
The Swordsman called Kim

"Quite the unusual words coming from your mouth." Dori

"That's because I sensed they are getting closer." Guro replied nonchalantly

"You mean 'they'?" Dori put quite heavy tone on the 'they'.

"Yup, they infiltrated in the school already, pretty fast if I say so. It was supposed to be two weeks after today." Guro sat down on one of the chairs in the cafeteria

"Guro, what do you need from me?" A male student with a bamboo hat on his table asked

"Yo, just here to deliver the news about 'the organization', so yeah, can you show us your room? Or should we invite you to one of our rooms?" Guro put his arm over Dori's neck

"Ah, is that so? Then, let us go to my room... Should I gather up the forces as well?" The person picked up his bamboo hat and put it on his head

"After you."

The person just looked at Guro before walking in an alarming rate towards the block of dormitories.


"Seems like your room doesn't have anything special at all." Dori break the silence when they moved into the person's room

"This room is reserved for sleeping and studying afterall." The person put down his bamboo hat on the counter and sat down comfortably on one of the chairs

"When did they start moving?" The person asked seriously

"Today, in the morning, 20 June 1012" Dori replied

"This is suppose to happen after two weeks right?"

"Yup, didn't know why they got so worked up over the Protagonist and other plot relevant people" Guro shrugged

"Ugh... It's the arrival of both of you. You are unknown in the common world you know? That's why they got quite scared when you two just showed up out of nowhere."

"Yeah, we know that. That's why we did it isn't it?" Guro smirked at Dori

"Yeah, we are going to fucking eliminate their organization from the surface of earth" Dori's eyes glowed slightly

"I'll destroy the stem"

"And I'll destroy the roots" Dori smiled menacingly, except this time. It's not filled with bloodlust, but with excitement.

"I don't know why but this is surely going to be fun." The person said while grabbing his coat which is hanging on the back of the door. The coat have "Sword Ancestry" written on the back and a logo of Skull with left eye socket glowing blue and right eye socket glowing red.

"Sword Ancestry, The Swordsmaster, Kim .At your service" Kim revealed after putting on his bamboo hat

"You don't have to do that introduction everytime I introduce you to someone new..." Guro said

"This is Kim Ngom Huk, a swordsman I picked up during our separation." Guro pointed at Kim while looking at Dori

"And this is Dori, my best friend as well as my transport." Guro pointed at Dori while looking at Kim

"Pleased to meet you, Dori the Gift from the heavens."

"Please don't use that title, it's embarrassing... Well, pleased to meet you as well. Kim, the Swordsmaster."

Both of them shook each other's hands before stepping back.

"So when does the plan commence?" Kim asked

"No plans, we blow up their walls and fuck em up."

"Watch your language a bit Guro."

"Well, that is the backup plan if they managed to have every single barrier activated in their bases."

"More than one base? They are larger than I thought"

"Our country have 4 bases, while other places have a total of 41 excluding the ones in our country." Dori threw a file towards Kim, Kim catches it and started to read it

"That's all you need to know, the information is inside the files. Don't worry, even if your Clan got dragged into this so called war of ours, it won't have a single injured member."

Dori said while walking towards the door.

"Understood, I hope my clan members can be in use"

"I hope so too." Guro and Dori left Kim's room


Kim picked up his phone and dialed some numbers on it.

"Prepare to dispatch, your time have come. For our savior, Guro. You must succeed even if you will sacrifice your life."

"Yes sir, a total of 7 groups will dispatch tomorrow towards...?"

"I'll meet you all in the 'Training Arena'"

"Understood Swordsmaster. We must not disappointed our savior now."

"Yes, we must not disappoint our savior now."


1:30 PM 1/21/####

Guro and Dori was walking to the academy to attend another class. While walking through the hallway people kept on looking at them and whispering to each other.

"Do you think they are Gay?" A feminine voice made its way into Guro's enhanced ears

"I mean they look like a couple since they almost never separate. Guro seems like the one who is leading the relationship..."

"I also heard that Dori actually charmed a couple of men and women on his way to the academy..."

'What the fuck?' Guro and Dori thought simultaneously

Guro glared at the girls, and the girls immediately moved away.

"Tsk, I am better off single." Guro voiced his thought out.

"Don't take their words for real, man." Dori put his hand on Guro's shoulder

"You know how much I hate being misunderstood."

"Yeah,yeah. Just continue walking, we are almost late for class. They are not worth of our attention."

Guro and Dori kept on walking towards the classroom but Guro have a grumpy face on him why Dori feign indifference.


Guro sat down next to Dori, Dori pulled out a book and starts reading it. Since they are the last one to enter the class, they have to sit in the front.


Guro and Dori look at the direction of the voice and saw Victor, Devin and the two other girls.

