
The Start of Week Four

"Not a problem." Maria started up the vehicle and quickly drove out of the parking lot.

While Maria was speeding down the road, she and Arthur were talking about various things, such as what she was doing in the game and how they were progressing.

"So what have you been up to?" Maria asked. She slowed down the car because she thought she saw a police vehicle in the distance. "I haven't seen you around since the thieves guild."

"I'm just in the next city over." Arthur responded, "I just finished off the class quests for the rangers guild."

"You've joined another one?" Maria asked with a confused expression. "Are you going to use even it?"

"I might, I'm not sure just yet. Honestly, I just grabbed it for the bonus stats." Arthur responded, "I'll be doing the wizard college's class quest later too for the intelligence bonus."