

Feng Lin, managed to find the Book of the World Ruler's Heirloom while studying his spiritual knowledge. On one of the pages of the book, it explained about unsealing the Dragon Demon. 100 years ago, the God of War had sealed the Dragon Demon. The Dragon Demon's presence had made life in the lower realms chaotic. Feng Lin had ambitions to rule the Eastern Plains. However, his steps must be hindered by Tang Xiu who hails from the Wu Dang sect. One of the four famous Yuan Detectives. Can Tang Xiu, who is assisted by one of the Wei High Level Swordsmen, stop Feng Lin's ambition of not awakening the Dragon Demon? What methods will Feng Lin take to further his ambition and get Tang Xiu out of his way?

Titik_Balik_Author · Oriental
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5 Chs


Wu Dang Sect, located on top of Shan mountain which was two kilometers away from the Capital, Yuan Empire.

Tang Xiu and the others had just entered the Wu Dang courtyard. The disciples who accidentally passed by them, immediately saluted.

Tang Xiu quickened his pace. Even with Lin Yan, Xiao Yuan and Ye Chen.

Meanwhile, in one room a man who was about fifty years old was looking at the array of books neatly displayed on the shelves.

Even though his age looked like a fifty-year-old man. However, his real age was almost a hundred years old. By using his internal energy, Shi Tian made himself younger than his real age.

"Uncle Master!" Tang Xiu also arrived without giving any advance notice.

He entered with his three companions. It could be said that they were like brothers.

"Ah, it's you guys. Did you guys successfully complete the task of killing the Black Spider?" asked Shi Tian casually.

In front of him was already a round table that was quite large in size and had about ten chairs. Shi Tian also sat on one chair. While Tang Xiu and the others remained standing.

"We have successfully killed Zhi Zhu. However, we couldn't bring his corpse here because it exploded on its own when we were in the hut at the end of the village," Tang Xiu explained calmly. He explained the results of the fight with Zhu a moment ago.

Shi Tian nodded while stroking his long white beard. "In that case, Zhi Zhu used his last weapon so that you can't bring his body here. What a cunning Black Spider Goddess."

"Then, do you have any other information? Did you find the victims?" asked Shi Tian again.

"There is Uncle Master," Ye Chen replied first.

"Zhi Zhu's victims were found in a cave located under a waterfall. It's quite far from where Zhi Zhu lives. In that cave, all the victims were just bones. So, we didn't confirm the victims one by one," Ye Chen explained further.

Shi Tian was quite surprised to hear the news. He didn't expect that the villagers who were kidnapped by Zhi Zhu were not only deprived of their life energy. However, all of their organs were also eaten. There was a possibility of that.

"Now what about the victims?"

"We've already buried all the bones of the victims," Lin Yan said.

"It's a relief that you've taken care of everything. Even if the victims don't return to their families. However, at least Zhi Zhu has been eliminated. We just need to ask the villagers whose family members are missing to let them go," Shi Tian concluded as he got up from his seat.

He carried his heavy steps toward the bookshelf not far from the round table.

"We have indeed succeeded in destroying Zhi Zhu. However, there are still many demons that haven't been caught yet," Shi Tian worried, which Tang Xiu and the others could also sense.

"Uncle Master is right. We can't just sit idly by. Right now, there are already five villages around the capital that are terrorized by demons. Many people who were looking for wood in the forest never returned," Tang Xiu explained again.

"It's true what Tang Xiu said. Those who didn't come back ranged in age from three to forty and were all male. Those who survived, would behave very strangely. Like people who don't recognize themselves." Lin Yan chimed in with Tang Xiu's words.

Shi Tian stroked his long white beard, turning around to look at his favorite disciples one by one.

"Then, you go to the village that's worst affected by the demons! Report to me as soon as you get information about the demons!" ordered Shi Tian firmly.

"Yes!" snapped the four together.

Tang Xiu, Lin Yan, Xiao Yuan and Ye Chen immediately left the room. The four of them had to prepare themselves in order to face the demons that were rampantly nodding humans. It was not uncommon for them to be killed by demons.

"Hurry back and bring victory," Shi Tian murmured hopefully.

There was no happier thing than the safe return of his disciples.

Furthermore, Shi Tian left the room as well. There was still sect business to be settled.


Tang Xiu was in his room. He had just finished changing his clothes. As he stood in front of the mirror, the image of fighting Zhi Zhu instantly replayed.

How great it was that Zhi Zhu could control the sword, made Tang Xiu think about it incessantly.

"Does the sword-controlling move really exist?" He muttered as he looked at his body with sword cuts.

It was still warm in his memory, how Zhi Zhu's sword continuously attacked him tirelessly and the burns on his abdomen, obtained when dodging Zhi Zhu's fire poison attack.



"Dage." Someone called out while knocking on the door.

Tang Xiu immediately straightened his clothes, but did not wear Wu Dang's regal robes. As the oldest disciple in Wu Dang, Tang Xiu had very high influence in the college.

Tang Xiu opened the door, "Little brother. What brings you here?"

Tang Xiu asked the beautiful woman, with jet-black hair flowing beautifully and supported by light makeup. Meanwhile, the girl flashed a faint smile.

"I wanted to give Dage some soup yesterday. I know, Dage has just completed the mission of killing Zhi Zhu. So, it would be nice if Dage ate the soup to warm up," the girl said with a seductive smile.

Tang Xiu didn't show any expression. He just blinked his eyes once, "Thank you. I'll eat it later." Tang Xiu took the tub with the bowl of soup and hot tea from the pretty girl's hand.

"Eat it while it's warm, so that your body is always healthy and vigorous," the girl babbled happily.

Who wouldn't feel happy standing near Tang Xiu? All the girls in Wu Dang idolized Tang Xiu. Feeling in awe of his good looks. However, Tang Xiu's attitude was always cold towards them.

"If there's no more business. I'll go see Uncle Master and the others," Tang Xiu said coldly.

Even so, the beautiful girl still liked him. The more Tang Xiu ignored her, the more he loved her.

"I actually want to come along. However..."

Before the girl's sentence was finished, Tang Xiu had already left without saying anything.

The tray he was carrying earlier, had already been put into the room. The beautiful girl saw that Tang Xiu didn't touch the soup at all.

Despite being ignored, the girl didn't get angry. A little upset there was, but not as much as her love for Tang Xiu.

After making sure Tang Xiu was fine. The girl waltzed away, but the direction of her path was different from Tang Xiu's.

Wonder what Tang Xiu will chat with Shi Tian about?