
Retribution and Repayment

For more than a decade, Ceren had lived in hiding from the cruel past she almost died escaping from once. But the more she struggled to break free, the more her past sinks its claws to bind her. Now, Ceren was left with remnants of her once peaceful life and her father buried beneath the cold ground --- a death all thought to be accidental, except for her. With nothing left to lose, Ceren sets out on a blind quest for revenge and the Crimson King's search for a wife might just be the light she desperately needs to pave her way.

Anne_Colico · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

Ceren was prepared, she really was. She'd made sure to harden her heart and shove all her emotions behind the massive walls she'd built since the day she buried Jecht's lifeless body. All her efforts, however, were thrown out the window as soon as she stepped foot in the most prominent brothel in all of Duneburgh. Now, she found herself gasping for air, breathing becoming a challenge figuratively and quite literally, from being smothered by the most ample of breasts this side of the continent ever had the pleasure to be graced with, while the ladies of the House of Revelations surrounded her, their cries echoing the halls of the building.

"Oh, my baby. My poor baby." Millicent, possessor of said breasts, cooed at her. "Everything's going to be alright, you'll see."

"That bastard! H-how could he l-leave us so s-soon?!" Theresa said in between hiccups. She blew her nose and added, "If he'd been a-alive, I'll m-make sure to slice his balls off and feed it to the d-dogs!" If Ceren remembered correctly, Theresa was the lady to call for clients who were into sadistic play.

"Stop it, Theresa. Can't you see you're only upsetting Ren with your words?" Amani censured from her left, her soft hands caressing Ceren's hair. "What she needs the most right now isn't your violent prolicitivities but our undivided attention." Actually, she'd much rather appreciate a room to breathe, but who's asking?

"Oh piss off!" Another sniff. "I'm sorry, Ren. You must understand, I'm just overcome by my emotions. Truly, I loved that man's balls more than anything in this world."

Amani snorted, her flawless dark skin glowing under the lights. "As if. Not one in this whorehouse had ever seen Jecht's balls."

"I would have! If only that bastard had actually preferred pussy over balls himself. I told him several times to go straight, but noooo...he was ass over head in love with that small town bartender and wouldn't so much as touch my tits, which by the way I happily offered for free!"

"In his defense, Gunnar is pretty." Millicent added, oblivious to Ceren's plight.

A huff and an eye roll from Amani. "No one's more pretty than Gunnar. Well, except maybe Caelan, but that boy's as straight as a dancer's pole." The three of them were in deep discussion over men's sexual preferences, Ceren completely forgotten, when another voice joined the fray.

"For pity's sake, Millie, unhand the child before you accidentally send her to where her father is. We all know your lovely breasts are a weapon in itself. No need to take it on a literal level, hm?" Finally free from her restraints, Ceren stood from her perch and watched Madame Bellefeuille saunter down the staircase towards their small circle. Her dark curls coiffed in an elegant updo, jewels dripping in every exposed skin, and her breasts almost spilling from the fashionable red gown she's currently wearing. Not that Ceren knew anything about fashion. But when it came to the mistress of the House of Revelations, nothing but the best will suffice. Someone must have summoned her as soon as she arrived.

"Cerenica." Ceren hated that name. And judging by the small smirk on the Madame's face, she was aware of it, too. "Let me have a good look at you." Stopping in front of her, Madame Belle snapped her feathered fan and tipped Ceren's chin, turning it from left to right.

The Madame hummed. "Still looking as uncivilized as always, I see, just like your father." Unoffended, Ceren understood the words for what they were. Even more so when the Madame gave her a pointed look, the silent message anything but unkind. Ceren answered with an imperceptible nod. She was unsure of the current state of her emotions, but just like her, the Madame was no better at handling her own much less that of others'. And because she and the madame were the same in that regard, Ceren had an inkling she was in as much pain as Ceren was over Jecht's passing. The mistress was just better at hiding it.

Seeming appeased with her answer, Madame Belle straightened and took in the rest of her. "Now, don't get me wrong, luv. I am beyond pleased that you finally deemed us worthy of your presence after more than a year since Jecht left us." This time, Ceren was not able to hold back a cringe from the intentional jibe. She'd read all of their letters and their pleas for her to visit. She just chose to ignore them. "But may I dare ask as to what wind suddenly brought you here?"

Wanting to shift everyone's attention away from here, Ceren replied. "I came across Donna outside. She was in a bit of trouble so I wanted to make sure she got home safely." This wasn't the answer the madame was looking for and she made it clear she's on to Ceren with a raised brow. Instead of calling her out, Madame Belle let it slide. Ceren knew this wasn't the end of the discussion, however.

