
Retired life of Artoria Pendragon

A girl reincarnated as Artoria Pendragon changed the prophecy of the red dragon foretold by one of the greatest wizards in history, Merlin. She created an empire uniting the entire British Isles during the time of chaos and war that began with the demise of the Roman Empire. The girl at the tender age of 13 pulled a mystical sword embedded in the stone and from there began the story of an undefeated Empress that with her power changed the customs of knighthood and redefined the 7 knightly virtues. The girl through her memories of her previous life made decisions that changed the entire flow of human history. Faced many problems, oppositions and betrayals. Her entire knights of the round table stood in her opposition at the battle of Camlann yet she was undefeated. It was fated that she was to sleep in Avalon and remerge again when Britain needed her again. But seeing her trials and tribulations, Gaia and Alaya granted her a wish. She was allowed to live among the people of the 21st century. In this universe, Artoria roamed Fuuyuki city, not as a holy grail summon but as a common man. It is just that this not so common everyday girl has the sword of selection "Caliburn", the pinnacle of holy swords "Excalibur", pillar of light "Rhongomyniad", hallowed scabbard of Excalibur "Avalon" and the staff of selection. Follow along as the Dragonoid fairy demi-God tries to adjust her daily life among teenagers in Fuuyuki City. -------------------------------------------- An Op mc in fate stay night scenario . I don't own any nasuverse characters or the image on the cover of the novel. hope you would enjoy it.

Alanwalker4 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

Merlin & Morgan I

Artoria -"Of all the people in this world you are with Merlin. Life can't get crazier." *sips beer*

Merlin -"Hey! Can I also have some beer?"

Artoria -"Ask Mordred."

Merlin -"Hello Mor! Share a little bit of your beer with me, pretty please."

Mordred -"Please stop with that nickname and, No!"

Merlin -"How about I give you something in exchange?"

Mordred -"No!"

Merlin -"Don't be so hasty to reject me, at least listen to my proposal."

Mordred -"Mother said to always be wary of you and always avoid you no matter what. She even forbade me from speaking with you. Now, if you will excuse me."

Saying that Mordred moved further away from Merlin. Merlin being Merlin chased after her. If before she wanted beer just because Artoria was drinking beer, now she took it as a challenge to make Mordred give her beer,

Morgan -"I have something of utmost importance to talk with you."

Artoria -"Heh! I was just going to modify and repair Mordred's body, and please don't go on and on about ruling Britain or killing me, I have heard it almost a million times." *sips beer*

Morgan -"As much as I would like to end you here or explain my glorious purpose to annoy you, I have another issue that needs your immediate involvement."

Artoria -"Don't tell me, Lot left you for another woman. I knew it. I have always told you not to be a bitch, look how it has come back to bite it in your ass."

Morgan -"Hmpf! My marriage is very stable with King Lot. Unlike you, who is unable to find someone to settle with, I have a loving relationship with him."

Artoria -'Don't laugh! Don't laugh! Fuck!' *HaHaHaHa "Shit this must be the funniest thing I have heard all day."

Morgan -*HeHe*"At last I am not single unlike you. What is your age now, 34 or 35, Oh my! Can't seem to find a significant other."

Artoria -"I am truly immortal, and it is extra hard to find someone that can stand equal with me. Scratch that it is impossible to find someone that can stand equal to me. The last one that stood a chance was defeat me."

Morgan-"Let's stop this meaningless squabble. If I had no need of you, I would not have come here. Both of us can go on and on, but let's stop."

Morgan looking back seeing Merlin and Mordred busy with each other, created a concealment space with barrier magecraft added with fairy magic.

Artoria -"OK! Speak what you want to say."

Morgan -"I want you to take care of two things, the first is Habetrot and the other is Merlin."

Artoria -"Habetrot! ah! That little fairy. She should be here in the reverse side, spinning her wheel and weaving clothes. Now, you have made me remember her at a very good time, I should visit her soon."

Morgan -"Yeah! You should."

Artoria -"I plan to, and maybe you should too, She was very happy when you married Lot."

Morgan reminiscing about the past said with a smile. Morgan smile blossomed further remembering the little fairy that sew her Bridal gown.

