

The story is about a 23-year-old young lady, Eliana Cole. After a tragic car accident, the young girl was declared dead. But she wakes up, for everyone's amazement but loses completely her memory. Eliana is completely detached from her past and makes new friends and a New life. Every time she feels disappointed or feels alone, she chooses to leave the city and go to another one to restart for a new life. Love doesn't take long to appear. She falls in love with a young man, who will completely disappointed her. Dramatic moments appear in her life that will completely change her. She will meet someone from her past who will remind her everything. What will be her reaction? What will she choose? Will she continue with her new life or will turn to the past?

DIANAeM · Fantaisie
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6 Chs


Downtown Detroit was known for its impressive historic architecture. The skyscraper buildings defied the laws of height, which were truly amazing.

The surrounding parks were different from what I had seen before.

I finally entered a huge park with historical monuments.

"I never imagined I'd end up in a city like this. It's really gorgeous." My gaze wandered everywhere admiring every detail of that park.

'It's not so amazing for us. We've been living here for a lifetime. We're already used to what you call "gorgeous." - Nico told me bored.

'Hey! Don't be naughty. We should take her to visit as many beautiful places as possible. For someone who has just come to town, the surroundings look like the future. ' Nerina's mischievous voice silenced Nico.

"Stop arguing, friends. I'll have a long time to visit the city. I just told you I want to stay here." - I told them full of energy.

'You mean you're not going home anymore? Won't you miss your family and friends? ' Nico's curiosity completely changed my mood.

"I have no one to return for!" - I said coldly and with my eyes fixed on the sky.

Nerina was sad for a moment, understood the idea and she wanted to changed the subject quickly so as not to completely lose my good energy.

Nico thought about the answer I gave him and continued his idea.

'Did your parents die? Don't you have any more brothers or sisters? ' Nerina adjusted her voice, looking desperately at him, hoping to silence him. She nudged him subtly and then she came up with an idea.

"What if you don't keep being so curious and take Eliana to the museum?" Nerina tried to change the subject again so as not to upset me and kept staring at Nico, making him understand that it was probably a sensitive subject for me that I would not want to talk about.

Trying not to lose my temper, I accepted Nerina's offer to go to the museum.

"Let's not waste time and go. I like going to the museum. I was planning to visit places with cultural specifics, especially since this city is known for that. I'm very happy that I have company and that I don't have to go alone . " Immediately my mood returned and the three of us went to the museum.

'If we keep talking about the company ... What do you tell us about you and Mr. Adams? You always tell us how careful he is with you. ' Nerina looked at me curiously and with great interest.

"Oh my God! There's nothing between me and Brian. He's just a very kind guy. He always greets me when we meet. And sometimes we joke. There was even a little teasing between us, in the sense that when he's interested in something he calls me "Miss Cole." However, I don't find anything strange about it." Shamed by her idea, I put my head on the ground and continued on my way.

'I don't think it's just kindness for guests. He seems to have feelings for you. Not necessarily love, just friendship. The fact that he always wants to talk to you and is interested in what you do indicates that it is not just kindness. Maybe he'll do this just with you. '

Stop! I do not believe this. He's just respectful. Although ... " I try to deny her statements, although she made me think about it intensely, maybe she was right.

' What? I'm right, isn't it? Let us know what else you said, we're curious. Maybe as you tell the story, you realize I'm right. ' Nerina laughed and waited curiously to find out my conversations with the receptionist.

"I hope it's not true. But, for example, first night that I came, he suggested me to not go for a walk because I might get lost. Then in the morning he told me he didn't see me at the dining room, sign that he looked after me, then, before I met you he admired my outfit and he was upset that I was in a hurry. He probably wanted to talk more ... " - My mind was trying again to deny the facts, but somehow I only realized that Nerina's statements were True.

'I can't believe. I find it very nice of him. I'd love to see him at least. I want to see what he looks like and what boy has hidden feelings for my friend. ' Nerina was very excited about the news.

"What if all three of us went to the hotel pool tomorrow to have fun and in that way you can see the receptionist." This idea seemed undeniable to me and I was very excited.

'Unfortunately I can't come, girls! I can't stay even now. I can just accompany you to the museum and then I have to go to training. Have fun and I hope to see you soon. ' Nico's attitude had changed abruptly, probably because he remembered at the last minute that he had something to do.

'Your loss. I haven't been swimming for a long time. ' Nerina looked at him confused, not understanding why he suddenly changed his mind.

'Maybe another time girls, now I have to go. See you later maybe. Have fun!' Arriving in front of the museum, Nico runs away to the house.

"Training? Did he play any sports?" This time the curiosity was on my part.

'Nico is part of the best basketball team in town: Michigan Wolverines. He is very good at this and dedicates a lot of time to training. But these days he decided not to train just to spend time with us. ' Nerina seemed confused by Nico's decision to leave.

"Impressive. I don't know why I didn't realize it because his height was too high." We both started laughing and went in to buy tickets for visit to the museum.

The museum was huge. It was like an endless maze. To understand, it was a museum with wax exhibits and personalities who have left their mark on US history. These could be seen holographically.

Of all the wax sculptures, a statuette of a lady impressed me greatly. It was different from the rest, in the sense that it was locked in a lighted window, where access was forbidden. And I got closer to see the details.

"Who is this lady in wax?" I asked curiously.

'She is a baron's wife who died in the war saving her children. Surely you've heard of her. The news even reached Europe. It was the most publicized news of that period. And every year, on October 13, a parade is held in honor of the heroes of those times. '

"That's a few days from now, isn't it? The parade is in this town? I'd love to see it." I was very excited about the news and I really wanted to see for the first time a parade with such a great importance.

'We will go together. Nico and I participated in one year. It was a tiring but very emotional day. '

"Wow, I think it was an unforgettable day for you. It's nice to see people chanting and applauding the parade you're attending." I was surprised and wanted more details.

Unfortunately, it was already closing time and we soon had to leave the building. It was already 6 o'clock in the evening. Usually all the tourist points closed at that time.

"It was great to go with you to this place. Today was full of good cheer and fun. Tomorrow we'll start over."

'I really had a full day. I really like being in your company. You are very funny and charismatic. Your body constantly emits good energy. ' she told me, smiling like a small child.

"You're exaggerating. I think you're the one who gives me a very good mood. I'm glad we spent time together. I can't wait for tomorrow."

'A new day, a new fun!' She exclaimed with a wide smile.

"See you tomorrow then. A quiet evening. I'm waiting for you to call me." I shouted for her while I waved goodbye.

I entered the hotel where I turned my eyes to Brian who was already very busy with some new guests. Brian saw me too and seemed to want to talk to me.

I would have stayed to talk, but I remembered what Nerina and Nico were speculating and I hurried to the elevator so as not to start discussions. In the hallway I met Mr. Walter, who, for my surprise, was in a very good mood.

'Have a quiet evening, Miss Cole. If you need to have dinner tonight, we'll be waiting for you in the dining room, the "M" key on the elevator will take you right there. ' He was full of positive energy for the first time, so I didn't want to miss this miracle and I spoke to him just as respectfully.

"I would really need it, Mr. Walter, because I have just returned from the city and it would be more convenient for me to eat in the hotel's private restaurant."

'At 7 PM. The table is reserved. ' - said the valet shortly and returned to his business.

"Tomorrow I'll need some towels, if it possible. I'll spend the day at the hotel pool with a friend." - I said confidently.

Mr. Walter did not stop on his way and looked back, nodding as if he understood what he had to do.

>> It was a fun day. And full of all kinds of curiosities ... << - I said to myself as I entered the room.