"A bit of trouble you say?" She turned towards the woman in question. Donnatella, who was quietly standing in the corner since arriving, visibly flinched. "Care to elaborate, luv?"

When Donna only remained silent, Millie reassured in a gentle voice. Her golden hair made her look angelic and innocent ---- if you don't count the massive globes in her chest. "It's okay, Donna. We just want to know what happened."

Donna was clearly having trouble finding her words so Ceren decided to help her out. "She was being harassed by three men in a back alley several blocks from here. They were pulling her but she clearly didn't want to go, so I helped her out." She looked at Donna to check if she got everything right. But Donna was only giving her a funny look she's seen before, often with Gunnar right before slapping the back of her and remarking, "Read the room!"

Judging by Donna's expression, Ren, yet again, failed to read the room, whatever that meant. "Sorry, wasn't I supposed to say that?" Donna shook her head and gave her an amused smile.

"It's alright, Ren." She turned to the madame. "It was Rick and his friends." Madame Belle's azure eyes darkened as soon as Donna mentioned the goon's name. She opened her lips to say something but they were all distracted by loud male laughter and feminine squeals from an open saloon to their left.

The madame sighed. "Perhaps it would be best to take this to my office ladies. And Donna, it would serve you not to leave a single detail of this story. I suddenly feel quite murderous at the moment. You wouldn't want to turn me into a criminal now, would you? I look dreadful in orange after all."


Madame Belle's office, just like the woman itself, exuded the kind of elegance one would expect from a woman in high society. It was a known fact in all of Duneburgh, and a cause of endless scandal among the ton, that Madame Bellefeuille was sister to the powerful Earl of Tremaine and a part of the nobility herself. Why at the age of twenty-five she built the House of Revelations, that easily became the most prominent bordello in the capitol a decade later, was still a mystery to this day.

"Start from the beginning, Donna." the madame ordered from her seat behind a huge mahogany desk. Millicent, Theresa, Amani, and Donna sat across each other on the two velvet chaises while Ceren chose her post standing beside the door.

"Ren pretty much summed it up." Donna replied. "I was on my way back to the House after from the post office when I was cornered by Rick and his friends. They wanted me to come with them, I refused. That was when Ren chanced upon us and….took care of things." The madame raised both her eyebrows.

"Where are these men now?" She asked, directing the question to Ceren.

"We left them in the back alley."

"And were they alive when you left them?"

Ceren paused. They were alive, weren't they? She was sure one was breathing, at least. The burly one was conscious when they left. But for the other two, she was too preoccupied to ascertain.


"Is that a question or an answer?" Ceren looked at Donna helplessly, eliciting a laugh from her. It was good to see her laughing even after what happened earlier.

"Oh, they were very much alive. A few broken bones for sure, but alive." Oh good. Despite her bout of violence tonight, the last thing Ceren wanted was to become an indiscriminate murderer. "I kind of feel sorry for them a bit, to be honest. But not enough to get them help. They're big guys. They can take care of themselves." Ceren frowned, perplexed. There was obvious anger in Donna's voice, but behind it, was a hint of...fondness? Like a mother irritated with her misbehaving children.

"Are you friends with those men, Donna?" She asked, curious. Donna obviously knew Rick and his friends. So Ceren wasn't sure if she needed to be worried about beating them up.

The ladies exchanged meaningful glances with each other. "Friends would be taking it too far." The remark came from Millie.

"They're more like stalkers." Theresa rolled her eyes, crossing her long legs and putting an arm behind Donna.

"Rabid stalkers." Amani added. "And the most rabid of them all being their boss."

The more they talked, the more confused Ceren became. Taking pity on her, Madame Belle explained. "You see, Donna here had caught the fancy of a troublesome man, Nikkolai Vasarov to be exact. A generous benefactor, true, but still troublesome." Noticing Ceren's lack of reaction to the name, the madame patiently divulged additional details. "Have you heard of The Iron Fists?" Ceren shook her head. "There are three major players in the trade of weapons and armaments in Wastrall, The Iron Fists is one of them, and Nikkolai Vasarov sits at the top of that empire. Their affairs are mostly legal and regulated by the Commission of Weapon and Firearms Protection. However, no business would have reached such colossal accomplishments by playing fair, if you know what I mean. My business an exception, of course." Ceren did not believe that devious smirk one bit. And from the snickers coming from the ladies, neither did they.

Ignoring the room's reaction, Madame Belle carried on. "It just so happened that Vasarov decided to build a headquarters here in Duneburgh a few months ago. He'd been a patron ever since, and Donna a favorite companion of his." Silence descended, the women deep in their own thoughts. Ceren still didn't comprehend what the problem was.