Morgan -"Yeah! She was."

Artoria -"Well! Last time I met her she was forcing me to find someone to marry. Much to her dismay, she can't find anyone and left me saying to find a groom or a bride myself. That cheeky fairy has quite the guts you know to talk to me like that."

Morgan -"She has some truth you know. Habetrot is a fairy who thinks that brides have the right to be happy, she goes to support them however she can. Once she sends one off, she will immediately search for another, and even if she finds one nice bride and spots another, she will devote herself to both. She is a devoted soul. She puts the happiness of brides over her own well-being, truly a self-sacrificial fairy."

Artoria -"I know you love her a lot, so ever thought of stopping her self-destructing devotion?"

Morgan -"You can't stop her. I tried at least my other personalities tried. That was even before my marriage with King Lot. We couldn't, not when you face with such pure and genuine dedication. That little fairy will really kill herself if someone came between her and her brides. Funnily enough, later I was chosen as one of her brides."

Artoria -"So, have you met her recently, I meant after your marriage?"

Morgan -"No. As I, Morgan Le Fay is in control of the body. She blessed Morgan the human part in her marriage not Morgan Le Fay who is a bona fide witch. You can't even fool her, she is the other person beside you in this world, who can accurately tell which personality of mine is in control."

Artoria -"Oh! Afraid of showing your true self in front of one you consider your mother. Heh! Oh! How much we are alike sister."

Morgan -"In this occasion you are right, we do have similarities."

Artoria -"Anyway, why did you pull us away?"

Morgan -"I don't want Habetrot name fell in the ears of Merlin."

Artoria -"Well, I can agree with you on that. Also, what's wrong with Merlin?"

Morgan -"Everything! This lustful succubus is too dangerous left alone to roam the world. If anything she has earned hatred from me as well as my other personalities. Vivian went to kill this bitch but was unable to and couldn't trap her in Avalon with you present. So, do something about her. She is a person which should be locked away and then forgotten about."

Artoria -"She is not that bad. Maybe a little bit? Come on."

Morgan -"Did you listen to what just you said. You know any form of logic is lost to her. In the first place how did you keep someone like her in line?"

Artoria -"Hmm! I hook her with the future of humanity, and she bit it. She was always fascinated with a hero's journey, it was that easy, if anything humanity in every era there will always be someone who would have these grand dreams."

Morgan -"So you believe this handful of filth would keep her occupied? That's a stretch."

Artoria -"I have given her a job and that is to keep watch over humanity. That should definitely keep her busy for a while. "

Morgan -"How caring of you."

Artoria -"I know."

Before both of them can continue, Merlin with a glass of beer came beside the barrier and knocked gesturing both Merlin and Morgan to come out. Mordred and Alisa also approached the group.

Artoria -"I have already heard what my dear sister has to say. Now, let's listen to your concerns."

Merlin seeing Artoria near her took a step back and look at Artoria with a bit of trepidation.

Artoria -'No! No! No!'

Merlin -"Don't be angry, OK! You know I once gave a big penis."

Alisa -*gasp*

Artoria -*sigh* 'I hate this where it is going.' "Go on." *chugs the whole beer*

Merlin -*Breathes in* "You know I love doing pranks, cute boys and well not entirety of humanity but the world they would create." *Breathes out*

Artoria -"Just say it already."

Merlin -"You know I like boys and I love you as a friend, as a teacher and as my king. So, I was like what if, listen to me, what if I combine both of the aspects. Truly a genius idea that was which resulted in you with a dick."

Artoria -"I already know, and you already got punished for it."

Merlin -'I am going to die for this but here I go' "Well! By the grace of Gods, you have become a father well a mother, well basically a parent."

Hearing Merlin Artoria had the blank face with no emotions visible.

Artoria -"I will give you a chance to say that this is a joke."

Merlin -*HeHe* "That was my best night."

Merlin said with a smile give a thumbs up to Artoria. Morgan and Mordred hearing Merlin immediately pulled themselves further from Artoria. Mordred also while retreating pulled Alisa with her.

Artoria didn't even say a word, just manifested Excalibur on her only working hand.


Morgan -'Sometimes I feel pity for my sister. Well, just sometimes.'