer to louis and saw him sleeping. they lifted him and put him on a bed in training room.

Sliva went to bring Carol and Jenny to the room, Mark was trying to wake Louis while June went towards Louis VR cabin to look how much time had passed after he came out of his cabin.

Jenny was shocked looking at the time, ' LOGGED OUT AT 2:00 PM' it was an hour ago that he logged out, June looked at Louis in horror thinking he was practicing a single skill for the past one hour.

Carol and Jenny came to check on Louis, Jenny went toward June was at VR capsule and Carol went to her son who was sleeping. Carol looked at him and casted a spell on him to know his condition " don't worry he just fainted due to exhaustion." Carol said to them.

" why are you standing here?" Jenny asked June.

June looked at her mother and pointed towards the capsule. Jenny looked at the time and asked " what about it?"

" we all logged out just ten minutes ago, Louis logged out one hour ago and he was practicing even before we logged out." June said. after hearing what June said Jenny went towards Carol and whispered something, both of them left the room not speaking anything.

after coming out Carol asked " what you said is true, right?" Jenny looked at Carol and nodded confirming the statement. Carol was so happy, she felt like shouting in joy.

after a short discussion both of them came into the room with juice. three of them took one glass each and left out one for Louis, Carol pointed her hands towards Louis and casted a body refreshing spell on him.

Louis slowly woke up from his sleep and he felt his whole body was numb and felt like a Deja vu Carol gave him the glass juice, Louis slowly drank the juice


after series of messages of recovering stamina he felt like his body was lite again but this time noticed a some changes he felt like there was more power in his arms and opened up his stats but before that he opened the quest tab


[ REWARD : 3 EXP ]