Guro and Dori didn't even gave them any attention, Dori continued to read his book while Guro is thinking about how to improve his fighting style.

"Hey, I am talking to you both." Victor pointed at them both

"You need anything?" Guro asked nonchalantly

"It is best if you don't make any trouble in the school."

"Interesting, I thought you are the type of person who wouldn't care about anything but his image."

"That's because this school is going to be where I graduated from, I will not allow both of you ruin it's image which will ruin my image as well."

Guro look at him dead in the eyes, he then smiled. And laid comfortably at the back of the chair.


"It's Glint for you."

"What? Don't like the name your parents gave you or something?"

Victor's face darkens immediately after that.

"You don't have any worth to call me by my name."

"Mhm, I just want tell you that the girl you liked so much is going to another kingdom."




"Vrosu? You mean Vrosu is going to another kingdom?!" Victor slammed his table

"Well, yeah she is. Just wanna make sure you know about this cause she disappeared quite some time before."

'Guro, is it really necessary to tell him that?'

"Where. Which kingdom!"

"Calm down"

"How can you tell me to calm down when she is literally going to another kingdom?"

"Why are you so panicked? Are you afraid she got into a political marriage or something?" Guro smirked

"She's not?"

"Yeah she's not!" Guro clapped his hands

"Oh... So what is it about she going to another kingdom?"

"She is there to being sold by her family."


"Sold? Hahaha don't make me laugh."

"Sold as a slave that is. A servant at least."


"Aw c'mon, don't tell me you don't know their family problems right now? Don't you want to become a prince charming and save your princess right now?"

"No... How come you know this information."

"I have the IQ of an average human, so that's why I know."

"I felt like you are insulting us but I will use my family name against you if you dare to pull off any tricks."

"Tell me again, how did you get this information" Victor tried to grab Guro's collar but he grabbed nothing as Guro is nowhere to be seen.

"Relax, there's a reason I told you about this information right?"

"What is your reason, you want something from me right? Otherwise you would never told me this"

"I just want to see your reactio-

Immediately Victor tried to unsheathe his blade but in the middle of unsheathing the blad enad the sheathe got cut into half.

"I told you relax."

Victor's right cheek have blood dropping from the strike Guro inflicted. But Guro isn't carrying any weapon.

'What the hell. Did he... Just caused my blade and sheathe to be cut in half by his hand?'

Victor's guard is at the utmost limit as he stared at Guro and Dori.

"Ah sorry about your sword. Hopefully it's not an artifact."

"Anyway, I told you this information is because I wanted you to save her."


"She might not look like it, but she is a little sister to me." Guro's eyes soften

"You... Interacted with her before?"

"She never told you about me? A big bro?"

"She did mention that she misses her big bro a lot... But I thought it's because she misses her elder brother... But to think it's you."

"Well, congratulations you learnt something new!"

"Also, don't worry. She is not in any grave dange right now."

"But if she is a little sister to you, why would you want me to save her?"

"Well, I am doing you a good favor isn't it? Why don't you shut up and just save her, oh my god, Dori why is he so hard to talk to."

"You decided to take the negotiation first. Not me, if it were me, it would only last a couple seconds."

"Alright, alright. Keep on reading your book. Anyways, if she got any wounds on her. I will find you." Guro's killing intent came out and the entire room is heavy. Pressure is inflicted on Victor, but the other students also felt it due to them being too weak.

"Guro, Teacher is coming."

The room became normal again as the teacher step inside the room...

"I am instructor Ling, Ling Knefun. I am an Instructor that studies and research on magic."

"Ah fuck." Guro said

"Student Guro, you will stay out of this. You are now free from doing whatever you want. Go train and give us a good result."

The room became silent.

"Instructor isn't it unfair? Why is he the only one who gets to leave?"

"Headmaster's orders. Student Guro, your physical prowess is incredible, so we won't hold you back on you due to the absent of mana in your body." Ling said proudly

"..." Guro looked flabbergasted

"Alright... I'll be seeing y'all in the next lesson I guess."

Guro took his bag and looked at Dori. Dori nodded at him and Guro left the classroom.

"Alright Students, now look at the blackboard, tell me what do you know about mana."


Guro is walking down the hallway and saw Amber. Guro looked at her while Amber looks happy to see him.

"Wait, isn't it suppose to be Magic Theory right now? Why are you outside."

"Teacher told me to go train since I don't have a speck of mana in me."

"Is that so... Well, then I guess I won't kill you if I tried to drain you right?"

"Just because your draining touch sucks off mana doesn't mean it will not suck off vitality..."

"You are quite defensive against me... Why?"

"Because we are in the academy..."

"Oops, I kinda forgot about that one."


"Hello Student Guro, may I ask why are you outside the classroom as your instructor is teaching about Magic Theory?" Her attitude immediately changed but there is slight obsessiveness from her tone.