"So why is she harassing Donna if he's fond of her, as you said?" Ceren glanced at Donna who was staring at her hands by her lap, looking even more troubled.

"He's fond of her, yes." The madame saighed. "Too fond he didn't take the news of Donna's approaching marriage well. To say he wasn't pleased is an understatement." With that, Ceren perked up.

"You're getting married?" It's surreal to see someone the same age as her settle down and find happiness in their life. Something Ceren knew was beyond her reach and was foolish to even dare dream of having. Not that she has any desire of being tied down anytime soon. "Congratulations. Does this mean you'll stop working at the House?"

Donna blushed and murmured a thank you. "Yes. I told the madame my intentions to part with the House a month ago and she was generous enough to let me stay. Killian and I will be settling down in his hometown right after the wedding. He plans to take part in his family's business to provide for our own."

Theresa hugged Donna to her side and proudly declared, "This lady right here snagged herself a strapping young man, you see. An empire's soldier to boot! You saucy minx, you!"

"Killian does look quite dashing, doesn't he?" Millie teased, making Donna blush even more. But if she has a man, then where was he when she needed him? Donna wouldn't have suffered Rick and his goons' harassment if he was there. Ceren voiced her thoughts as such, prompting Donna to defend her beau.

"He's currently guarding the border with his troops. But he'll be back in three days and we'll be on our way as soon as he arrives. Until then, well…" The unspoken concern rang within the room.

"This wasn't the first time this incident happened, Donna." Amani recalled, evidently worried for her friend. "And those men are getting bolder every time."

"Are they a danger to you, Donna?" Millie asked. "I'm afraid we're taking this too lightly and you'll end up missing one day without us knowing."

Donna shook her head. "No, Rick and his friends are pretty much harmless." Taking in the ladies' skeptical faces, she amended. "They're not entirely harmless, but Nikkolai won't do anything to hurt me. This I'm certain of.

"Why don't you just talk to the man like he wants and get this over with?" Ceren was thinking along the same lines as Theresa. However, Donna just shook her head at this.

"I ended things with him months ago. As far as I'm concerned, I've said all that needed to be said and there's no need for any more conversations. I wouldn't want to cause any reason for Killian to doubt me."

"Clearly Vasarov thinks otherwise. Who's to say he won't send his goons again to take you with them?" Amani had a point and Donna knew this.

"You could hire a merc." Ceren suggested. It's not unusual to commission mercenaries for bodyguard duties. Though where their loyalty would lie until the job was done was something the employer should be willing to risk

"I don't have the money for that. The House pays us handsomely, don't get me wrong. But Killian and I are trying to save as much as we can so we can have a headstart at our new life. I wouldn't want to waste what little I have on someone who'd turn on me in a blink of an eye at the sight of more money."

"Now. the House would be more than happy to hire a mercenary for dear Donna. Unfortunately, business has been slow and finances have been tight since that exploiter of virgins opened up a few weeks ago." Exploiter of virgins? "Why these stupid men seem to prefer clumsy, untrained, straight-out-of-the-cradle girls in their bed is beyond me. Anyway, I digress." The madame waved her hand. "If only we could find someone willing to take on the job for a reasonable price." A dramatic sigh. "Preferably someone strong, knows how to fight well, and carries a weapon would be perfect." Ceren did not miss the way everyone was avoiding her gaze. Right. "It will only be for three days, after all. I'm sure someone who's got plenty of time in their hands with no commitments whatsoever wouldn't find it too much trouble." The ship to Flamehollow won't arrive until Friday --- five days from now. Ceren still had no clue as to how she'll obtain the boarding pass she needed. She knew she had to find a way soon or else. No. Ceren refused to think what the or else meant. If there's anything she'd inherited from Jecht that served her purpose at this moment, it was his unwavering stubbornness.

Mind made up, Ceren let out a breath and addressed the ladies in the room. "I'll do it." Everyone watched her expectantly. "I'll keep Donna safe for three days." And that's how Ceren ended up being coerced into doing bodyguard duties for an ex-courtesan of the House of Revelations who happened to have a dangerous magnate for a stalker. All of these while she still tried to figure out how not to end up back in Thronbeq with Jecht's murderer still out and about enjoying his life while her father's abruptly ended under a pile of snow on that fateful day one year ago. If only Jecht could see her now. She can imagine him laughing at her as he watched her struggle while savoring a cup of his favorite ale. Oh you just watch old man, Ceren thought. I'll make sure you won't be laughing for too long.

Give it your best shot, katinka. Ceren almost heard him say.