
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime et bandes dessinées
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87 Chs

To choose a path

Silver Fox nodded as she sat down Still staring at Victor Creed, she was not sure, something looked off about him. Apart from the fact he was making no sound. It was a moment later she realized what was wrong, he was slowly growing, then shrinking, or more correctly, all his joints were being pulled apart, then forced back together, this was happening repeatedly.

"Steph, you are going to scare her." The man suddenly spoke to the woman.

"Just a little longer, she has no idea what he was planning, I do." Answered the woman with a gleam of hatred in her eyes and grin on her lips as a crunching sound was heard from Victor, then blood started to run down his leg.

David felt like crossing his legs after he saw that.

Gaining some idea of what Steph meant, Silver Fox stared at Victor Creed in disbelief, "Why? Why would you want too?"

Steph relaxed her power around Victor's vocal cords, apart from a grunt of pain he said nothing.

"James, would you like to come in? You might as well hear it all." Said David, his eyes seemed to be looking at something outside the wall of the cabin.

Victor's body then bent into the shape of a box, the sound his bones breaking would be something Silver Fox would recall whenever she thought about what he might have done to her.

"You can just step over him, the one being so considerate as to give you more room is my lover Stephenie, I am David. Hi!"

Moving into view was a 160 cm tall young man with blue eyes, black hair with mutton-chop sideburns, he seems well-muscled but very lean. The most notable thing was that he had a bone claw coming out from between each of his knuckles. For some reason David felt he had less presence than he was expecting, maybe that was expected, he had not lived through many hardships yet.

"Silver Fox, to answer you, Victor will give you one of the following two answers, one would be he was using James as a surrogate for his brother that he terrorized on each birthday, a brother that is dead now. Another would be was obeying the orders of Romullus, a young would-be mastermind."

"Stop calling me James Bub, my name is Logan. Fox, you okay?" said Logan as his eyes finally left the pathetic form of Victor and looked over Silver Fox.

Nodding a little Silver Fox looked towards David, "Thanks to them I am. You said you had a proposal once Logan arrived?"

"Yes, you see the two of you are in danger, Romullus, among others, knows about you, and they have nasty ways to make you work for them. Not limited to cutting up your brain Logan and letting it heal without memories. Me? I want you to work for me as well, but I plan on making a civil offer with proper benefits."

"I have various ways to enhance you, some hurt a hell of allot, some barely tingle. Also, you would obviously be paid for your services, and you would be provided housing. Now I can take the cabin with or provide you with more modern housing. The only non-negotiable part is where you stay, that would be on one of my islands, and in your case, I would suggest on my one."

"And if we do not accept?" this surprisingly came from Silver Fox.

"Nothing." Answered both David and Steph. "It is an offer, not a threat. If you refuse, I can offer you something to be able to contact me if you ever need us, but that is declinable as well." Elaborated David.

"Are we a set pair?" glancing at Logan Silver Fox asked, "He likes to roam."

"No, I would happily accept you alone Silver Fox, with the same benefits and conditions. Although Logan visiting would need a little warning. No offense but his mind is an open book and I would like to avoid anyone reading about us." David said as he looked to the side, "Enough Steph, just end him already."

A low crunching could be heard as Victor Creed became nothing more than pulp that hung in the air, then suddenly started burning until nothing but flakes were left.

"I agree to join you, but allow me time to talk to Logan, his path is his to decide, return in the morning if that is okay?" asked Silver Fox as she looks to Logan who had said very little since the start.

"Sure." Said David as both he and Steph walked out.

David created a new door as he left, feeling the couple needed private time.