"Ah, president. It is because the teacher told me to give myself a self training as it is useless for a manaless to learn about Magic Theory."

"My apologies, it seemed like I tookd some of your time, please proceed to the training arena."

"It's nothing President. You are doing your job after all."

Guro and Amber went into their separated path.

"It seemed like they aren't even friends, just students..."

"I'll have to report this to the boss."

A shadow quickly left the scene, while leaving Guro looks towards the Shadow's direction and smirked while Amber frowned upon knowing it's existence.

'Seems like some of them infiltrated the academy already, I better tell Guro about this.'

Amber quickly went back into the Student Council room. While Guro is making his way to the training arena.


When he arrives, all he saw is black charred ground and multiple sword inflicted destruction on the ground. He look at the sky and saw two people fighting against each other while flying.

"Huh, didn't know Spirits and Cultivators also attend this academy, I guess that's why it is the best huh?"

'Or they are not students at all, since I didn't get any info about them from Dori'

Guro looked at them and saw that they are really into this fight as both of them are releasing a small amount of killing intent in each of their strikes.

The fire spirit kept on charging both of her forearms with flames and went close combat with the cultivator.

The cultivator kept on parrying the strike and saw that her sword is not keeping up, so she tried to coat the sword with her aura and VE(Vitality Energy)

Vitality energy is almost like QI but it is more on a defensive side compare to Qi which have more offensive capabilities. The reason behind the cultivator coating the sword with VE is probably due to her Qi almost running out.

Guro slowly approach the battlefield and both of the fighters saw his appearance.

"This is the academy's ground, I suppose both of you aren't from this academy right? I never saw your faces before." Guro smiled at them

The fire spirit looked at the Cultivator and the Cultivator looked at the fire spirit.

"Don't approach if you don't want to die." The fire spirit spoke out loud, Guro seemed to hear it fine as the fire spirit enhanced her voice to the point Guro and Cultivator can hear it from a distance

'Brat, you better leave now, or else you will die.' the cultivator sent a mental message to Guro

"Y'all aren't afraid I will tell the Instructors about this?"

The atmosphere become heavy, but Guro is still smiling. That smile slowly turn into a smirk.

"You better leave before I call the Instructor you know."

The two glared at Guro, the fire spirit tried to send a small fire ball at Guro to scare him off.

Guro slowly walked towards the direction of the fireball, the fire spirit frowned and redirect the fireball to hit the ground next to Guro.

But unfortunately, Guro appeared next to the fireball and kicked it towards the fire spirit. This action caught the fire spirit off guard and was hit in the head by the fireball.

"You better leave now." Guro's smirk slowly turned into a frown.

"Or else I'll throw you both out myself."

"Such arrogance!" The cultivator said to herself and slashed towards Guro, the sword energy pulsing towards Guro is several times faster than the fireball.

Guro dodged the strikes by stepping aside, while dodging the fire spirit seemed to recovered and send a fire bolt towards Guro out of anger.

Guro deflected the fire bolt towards the sword energies. The fire bolt perfectly jumped from sword energy to sword energy and perish all before travelling towards the Cultivator.

The cultivator send out another sword energy which is solidified by Qi and Ve. The fire bolt disappeared from the strike between the two while the sword energy continued to travel to Guro.

'Hmm, she still have some qi left in her. Oh well, time to end this. This is my playground right now.' Guro thought

Guro tensed up his leg, and jump to the sky, while passing through the sword energy, he did a swift roundhouse kick at it. Completely severing it into half before disappearing.

The cultivator seemed surprised and tried to counter attack by materliazint multiple sword manifestations nearby her and sending it to attack Guro.

Guro just tucked his hands in his academy uniform and starts to kick every single sword, severing them into half or just deflecting them. The fire spirit looked at the battle with a grin.

'Well, I guess I should just let this brat take care of this from now on-

Guro send multiple swords towards the Fire Spirits, she was caught off guard but still manage to conjur a barrier at the last second, the sword hit the barrier and fall down for a bit before dematerialize.

The fire spirit was angered but decided to calm down and conjur more barrier on her side, as she knows her power level is the same as Juliot, the cultivator she is fighting against. So she put her utmost into defending herself.

Juliot gritted her teeth when she saw that Selon, the fire spirit isn't going to counter attack, she started to put everything on the line here as she knows that the brat she is facing is going to kill her if given the chance to.

Juliot starts to put her hands together and chant in a language Guro can't comprehend. But by the sound of it, he knows that it is a skill that the cultivators uses. The swords nearby get glowed in golden light, while the aura of the sword starts vibrating. The cultivator have one angelic wing behind her and her eyes glowed in golden.

