
restart at life

Life never goes your way, no matter the end result you always look back and think 'I wish I could do that differently' or 'what if I did this instead. But what if someone could go back, what would they do….

Harrison_D_Finke · Politique et sciences sociales
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3 Chs

chapter 1

Life never goes your way, no matter the end result you always look back and think 'I wish I could do that differently' or 'what if I did this instead. But what if someone could go back, what would they do….



"Yawn" dam I hate my life. Those were the thoughts of Alex Andrew, currently the lowest a person could be(besides homless/poverty).

He was an average person, no, whatever is less than average. He grew up in the suberb part of Brisbane Australia with good parents and a great older brother. But life isn't fair and Alex found that out early. His dad died when Alex was 6 due to Alex himself, or what he tells himself. He had forgotten his AFL(Australian football league) jersey in the lockers back at the football club and his dad went to get them, but.

He never came back…

The police came later that day to inform a tragic traffic accident and that his father would no longer be with them. Alex was distress and… he blamed himself. Due to that his studies throught primary and high school were below average and his older brother's aswell due to his own distress and him taking a job to help support their mother.

Due to alexes reclusive nature after the accident he never made any friends and always stayed away. He quit AFL shortly after the accident as all it did was remind him of his father.

He never went to collage due to lack of funds and his grades never being up to standards. His brother did and graduated a while ago to get a job. It wasn't good but was simply odanary.


Present day;

As Alex groggely got out of bed he limped to his wardrobe to get dressed and slowly got ready for work. He opened the door and looked at his phone "shit! I'm late again" as he hurriedly ran down his apartment stairs he didn't bother to notice that he left his door open. As he ran to the nearest bus station he noticed the huge crowd walking through the streets.

He ran past people occasionally bumping into people who yelled at him. He didn't have time but still apologised to the people him hit and continued on as he almost made it to the bus stop he noticed that he almost ran into a pole and dogged to the right. "Close call"

It was a close call but as Alex noticed his surroundings he found he was on the road he hurriedly turned to the side walk only to hear a loud crash as a Optimus prime looking truck slammed into him….

You might think his life is over…. And even Alex thought that as he pondered in his mind. But he was wrong. "Arggghhhh" Alex woke up with a scream as his eyes darted around this wasn't the afterlife, or was it? "It looked like a hospital." "You are correct Alex, this is a hospital" the doctor said to Alex in a worried tone.

"You had an accident on the road and we're hit by a truck, you are lucky we got to you in time but… your… your legs are gone."

"What?"that was all Alex could think he looked down only to see his legs missing.

As the days went by Alex was discharged from the hospital in a wheelchair with his brother pushing him gently along. " let's go back to your apartment Alex" his brother said. And they did, but when they got there saw his door wide open.

With shock on his face Alex wheeled into his apartment to see it had been ransacked. All thing presiouse in money gone and all thing presiouse in heart like photos broken. "Michele le..e.ve m..m..e alone for awhile." Alex stated.

Michele tried to refuse but only to leave eventually. As hours went by Alex cried and held the broken pieces of his father and him together in a picture that was smashed.

Realising he had nothing to live for anymore as he was useless he decide to lessen the stress on his mother and brother. He existed his apartment and rolled to the nearest tall building with an elevator. As went along he saw the looks of pitty all around him, it only made him feel more useless

As he reached a building he wheeled into the elevator and rose to the highest point. As he existed the elivator he rolled to a stair case leading to the roof. He new he couldn't make it up with his wheel chair so he dropped down and dragged himself step…by…step.

As he reached the door to the windy roof he opened it and dragged himself to the edge.

Looking down he took a deep breath and….


Thanks for reading😊