

Nero has lived in the Shuri Forest his entire life. Thanks to a bear with an unending appetite and a high profile assassin, he is kicked out of house and home. Unsure of what to do, he decides to pack up and become a Retainer, making him a wanted man. Now, with the Peace Corps hot on his heels , will he be able to complete his mission, or die trying?

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88 Chs

What He Wished It Wasn’t! How And Why Was This Here?

Nero, Urs, and Ouran walked up to the bar in Middle District. "They'll probably meet us here eventually."

"You think so?"

"Yeah they'll probably check the Mold shop first then around the Middle district and then the bar."

The bar was full of lively folks. Sitting around each other. Guys and gals having a right old time. A guy slapped a girls butt and she turned around and slapped him making a guy at the bar jump up and roar with laughter. The bartender behind the bar smacked him in the head and they Glowed weapons. Slowly but surely one after the other people started to look over to Nero. Some had bags next to their table. Some had them in their hands or over their shoulder.

The guy with it over his shoulder stepped out in front of the rest onto the plaza seating area. He was wearing a Muddy brown shirt and even dirtier boots. His smirk sat above his broad chin. "Look at this guy! He's a kid with a kid." The rest of the bar broke out into laughter. "Another fool bewitched by fame and glory. Wanna be a hero?"

Ouran clinched his fists and gritted his teeth. Nero placed his hand on Ourans shoulder. "Come on I got a few Cardis. Lets see what kind of food they have in here." Ouran looked up at Nero and he placed a hand on top of his head pushing him in.

The man turned to his bar mates and then back to Nero. "Maybe he's going to order some milk and cookies." The bar broke out into another roar.

Nero looked over to the man. "They have milk and cookies!" A vein popped on the mans forehead. Nero looked over to the ordering counter. "Hey! We'll take the milk and cookies." Then he walked in looking over to the man and smiled. "Do you want some?"

The bar went quiet. Nero and Ouran walked to the ordering counter. The bartender walked around to them. "We do have milk and cookies if you want it, but the pie is better?"

"What do you say Ouran? Urs will eat whatever I give her."

"I don't care about dessert or sweets right now. We have to do something. That guy was making fun of us and everyone was laughing at us. We need to make them laugh at him, too."

"So, cookies?"

Nero searched for Ouran but he had disappeared. He found him storming out of the bar after the men that laughed at them. "Wait where'd he go?"

"I don't know? I guess he doesn't want any cookies and milk."

"I'm gonna go find him!" Ouran stomped out of the bar.

"Just make sure you're quick?"

"Is he going to be alright out there by himself?" The bartender asked.

"I don't know. So tell me about this pie.."

Ouran walked out of middle district murmuring to himself. "Nero is a coward. He can talk big in front of a few people but he gets scared when there are too many. He must be weak. That has to be it. That has to be what Icarus was talking about."

"In recognition of the great work these fine men and women are going to accomplish in the future. These unlawful citizens spit in the face of peace and the Peace Corps. The same Peace Corps that keep us and our families safe. Day in and day out they put their lives on the line." A crowd cheered.

Ouran stopped and headed in the direction of the cheers. "We have allowed them time enough to regret their actions in the pit and now it is time for the final judgement. When I pull this lever they will fully atone and accept the light allowing them to be reborn as a new light, brighter than before."

Ouran made it to the front of the Peace Corps walls and there was a large collection of people. In front of them was a large platform with eight men lined up next to each other with ropes around their neck. Ouran looked above them and all the ropes were inserted into a long metal beam. He ran his eyes across the beam to the end that the speaker was on. The man had his hands on a lever. Unable to believe what he was seeing Ouran walked forward and bumped into one of the onlookers.

He bumped into the man who he had left the bar to find but didn't notice it."Hey kid, watch where you're going?"

It was what he wished it wasn't. It was the pulley system his father and his brother worked on together. How and why was this here? What were they doing with it? Why did the Peace Corps have one?

"In three, two, one." Th announcer pulled the lever and slowly the rope at the very end pulled up bringing the man at the very end up with it. After his feet were lifted from the ground another man started to lift up. The next man shouted out curses before he was lifted up as well, the ropes strangling his voice and slurs.

"That could be you someday. Are you sure you want to do this?" The man looked down for Ouran but he was nowhere to be seen. A sudden gasp and a large laughter bursted from the crowd and the announcer alike. The man looked up and Ouran was on top of the pulley struggling to force the lever back down. He lifted his hands up and with his Glow daggers in hand he slammed them down over and over.

To Be Continued…

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