[Divine Intrusion]

'What. Isn't that a skill for Paladin, Priests and any people that is good with Light Energy? I thought Cultivators only uses Qi and Ve, seems like I understimated her. Well, let's get a bit serious.' Guro pulled at the air and the air cracks open revealing a beautiful silve revolver with one bullet floating next to it.

While Guro is reloading the revolver, Juliot spend no time wasting, and starts to use every single attacks she have on her side. Light beams, Sword Energies, Glowing Feathers, Giant hammer that is going to smash at Guro and even a Giant glowing armor is going to stab the earth with it's giant sword.

Guro finished reloading and saw the scene before him

'Woah, she really take me as a danger doesn't she?'

Guro swiftly dodges the attacks by mere inches and his movements are almost recognized as a dance while in mid air and approaching Juliot in dangerously quick speeds. The hammer almost hit Guro but Guro just shrugged and dodges it by turning his body to the left side, after dodging the hammer he was meet with a giant sword thst probably will strike earth as it is coming down vertically.

He smirked and did a drop kick in midair, which effectively stopped the sword from reaching him and the earth, the sword and the giant glowing armor is slowly disappearing due to the Juliot cancelling the skill as she knows that it is useless now.

Thousands of attacks heading his way again after that kick, he just looked at Juliot and finger gun at her.


In that one split second, he immediately bring out the gun from the cracked space and pointed at Juliot and pulled the trigger, above Juliot is a giant Target sign with a skull in the middle. The bullet travelled quick, quicker than any projectile that Juliot have sent towards Guro, in her last moments. He just saw a bullet penetrating her chest and a smirking young man.

'I am not strong enough...'

The fire spirit quickly skidaddled away, but was grabbed by Guro who flashstepped behind her. There is a 20km(12.4Miles) distance between them so Guro is a bit exhausted at this point due to the usage of flashstep.

"Oi, don't tell me you're going to run away after fucking up my place like this."

"Go to hell!" Selon smirked and blasted his face with her strongest skill.

[Flames that burned the heavens]

Purple flames came out form her hands and Guro didn't have any time to dodge the strike so he just took it point blank.

"Hahaha, no matter how strong you are. You will starts to die as this flames feeds on..."

Guro's appearance didn't change a bit as the purple flames didn't even lasted a single second on him, but sadly his naked now as the flames actually burned the academy uniform as the uniform have an identity system.

"Aw c'mon man, my uniform is gone now..."

Selon looked at his face before letting her gaze wander somewhere...

Guro notices this and grabbed her head facing to the sky.

"I didn't know you are a pedophile..." Guro make a disgusted face

"I am not!" Selon exclaimed loudly

"Not to mention, you have abs and you looked like you are above 18!" Selon starts to throw childish tantrum

"Miss, I am only 17 years old. I hope you can erase the memory of my abs..."

Selon closed her mouth and starts to think about Guro's abs, she flustered and the temperature nearby her starts to rose.

Guro noticed this and increased his grip on her head as he thought that she is trying to escape.

"Ow, ouch! That hurts, stop!" She exclaimed and hold onto Guro's forearms with each hands.

"Oh, it hurts? Glad to hear that." Guro loosen his grip

Selon looked at him with an almost crying face.

"Don't look at me like that, if given the chance and I am weak, I would've died back there."

"That's because you didn't listen to our warning and stepped forward!"

"Well, there is two option for you and the cultivator now."

Selon looked at the body that seemingly appeared next to Guro.

"She is alive?!"

"Yeah, the bullet I injected her with isn't anything serious, at most she will lose the ability to think for a couple of months."


"Why are you acting like this for an enemy?"

"It's because we are having a sparring lesson, and you just came in and ruined everything."

"You both are students?"

"Yes! We are both from the academy."

"But how come I never knew about you two. Compared to other seniors, you are both strong."

"That's because..." Selon didn't spoke

"Oh. I understand now, the reason behind it might be so big that headmaster hid you both?"



"Not as interesting as you, how did you achieve this kind of level of combat without mana?! And also, are you a manaless?!"

"Oh, yeah I am. A manaless."

"How is your body this strong?!"

"Not only my body you know. My techniques are extraordinary as well."

And somehow, Selon thought about the dirty things before shooking her head and concertrating on Guro

"What do you mean by techniques?"

"Ah, you gotta make sure you increase my bond level before you can ask anything about that." Guro smirked at her

'Hah, as if I would tell you.'

And Selon took it seriously.

"Well. Where we going for our first date?"






"What do you mean by first date? I mean by being friends not romantically you know... You really are a pedophile aren't cha?"

Selon tensed up and her face turned red, she refuses to look at Guro.

"Enough talking, I'll take this cultivator to the academy hospital now."

Guro grabbed Juliot by the back collar and tried to leave


"Selon is my name" she shouted

Guro exit the training arena and went to the hospital with Juliot on his shoulder.