
Smoke From The Camp

While the disguised soldiers left the cooking area, Mayor Lazo remained, absorbing every snippet of information that could hold a clue or an opportunity to further their mission.

His keen ears caught the arrival of an unexpected visitor. He subtly positioned himself to listen in on the conversation unfolding near the cooking area, his curiosity piqued.

A young soldier, adorned with the distinct uniform of Barlia, approached the Inverloch cooks. He wore a polite smile on his face as he made his request. "Excuse me, comrades. I hope you're all faring well. I was wondering if you have any spare ingredients, particularly some onions and herbs, that you could spare for my camp?"

The Inverloch cook, a stout and amiable man furrowed his brow. He paused for a moment before responding with a hint of scepticism. "You guys don't have enough food? Shouldn't you guys keep track of the amount of food you have to sustain your big army?"